- New theory on Satoshi Nakamoto None 11 comments btc
- Satoshi Nakamoto has a statue https://www.statueofsatoshi.com/ 35 comments cryptocurrency
- Netflix should make a tv show about Satoshi Nakamoto https://satoshifiles.substack.com/p/birth-of-bitcoin 81 comments bitcoin
- Another court case fails to unlock the mystery of bitcoin’s Satoshi Nakamoto https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/aug/06/another-court-case-fails-to-unlock-the-mystery-of-bitcoins-satoshi-nakamoto 27 comments cryptocurrency
- Michael Saylor Says He Thinks Satoshi Nakamoto's Anonymity Is a Gift to the Human Race (short audio clip) https://podclips.com/c/hRBxz7?d=2022-06-05&ss=r&ss2=bitcoin 14 comments bitcoin
- Binance CEO CZ now worth more than Satoshi Nakamoto https://www.bitcoininsider.org/article/142838/binance-ceo-cz-now-worth-more-satoshi-nakamoto 11 comments cryptocurrency
- Satoshi Nakamoto Launched The Bitcoin Network Exactly 13 Years Ago Today https://zycrypto.com/satoshi-nakamoto-launched-the-bitcoin-network-exactly-13-years-ago-today/ 18 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin's Unknown Creator Satoshi Nakamoto Is Now the 20th Wealthiest Person on Earth https://thehackposts.com/bitcoins-unknown-creator-satoshi-nakamoto-is-now-the-20th-wealthiest-person-on-earth-featured-bitcoin-news/ 23 comments cryptocurrency
- Satoshi Nakamoto Is Now the 20th Wealthiest Person on Earth https://news.bitcoin.com/bitcoins-unknown-creator-satoshi-nakamoto-is-now-the-20th-wealthiest-person-on-earth/?utm_source=onesignalpush&utm_medium=notification&utm_campaign=pushnotifications 34 comments cryptocurrency
- Satoshi Nakamoto Statue Unveiled in Hungary https://thecoin.news/post/39408 61 comments cryptocurrency
- The Bogdanoff Twins Claim They Participated in Helping Satoshi Nakamoto Build Bitcoin https://news.bitcoin.com/the-bogdanoff-twins-claim-they-participated-in-helping-satoshi-nakamoto-build-bitcoin/ 34 comments cryptocurrency
- What do you think of this? Is this guy full of it? Does it matter if we know who Satoshi Nakamoto is? Lawsuit could weigh in on who’s the inventor of bitcoin—why it's such a mystery — CNBC https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/24/uk-bitcoin-copyright-lawsuit-the-mystery-behind-bitcoins-creation.html 22 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin Hits Another High Of $64,000, Creator Satoshi Nakamoto Happens To Worth More Than China's Richest Man https://www.globaltrends.us/2021/04/bitcoin-hits-another-high-of-64000.html 4 comments economy
- BTC & BCH? Who is the true will of Satoshi Nakamoto? https://read.cash/@arslankhalid/btc-bch-who-is-the-true-will-of-satoshi-nakamoto-8eae2081 31 comments btc
- Something seems familiar here between "BlackNet" abstract authored by Caig Wright in 2001, and the Bitcoin whitepaper abstract authored by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoincashSV/comments/ap9u3z/something_seems_familiar_here_between_blacknet/ 65 comments btc
- Satoshi Nakamoto - Joins the legendary league of famous personalities to create history https://coinfrenzy.io/satoshi-statue-support-kiev/ 4 comments ethereum
- Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6xx2p0/could_satoshi_nakamoto_be_mike_hearn/ 115 comments btc
- How the NSA identified Satoshi Nakamoto – Alexander Muse – Medium https://medium.com/@amuse/how-the-nsa-caught-satoshi-nakamoto-868affcef595 13 comments btc
- Could Satoshi Nakamoto destroy BCore by dumping all of his coins? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6wfg8y/could_satoshi_nakamoto_destroy_bcore_by_dumping/ 16 comments btc
- Who Controls Ethereum? (and what it means for Bitcoin) by Daniel Krawisz of the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute http://nakamotoinstitute.org/mempool/who-controls-ethereum/ 12 comments btc
- Something wild seems to be brewing with the Satoshi Nakamoto as Craig Wright story! https://forum.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-discussion/something-wild-is-brewing-with-the-satoshi-nakamoto-as-csw-story-t8082.html 25 comments btc
- Forget Satoshi Nakamoto, are we sure this is the real Craig Wright? http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ee189834-12a0-11e6-91da-096d89bd2173.html 20 comments btc
- Craig Wright’s claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto come under fire http://www.economist.com/news/briefings/21698066-onus-on-craig-wright-provide-better-evidence-satoshi-nakamoto?fsrc=scn/tw_ec/craig_wright_s_claims_to_be_satoshi_nakamoto_come_under_fire 9 comments btc
