- Kanji of the year, meaning 'disaster,' symbolizes 2018 amid natural and human calamities: The kanji sai (災, disaster) was picked as the Chinese character best describing this year’s social mood in Japan, amid a string of natural and man-made calamities. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/12/12/national/kanji-year-meaning-disaster-symbolizes-2018-amid-natural-human-calamities/#.xbga9nl7tiu 16 comments worldnews
- CNN’s Ana Navarro Lashes Out At ‘Mean Girl’ President Trump For Acting Like A ’70-Year-Old Man-Baby’ http://uproxx.com/news/ana-navarro-mean-girl-trump-morning-joe-tweet/ 6 comments politics
- What 95% Certainty of Man-Made Global Warming Means to Scientists. Arizona State University physicist Lawrence Krauss said the 95 percent quoted for climate change is equivalent to the current certainty among physicists that the universe is 13.8 billion years old. http://abcnews.go.com/technology/wirestory/95-certainty-warming-means-scientists-20357334 51 comments politics
- Nash on Mean Gene: "He was so great. He had the driest humor. I loved him, man. Anytime he would say, 'Hey Nash, you want to come down after that and we’ll get a pop’, I would be like, 'Fuck yea.' I would belly up to the bar with him all the time.” https://wrestlingnews.co/wwe-news/kevin-nash-larry-zbyszko-was-stoned-for-his-wwe-hall-of-fame-induction 27 comments squaredcircle
- Paulo Costa on Vettori: “I don’t respect him. I want to end his life. He’s an asshole, a fool. He had this win over me & thinks he’s the man, but he’s an asshole, a child. We see he’s a goof, he can’t even wear shorts the right way. But I’ll fight him again. I mean, at least I plan to.” https://www.mmafighting.com/2022/2/1/22912888/paulo-costa-if-not-marvin-vettori-not-interested-fighting-ufc 427 comments mma
- [Ian Mendes] Been meaning to follow up on this. My understanding is that Drake Batherson was not on Team Canada’s initial 50-man roster for the Olympics. So as much as he may have played his way into the conversation, he won’t be eligible unfortunately. https://twitter.com/ian_mendes/status/1463140940319793154 142 comments hockey
- Viktor Frankl On Suffering | From Man's Search For Meaning — AUXORO https://www.auxoro.com/blog/viktor-frankl-mans-search-for-meaning 3 comments philosophy
- [Highlight] Ernie: "Trae hits Huerter for the 3" Shaq: "Gimme one Opie!" Ernie: "Red Velvet, you mean?" Shaq: "I'm not gonna call no other man Red Velvet. I can't do that one Ernie." Ernie: "You call Jokić Big Honey." https://streamable.com/fxayqo 340 comments nba
- “The very meaninglessness of life forces man to create his own meaning.” - Stanley Kubrick. Kubrick and Camus on using creative pursuits like art as a way of exploring life and finding fulfillment. [more in comment] https://youtu.be/7tFToVYL2wQ 211 comments philosophy
- Aron Klein: Chasing evil spirits With Bulgaria’s Kukeri. The word ‘kuker’ comes from Latin (‘cuculla,’ meaning a ‘hood’) and it denotes a folkloric monster, a man dressed in an elaborate suit of fur. These figures are intended to dispel evil spirits and protect their community from ill fortune. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/k759f9 53 comments europe
- 'Loud Noises, Mean Stares, A Big Man'—But No Fraud: Trump Campaign Presents 238 Pages of Ridiculous GOP Poll Watcher Affidavits https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/11/12/loud-noises-mean-stares-big-man-no-fraud-trump-campaign-presents-238-pages 11 comments politics
- Mean old man: Donald Trump disrespects and demeans women https://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/99-reasons-to-dump-trump/ny-edit-trump-nasty-women-kamala-harris-20200813-nxkb24tqxzay5oc75ihfqmo75e-story.html 26 comments politics
- Nurkic calls Lillard "babo" -- which means father in Bosnia -- and Lillard calls Nurkic "Uncle Nurk" because the big man is so close to his son, Damian Jr. https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/i1u0f3/nurkic_calls_lillard_babo_which_means_father_in/ 549 comments nba
- Joe Biden Is a Party Man. Right Now, That Means He's Veering Left. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/amp33324511/joe-biden-climate-proposal-democratic-party-left/?__twitter_impression=true 117 comments politics
- [Wagoner] Bosa on Fitzgerald today: "He’s always saying something. It’s not like mean or vicious in any way. It’s kind of friendly but it’s to get in your head. After that (block), he ran up to me and said ‘Sorry, man, I’ve got to slow you down somehow.’ I was like ‘Well, sh*t, you did.’" https://twitter.com/nwagoner/status/1197708251703500801?s=19 388 comments nfl
- [Stevens] Drew Lock will be one of Denver’s two players designated to return from IR. But that doesn’t mean he’s guaranteed to be activated to the 53-man roster, according to Vic Fangio. https://twitter.com/ZacStevensDNVR/status/1193970745912823808?s=20 9 comments nfl
- McCabe responds to Trump's 'poor man's J. Edgar Hoover' slam: 'I don't even know what that means' https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/mccabe-says-trump-s-poor-man-s-j-edgar-hoover-n975071 246 comments politics
- Dog shoots man, man survives, defends dog: 'He didn't mean to do it. He's a good dog.' https://abcnews.go.com/us/dog-shoots-man-man-survives-defends-dog-good/story?id=58898352? 4 comments nottheonion
- Jose Mourinho: “[Man Utd v Chelsea] doesn’t mean more because of Conte and this game will mean less and less and less with the passing of years. I left a couple of years ago, it will be three years, then four, but step by step, the feeling I was the Chelsea manager, it disappears.” http://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2018/02/23/jose-mourinho-dismisses-chelsea-history-says-feeling-manager/ 90 comments soccer
