- Who Can Stop The Supreme Court? https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/who-can-stop-the-supreme-court/ 7 comments politics
- Supreme Court should stop companies from spying on consumers http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/technology/324733-supreme-court-should-stop-companies-from-spying-on-consumers 4 comments technology
- The Supreme Court's clear message to President Trump: Stop https://edition.cnn.com/2020/12/11/politics/trump-turmoil-supreme-court/index.html 3 comments politics
- Trump says he'll go to Supreme Court to stop votes from being counted https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/524404-trump-says-hell-go-to-supreme-court-to-stop-votes-from-being-counted 188 comments politics
- Supreme Court again tackles whether to stop partisan gerrymandering https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-supreme-court-gerrymander-partisan-20190326-story.html 9 comments politics
- No, the Supreme Court Won’t Stop a Runaway President https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/06/26/no-the-supreme-court-wont-stop-a-runaway-president-218897 130 comments politics
- Supreme Court won’t stop Arkansas execution: reports http://thehill.com/homenews/news/330344-supreme-court-wont-stop-arkansas-execution-reports 7 comments politics
- Supreme Court Will Not Stop Execution of Troy Davis http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/22/us/final-pleas-and-vigils-in-troy-davis-execution.html?hp 4 comments politics
- Trump falsely claims he has won election and demands Supreme Court stops more ballots being counted https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/trump-won-election-ballots-count-supreme-court-biden-b1581628.html 77 comments politics
- Tulsa attorney to appear before OK Supreme Court to stop BOK Center from hosting rally https://ktul.com/news/local/tulsa-attorney-to-appear-before-ok-supreme-court-to-stop-trump-rally-at-bok-center 8 comments law
- Trump asks Supreme Court to stop banks from disclosing his financial data https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-court-trump-records/trump-asks-supreme-court-to-stop-banks-from-disclosing-his-financial-data-iduskbn1ya2ba 4 comments politics
- Democrats Must Stop Pretending the Supreme Court Is Apolitical https://www.thenation.com/article/democrats-must-stop-pretending-supreme-court-apolitical/ 1800 comments politics
- How a Supreme Court ruling may stop you from reselling just about anything http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/10/a-supreme-court-clash-could-change-what-ownership-means/ 43 comments technology
- Bernie Sanders Storms The Supreme Court to Stop the Koch Brothers Theft of Democracy http://www.politicususa.com/2013/10/08/bernie-sanders-storms-supreme-court-stop-koch-brothers-theft-democracy.html 256 comments politics
- Mitch McConnell says he will stop Biden appointing a Supreme Court justice in 2024 if he can https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/mitch-mcconnell-supreme-court-biden-b1865689.html 73 comments politics
- Amend dowry law to stop its misuse, Supreme Court tells government http://aimwa.in/amend-dowry-law-to-stop-its-misuse-supreme-court-tells-government 3 comments india
- U.S. Supreme Court rules against Crete man seeking to stop deportation https://journalstar.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/u-s-supreme-court-rules-against-crete-man-seeking-to-stop-deportation/article_fd0ff47d-03d7-557f-85be-1b4baab2c082.html 8 comments politics
- The Supreme Court must step in to stop Florida Republicans from disenfranchising voters https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-supreme-court-must-step-in-to-stop-florida-republicans-from-disenfranchising-voters/2020/09/15/60b8dbe0-f6d3-11ea-be57-d00bb9bc632d_story.html 90 comments politics
- Supreme court says police may now use evidence after an illegal stop. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/21/us/supreme-court-says-police-may-use-evidence-found-after-illegal-stops.html 34 comments politics
- RNC launching task force to stop Obama Supreme Court nominee http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/272875-rnc-launching-task-force-to-stop-obama-supreme-court-nominee 31 comments politics
- The Supreme Court Rules That Corporations Have the Rights of People But Not the Responsibilities. They Must be Stopped. http://blog.buzzflash.com/editorblog/322 6 comments politics
- The Justice Department Is Going Straight To The Supreme Court To Try To Stop DACA Revival https://www.buzzfeed.com/zoetillman/the-justice-department-is-going-straight-to-the-supreme 3 comments politics
- Samuel Alito's leaked anti-abortion decision: Supreme Court doesn't plan to stop at Roe https://www.salon.com/2022/05/03/samuel-alitos-leaked-anti-abortion-decision-doesnt-plan-to-stop-at-roe/ 24 comments politics