- Videos of Vitalik and Gavin debating on who Satoshi Nakamoto is at Consensus 2016 https://forum.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-discussion/vitalik-and-gavin-debate-on-who-is-satoshi-nakamoto-at-consensus-2016-t7579.html 3 comments btc
- Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, is revealed to be Australian Craig White http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-36168863?bbc 10 comments worldnews
- Satoshi Nakamoto Unmasked (Again!) https://forum.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-discussion/satoshi-nakamato-unmasked-again-t5439.html 5 comments btc
- Why the Bitcoin Lightning Network is Satoshi Nakamoto’s Worst Nightmare. https://cryptowhale.medium.com/why-the-bitcoin-lightning-network-is-satoshi-nakamotos-worst-nightmare-8402be4a4e73 52 comments btc
- The founder of Bitcoin will have a statue in Budapest - The bust of the person known under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto will be made of life-size bronze. https://www.mysanantonio.com/business/article/the-founder-of-bitcoin-will-have-a-statue-in-16200059.php 42 comments cryptocurrency
- Court rules in favor of Roger Ver in Craig Wright’s Satoshi Nakamoto defamation lawsuit https://cryptoslate.com/court-roger-ver-craig-wright-satoshi-nakamoto-defamation-lawsuit/ 12 comments btc
- The only time Satoshi ever got upset was bytemaster challenging bitcoin as a payment system "If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry." S. Nakamoto. bytemaster described EXACTLY what Blockstream is trying to do, Satoshi COMPLETELY rejected it. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=532.msg6269#msg6269 85 comments btc
- 13 years ago today Satoshi Nakamoto kickstarted the network by mining the genesis block. Ge started the genesis block on Saturday 3 January 2009 at precisely 1:15 p.m. (EST), and since then more than 700,000 blocks have been mined into existence https://blockchaintimes.news/2022/01/03/kickstarting-the-bitcoin-network-a-look-at-the-genesis-block-and-source-code-that-sparked-a-financial-revolution/ 13 comments cryptocurrency
- Remember: Vitalik Buterin has the largest crypto reference in the world while Satoshi Nakamoto remains anonymous. This guy fucks https://thegoaspotlight.com/2021/12/19/he-is-27-years-old-has-a-fortune-of-usd-1-5-billion-he-is-a-global-crypto-star-and-he-came-to-argentina-to-see-inflation-closely/ 22 comments cryptocurrency
- Craig Wright Offers Up His Codecademy Profile As Irrefutable Proof Of His Identity As Satoshi Nakamoto https://thehodltimes.net/2018/12/15/craig-wright-offers-up-his-codecademy-profile-as-irrefutable-proof-of-his-identity-as-satoshi-nakamoto/ 27 comments btc
- "I would have to air a lot of disclaimers about the risks of using a minority version. This is a design where the majority version wins if there's any disagreement, and that can be pretty ugly for the minority version and I'd rather not go into it" - Satoshi Nakamoto https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9wh68h/i_would_have_to_air_a_lot_of_disclaimers_about/ 16 comments btc
- Satoshi Nakamoto Revealed: Stylometry & Bootstrapping Proof, Claims UK Nonprofit https://news.bitcoin.com/satoshi-nakamoto-revealed-stylometry-bootstrapping-proof-claims-uk-nonprofit/ 7 comments btc
- The original transaction format as designed by Satoshi Nakamoto opens with a version field. The design of having a version number implies that the designer wanted to use hard forks for changes. https://zander.github.io/posts/Flexible_Transactions/ 47 comments btc
- Cryptic message from Paul LeRoux (i.e. possibly Satoshi Nakamoto) to Roger — with Roger liking the message. Hmmm.... 🤔 https://twitter.com/SolotshiNakamot/with_replies 18 comments btc
- “My Reveal” By Satoshi Nakamoto As told to Ivy McLemore Part I The Origins of Bitcoin and My Pseudonym https://satoshinrh.com/ 10 comments technology
- Australian police raid the home and offices of reported Bitcoin creator: Craig Steven Wright was raided just hours after (probable) outing as Satoshi Nakamoto. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/12/australian-police-raid-the-home-and-offices-of-reported-bitcoin-creator/ 21 comments technology
- Will O'Brien: 8 years ago today, Satoshi Nakamoto published the #bitcoin whitepaper. "I've been working on a new non-cash electronic settlement layer that's fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party" https://twitter.com/willobrien/status/793108701213175809 9 comments btc