Hacker News
- The Most Important Button in a Code Editor https://blog.pickcode.io/the-most-important-button-in-a-code-editor/ 2 comments
- Code Shelter https://www.codeshelter.co/ 8 comments
- The source code for over 50 companies has been leaked and posted publicly https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/source-code-from-dozens-of-companies-leaked-online/ 3 comments
- Show HN: Hyperdoc - We make code walkthrough guides (Moment.js) https://demo3.gethyperdoc.com/?folder=vscode-remote%3A%2Fhome%2Fcoder%2Fmoment 16 comments
- LaiNES – Cycle-accurate NES emulator in around 1000 lines of code https://github.com/AndreaOrru/LaiNES 68 comments
- Show HN: Awesome-ci Lot's of tools for git, file and static source code analysis https://github.com/cytopia/awesome-ci 4 comments
- A Code of Conduct for the Go community https://groups.google.com/g/golang-nuts/c/sy-YcVPADjg/m/bcO6LAr29EIJ 70 comments
- Coding for Lawyers http://codingforlawyers.com 43 comments
- PGP released its source code as a book to get around US export law http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy#Criminal_investigation 47 comments
- Google Code Jam 2012 Schedule http://code.google.com/codejam/schedule.html 3 comments
- my pain points with Emacs code search and how I fixed them https://sepi.me/emacs-ripgrep-workaround/ 12 comments emacs
- [ProFootballTalk] The idea that the employees of Stephen Ross didn't take seriously his repeated comments about 2020 draft position being more important than 2019 win-loss record is laughable. One of the benefits of being a multi-billionaire is not having to expressly order a code red. https://twitter.com/profootballtalk/status/1554546105270009862?s=21&t=gby8xHmVcNrr_4M67vlOOg 62 comments nfl
- The benefits of being lazy - The Philosophy of Code https://www.thephilosophyofcode.com/2021/06/16/the-benefits-of-being-lazy/ 4 comments programming
- 15 OTTs including Netflix and Amazon Prime Video sign self-regulation code https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/15-otts-including-netflix-and-amazon-prime-video-sign-self-regulation-code-132381?amp=&__twitter_impression=true&s=09 4 comments india
- (help) My pyo3 rust code is very slow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hadamard_product_(matrices) 9 comments rust
- [Code review] debugging issue and general guidance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multitaper 11 comments rust
- Mesa Development Activity Was Up By ~20% In 2019, Just Under 3 Million Lines Of Code https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Mesa-2019-Activity 8 comments linux_gaming
- I've completed "Chronal Calibration" - Day 1 - Advent of Code 2018 https://www.reddit.com/r/elixir/comments/a26392/ive_completed_chronal_calibration_day_1_advent_of/ 14 comments elixir
- Free 1980's Children's computing books, 'Machine Code For Beginners' and more https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/9whhsd/free_1980s_childrens_computing_books_machine_code/ 4 comments learnprogramming
- I love that I can test my code again! Thank you Bitcoin Cash! https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7omjsg/i_love_that_i_can_test_my_code_again_thank_you/ 13 comments btc
- NVidia copies unlicensed code, claims it as their own https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15860323 4 comments programming
- Interview online coding challenges - Passing all tests but rejected? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/69wk6l/interview_online_coding_challenges_passing_all/ 8 comments cscareerquestions
- Is it normal to take hours to figure out simple code like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/5yjsi4/is_it_normal_to_take_hours_to_figure_out_simple/ 26 comments webdev
- macbook air or pc to learn how to code? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/5y8rvt/macbook_air_or_pc_to_learn_how_to_code/ 33 comments learnprogramming
- "Nim, the new-sprung PL: simple syntax similar to Python, compiler emits optimized C code" (Feb 12) (x-post from /r/programming) http://arict.net/2017/02/12/nimthe-newsprung-pl/ 8 comments nim
- How do people code ads into their site and how do they look for people willing to pay for advertising on their website? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/4xrtbo/how_do_people_code_ads_into_their_site_and_how_do/ 10 comments webdev
- The Law of Demeter - Writing Shy Code http://codeahoy.com/2016/06/17/the-law-of-demeter-writing-shy-code/ 16 comments programming
- Unexpected Benefits of Reviewing Legacy Code http://blog.smartbear.com/codereviewer/reviewing-legacy-code/ 6 comments programming
- Government Is Disrupting Coding Bootcamps http://techcrunch.com/2015/11/05/government-is-disrupting-bootcamps/ 6 comments coding
- project management - I've inherited 200K lines of spaghetti code -- what now? http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/155488/ive-inherited-200k-lines-of-spaghetti-code-what-now 45 comments programming
- Using Code Contracts from New Project to NuGet (x-post from /r/dotnet) http://mediocresoft.com/things/code-contracts-from-new-project-to-nuget 5 comments csharp
- Just noticed I should factor some code, need variables in my CSS http://koala-app.com/ 10 comments webdev
- Scientists discover second code hiding in DNA http://www.washington.edu/news/2013/12/12/scientists-discover-double-meaning-in-genetic-code/ 11 comments technology
- Want to learn how to code? Codeacademy is a great free way to gain some coding knowledge! http://www.codecademy.com/learn 6 comments technology
- Six Charts That Prove The Tax Code Was Written For The Rich -Business Insider- http://www.businessinsider.com/six-charts-that-prove-that-the-tax-code-is-written-for-the-rich-not-the-middle-class-2013-5 9 comments politics
- New C Lesson(s) Published, Two Upcoming Live-Coding Sessions on Web Programming (This Saturday and Sunday) http://www.computerscienceforeveryone.com 3 comments learnprogramming
- Not Invented Here: Old Code http://notinventedhe.re/on/2011-11-9 22 comments programming
- How do you define elegant code? http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/97912/how-do-you-define-elegant-code 66 comments programming
- Coding for the Hell of it http://my.opera.com/vorlath/blog/2008/12/17/coding-for-the-hell-of-it 15 comments programming
- Maybe silver programmers don't exist. But is there "silver code"? http://www.valuedlessons.com/2008/01/garlic-programmers-for-silver-code.html 8 comments programming