- Supreme Court refuses to stop vaccine mandates for health workers in Maine — the first time it weighed in on a statewide mandate https://www.businessinsider.com/scotus-wont-stop-maine-vaccine-mandates-for-health-workers-2021-10 22 comments politics
- After approval in the german state senate: German supreme court stops german participation in EU Corona Fonds https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/bundesverfassungsgericht-stoppt-corona-aufbaufonds-der-eu-17265145.html 147 comments europe
- Petitioning Supreme Court of India: Stop insulting national anthem by enforcing it at inappropriate places https://www.change.org/p/supreme-court-of-india-stop-insulting-national-anthem-by-enforcing-it-at-inappropriate-places 22 comments india
- India's Supreme Court tells Google, Yahoo and Microsoft to stop hosting sex selection ads http://mashable.com/2016/07/06/google-microsoft-yahoo-search-abortion-ads-india/#sgoz_pytfuqw 12 comments worldnews
- Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around: The Supreme Court is harming people with its inscrutable gay marriage actions. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2014/10/supreme_court_gay_marriage_chaos_which_states_allow_same_sex_marriage.single.html 4 comments politics
- Why We’re Barreling Toward a Legal War Between the States: Red states are passing laws to advance their culture war. Blue states are passing laws to stop it. The Supreme Court is going to have to decide, and there is no compromise position. https://newrepublic.com/article/171138/abortion-legal-war-states 530 comments politics
- The Supreme Court Appoints Itself to Be America’s Regulatory Czar - The high court cast aside the peoples' elected representatives to enact the climate denial agenda of the mega-donors who funded their nominations. They won't stop there. https://newrepublic.com/article/166983/supreme-court-epa-power-grab 401 comments politics
- Race must be considered in determining legality of police stops and seizures, WA state Supreme Court rules https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/race-must-be-considered-in-determining-legality-of-police-stops-and-seizures-wa-state-supreme-court-rules/ 236 comments moderatepolitics
- The Supreme Court Won’t Stop With Abortion Rights: Tuesday’s leaked draft decision is a fearsome template for overturning a slew of rulings that have shaped American life for decades. https://newrepublic.com/article/166282/alito-leak-roe-v-wade 49 comments politics
- India's Supreme Court turned down a plea on Wednesday to stop the implementation of a new citizenship law based on religion that has set off violent protests in the country, but said it would hold hearings next month on the sweeping measure. https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/iduskbn1ym0j1 8 comments worldnews
- Oregon Supreme Court holds that the state constitution imposes a subject matter limitation on searches and seizures, bars pretextual traffic stops used to investigate other crimes. https://law.justia.com/cases/oregon/supreme-court/2019/s066119.html 37 comments law
- TN lawmaker suggests getting rid of state marriage licenses. "The Supreme Court is not going to force the state of Tennessee to issue same-sex marriage licenses. We'll just stop issuing marriage licenses period." http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/local/story/2015/dec/29/lawmaker-suggests-getting-rid-state-marriage-licenses/342321/ 352 comments politics
- The Supreme Court said Tuesday that police may not extend an ordinary traffic stop to seek evidence of crimes unrelated to the offense that prompted officers to pull a vehicle over. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/u/us_supreme_court_drug_sniffing_dog?site=ap&section=home&template=default 4 comments politics
- The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday ruled that police officers don't violate a person's constitutional rights when they stop a car based on a mistaken understanding of the law. http://www.npr.org/2014/12/15/370995815/supreme-court-rules-traffic-stop-ok-despite-misunderstanding-of-law 8 comments politics
- Will the Supreme Court Stop Cops From Reading Your Text Messages? -- In many states, police can rifle through your smart phone—even if you've just been arrested for not putting on your seat belt. http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/09/police-cell-phone-search-warrant-supreme-court 15 comments politics
- ‘Stop Demonizing Socialism’: Obamacare Supporters Demand ‘Free’ Healthcare After Supreme Court Ruling - Yahoo! News http://news.yahoo.com/stop-demonizing-socialism-obamacare-supporters-demand-free-healthcare-163436741.html 5 comments politics
- Delaware Supreme Court Rules Against Traffic Stop Delays - Many departments use minor infractions as an excuse to conduct an extensive search for possible evidence of more serious crimes. http://www.thenewspaper.com/news/37/3799.asp 4 comments politics