- My boyfriend kissed another man: does that mean he's gay? https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/jan/20/my-boyfriend-kissed-another-man-annalisa-barbieri?cmp=fb_gu 9 comments nottheonion
- Man says he didn't pay taxes for 20 years but didn't mean to cheat http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2017/04/winston_shrout_takes_witness_s.html 23 comments nottheonion
- Nashville man named Riley Curry inundated with mean tweets meant for Steph Curry's daughter http://www.tennessean.com/story/sports/2016/06/20/nashville-man-named-riley-curry-inundated-mean-tweets-meant-steph-currys-daughter/86156236/ 21 comments nottheonion
- Precedent-setting court order means D.C. man can’t smoke in own home http://www.wjla.com/articles/2015/03/temporary-precedent-setting-court-order-means-d-c-man-can-t-smoke-in-own-home-112130.html 10 comments law
- Feinstein on Petraeus: ‘This man has suffered enough’ - "He made a mistake. He lost his job as CIA director because of it. I mean, how much do you want to punish somebody?" http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2015/01/11/feinstein-on-petraeus-this-man-has-suffered-enough/?tid=hpmodule_f8335a3c-868c-11e2-9d71-f0feafdd1394&hpid=z11 173 comments politics
- Man accused of raping a woman after she blacked out and then locking her in a bedroom has been freed by a Swedish court that believed him when he said he didn't realize she was so drunk, meaning he can't be convicted of having sex with the woman against her will http://www.thelocal.se/20140127/rape-suspect-freed-he-didnt-know-she-was-drunk 7 comments worldnews
- Jewellery heist in France was worth $136 million, meaning it was equal world's biggest ever robbery- all stolen by one man http://www.thelocal.fr/20130729/cannes-jewellery-heist-worth-103-million 9 comments worldnews
- Scenes from a Gingrich rally: “Let’s send Obama back to Chicago!” he went on, and a gray-haired woman yelled, “You mean out of the country!” and an elderly man shouted, “Yeah!” and a younger woman held up a homemade sign that read “Newt-er Obama!” http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/gingrich-delivers-on-wild-and-wooly-vow/2012/01/29/giqa0suabq_story.html 7 comments politics
- The Man Who Was Cured of HIV and What It Means for a Cure for AIDS http://nymag.com/health/features/aids-cure-2011-6/ 362 comments science
- I dont even...I mean someone from this list is destined to be the next Iron Man or something... http://gadgetbox.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/04/14/6466719-10-deadly-do-it-yourself-gadgets 11 comments technology
- State Police Officer hits and kills an 88yo man, who wonders around pushing his lawnmower. front page might mean some accountability? http://www.thebaynet.com/news/index.cfm/fa/viewstory/story_id/21158 3 comments reddit.com
- My [adult] sister won the Man U super fan competition! (I have no idea what that means but she got a personal video thank you) http://www.manutd.com/default.sps?pagegid=%7Bf9e570e6-407e-44bc-800f-4a3110258114%7D&newsid=6652187 7 comments soccer
- Have we won even one war since WW2? Why are we always telling the military how great they are? I mean what is going on here? I hate dying troops but Ireally do think 10 years is enough to get the job done, unless there is something else happening here? WTF man? http://www.csmonitor.com/world/asia-south-central/2010/0208/afghanistan-war-us-troops-new-push-into-heart-of-darkness 7 comments reddit.com
- "The greatest secret . . " - an excerpt from psychiatrist Viktor E. Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning" http://ponderabout.com/archives/1861/the_greatest_secret.aspx 14 comments books
- Man dies urinating on live rail - does this mean Mythbusters were wrong? http://uk.news.yahoo.com/itn/20080722/tuk-man-died-urinating-on-live-rail-dba1618.html 4 comments reddit.com
- Gramps caps kid for saggy drawers. (Um. That means an old man shot a kid for his pants hanging down.) http://news.jacksonville.com/justin/2008/06/23/saggy-drawers-prompt-man-to-shoot-18-year-old/ 2 comments reddit.com
- Jeremiah Wright is a bad man. He said mean things about America. Nobody says that. Except Thomas Jefferson, Frederick Douglass, Abe Lincoln, MLK Jr., Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and John Hagee. http://www.openleft.com/showdiary.do?diaryid=4582 7 comments politics
- You mean, somebody thinks being a black man with the name Barack Hussein Obama is a bigger advantage than being the wife of the most successful Democratic president since John F. Kennedy? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/eric-deggans/ferraros-race-argument-i_b_91169.html 86 comments politics
- Aikido tried in combat: Witness reports how small 70 year old man can take down big mean troublemaker in subway. http://www.aikidoschools.com/terrydobsonstory/ 31 comments reddit.com
- Scientists declare Earth has entered the 'Age of Man' | Influential panel votes to recognise the start of the Anthropocene epoch - The term means 'Age of man' and its origin will be back-dated to the middle of the 20th-century to mark when humans started irrevocably damaging the planet https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7074409/scientists-declare-earth-entered-age-man.html 6 comments worldnews
- "Traditional Marriage" used to mean one man, many women, some girls and some slaves. http://www.religiondispatches.org/archive/sexandgender/5989/traditional_marriage:_one_man,_many_women,_some_girls,_some_slaves 149 comments politics