Hacker News
- The revolving door: greasing the wheels of the TTIP lobby http://corporateeurope.org/revolving-doors/2015/07/revolving-door-greasing-wheels-ttip-lobby 7 comments
- National Front joins anti-TTIP lobby http://www.euractiv.com/sections/trade-society/national-front-joins-anti-ttip-lobby-314684 28 comments europe
- Major pharma and finance corporations dramatically boosted lobbying efforts to support TTIP http://www.eureporter.co/frontpage/2015/07/14/major-pharma-and-finance-corporations-dramatically-boosted-lobbying-efforts-to-support-ttip/? 40 comments worldnews
- Who lobbies most on TTIP? Of the 560 lobby encounters that the Commission had – in consultations, stakeholder debates and behind closed doors meetings – 520 (92%) were with business lobbyists. http://corporateeurope.org/international-trade/2014/07/who-lobbies-most-ttip 11 comments europe
- Die Ölindustrie will das geplante Freihandelsabkommen TTIP nutzen, um Klimaschutz-Vorschriften auszuhebeln. Vor allem die mächtige Lobby aus den USA legt sich dafür kräftig ins Zeug. [SZ] http://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/oelindustrie-und-freihandel-angriff-auf-den-klimaschutz-1.2052801 5 comments germany
- TTIP: Chevron lobbied for controversial legal right as 'environmental deterrent' - US oil company wanted EU-US trade deal to give foreign investors the legal right to challenge government decision, documents show http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/apr/26/ttip-chevron-lobbied-for-controversial-legal-right-as-environmental-deterrent 5 comments worldnews
- Cecilia Malmström, recently proposed as EU's Commissioner for Trade, and the one who will lead TTIP negotiations with US, has been helping US lobbying against the EU data protection/privacy law https://www.accessnow.org/blog/2014/09/27/big-brothers-little-helper-inside-the-european-commission 46 comments worldnews
- TTIP Already 'Rewriting the Rule Book' for EU Food Standards, New Report Finds: Campaigners say that corporate lobbyists, buoyed by the pending trade agreement, are already lobbying against key food safety measures http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/10/18/ttip-already-rewriting-rule-book-eu-food-standards-new-report-finds 29 comments europe
- TTIP Already 'Rewriting the Rule Book' for EU Food Standards, New Report Finds: Campaigners say that corporate lobbyists, buoyed by the pending trade agreement, are already lobbying against key food safety measures http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/10/18/ttip-already-rewriting-rule-book-eu-food-standards-new-report-finds 577 comments worldnews
- TTIP: a corporate lobbying paradise - Which businesses are pushing most for the proposed EU-US trade deal? Who’s influencing EU negotiators? Corporate Europe Observatory’s eight new info-graphics reveal the corporate lobby behind the TTIP talks. http://corporateeurope.org/international-trade/2015/07/ttip-corporate-lobbying-paradise 6 comments europe