Hacker News
- The Future of MySQL is PostgreSQL: an extension for the MySQL wire protocol https://hachyderm.io/@tobyhede/112329476255728961 10 comments
- MySQL Sharding at Quora https://www.quora.com/q/quoraengineering/MySQL-sharding-at-Quora?share=1 39 comments
- MySQL is bazillion times faster than MemSQL http://dom.as/2012/06/26/memsql-rage/ 138 comments
- How to connect PHP with MySQL http://codereflex.net/how-to-connect-php-with-mysql/ 2 comments
- Facebook: Why our 'next-gen' comms ditched MySQL http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2010/12/17/facebook_messages_tech/ 16 comments
- Is MySQL Doomed to Extinction? http://opensource.sys-con.com/node/1386279 23 comments
- Library for Transparent Data Encryption in MySQL Using OpenSSL https://github.com/white-rabbit-1-sketch/mysql-openssl 2 comments programming
- I built a different kind of DBMS think MongoDB x MySQL x Redis. CursusDB is an open-source secure distributed in-memory yet persisted document oriented database with real-time capabilities and it's own SQL like query language! https://github.com/cursusdb/cursusdb 20 comments programming
- What MySQL software to install on Raspberry Pie? https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/ 8 comments mysql
- Index WP MySQL For Speed: updated plugin. https://wordpress.org/plugins/index-wp-mysql-for-speed/ 13 comments wordpress
- Leaving MySQL https://blog.sesse.net/blog/tech/2021-12-05-16-41_leaving_mysql.html 502 comments programming
- Import 1gb csv files into mysql database https://rspacesamuel.medium.com/setting-up-amazon-aurora-to-read-from-s3-e90661ca57f0 11 comments aws
- Is MySQL 8.0.23 ready for production ? https://www.reddit.com/r/mysql/comments/n3wjdn/is_mysql_8023_ready_for_production/ 12 comments mysql
- Using R for MySQL - Quick n' Easy https://jagg19.github.io/2019/05/mysql-r/ 4 comments rstats
- How I converted UTZOO Usenet archive from magnetic tape backup to MySQL database using Java https://www.reddit.com/r/java/comments/bkm5h5/how_i_converted_utzoo_usenet_archive_from/ 17 comments java
- Help with MySQL https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/acg40s/help_with_mysql/ 7 comments learnprogramming
- Nextcloud and MySQL Issues https://www.reddit.com/r/docker/comments/acb0ip/nextcloud_and_mysql_issues/ 6 comments docker
- Build Go, MySQL, REST API https://medium.com/@shaonshaonty/building-restful-web-api-service-using-golang-chi-mysql-d85f427dee54 7 comments golang
- MySQL 8.0 is GA https://blogs.oracle.com/mysql/announcing-general-availability-of-mysql-80 41 comments programming
- [MySQL] How to write a table(s) that is prepared for changing parameters? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/7usij4/mysql_how_to_write_a_tables_that_is_prepared_for/ 11 comments learnprogramming
- Bug in MySQL installer https://www.reddit.com/r/mysql/comments/76apt5/bug_in_mysql_installer/ 2 comments mysql
- Mysql PDO query variable length Array https://www.reddit.com/r/mysql/comments/6udypj/mysql_pdo_query_variable_length_array/ 8 comments mysql
- Schei� encoding: Java, MySQL and multi-byte UTF-8 support http://info.michael-simons.eu/2013/01/21/java-mysql-and-multi-byte-utf-8-support/ 4 comments java
- MySQL SourceForge project hijacked and under SourceForge control. http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql.mirror/ 6 comments mysql
- New to Mysql, have question about my structure. http://vac-list.site90.com/ 4 comments mysql
- Can anyone explain to me the difference between flat file CMS and a MySQL CMS? When would be the appropriate time to use either one of them? Also with a flat file CMS could you make it have a graphical interface as you would with a MySQL type of CMS? http://picocms.org/index.html 7 comments web_design
- The love story of mysql_query and $_GET on Github. [xpost from /r/lolphp] https://github.com/search?p=1&q=extension%3Aphp+mysql_query+%24_get&ref=searchresults&type=code 106 comments programming
- 5 subtle ways you're using MySQL as a queue, and why it'll bite you http://www.engineyard.com/blog/2011/5-subtle-ways-youre-using-mysql-as-a-queue-and-why-itll-bite-you/ 7 comments webdev
- Mysql "Swap Insanity" http://jcole.us/blog/archives/2010/09/28/mysql-swap-insanity-and-the-numa-architecture/ 67 comments programming
- Why I am dropping MongoDB for Mysql http://www.blue74.com/?p=25 78 comments programming
- Backup your MySQL databases automatically using Automysqlbackup | Linuxers http://linuxers.org/howto/backup-your-mysql-databases-automatically-using-automysqlbackup 10 comments linux
- How do you upgrade a MySQL database with 250GB of data from 4.1.x to 5.0.x? By being paranoid. https://blogs.secondlife.com/community/technology/blog/2010/01/11/diary-of-a-paranoid-mysql-upgrade 60 comments programming
- Interesting Things to Know about MySQL http://souptonuts.sourceforge.net/readme_mysql.htm 85 comments programming
- Oracle says they are committed to keeping Java open and to not killing MySQL http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/04/23/oracle_sun_town_hall/ 142 comments programming
- MySQL Monty Leaving Sun http://blog.internetnews.com/skerner/2009/02/mysql-founder-monty-leaves-sun.html 4 comments opensource
- Asynchronous MySQL Client in Perl http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/010699.html 2 comments perl
- NetBeans as a Ruby+MySQL IDE http://www.oreillynet.com/ruby/blog/2008/04/surprising_contender_netbeans_1.html 3 comments ruby
- Sun Claims Big Leap with MySQL Upgrade Next Week http://www.cio.com/article/333613/sun_claims_big_leap_with_mysql_upgrade_next_week 3 comments business
- Google Releases It's Own MySQL Patches http://google-code-updates.blogspot.com/2007/04/google-releases-patches-that-enhance.html 46 comments programming
- MySQL shies away from GPLv3, free version http://blogs.zdnet.com/burnette/?p=226 7 comments programming