Hacker News
- Debugging the Doctor Brain: Who's teaching doctors how to think? https://bessstillman.substack.com/p/debugging-the-doctor-brain 100 comments
- The age of brain-computer interfaces is on the horizon https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/08/the-age-of-brain-computer-interfaces-is-on-the-horizon/ 13 comments futurology
- Synchron Announces First Human U.S. Brain-Computer Interface Implant https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220719005248/en/Synchron-Announces-First-Human-U.S.-Brain-Computer-Interface-Implant 7 comments futurology
- Brain stimulation poised to move from last resort to frontline treatment for major depression and other conditions https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2401731121 7 comments futurology
- Steroid meds linked to structural and volume changes in brain white and grey matter. While very effective, both systemic and inhaled steroids are associated with many potentially serious metabolic, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal side effects, as well as neuropsychiatric effects. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/962887 11 comments science
- Decades of research reveals very little difference between male and female brains - once brain size is accounted for, any differences that remained were small and rarely consistent from one study to the next, finds three decades of data from MRI scans and postmortem brain tissue studies. https://academictimes.com/decades-of-research-reveals-very-little-difference-between-male-and-female-brains/?t=au 2786 comments science
- TIL the human brain remains half awake when sleeping in a new environment for the first time. https://www.popsci.com/your-brain-stays-half-awake-when-you-sleep-in-new-place/?src=SOC&dom=fb 9 comments army
- France summons Turkish ambassador after Erdogan calls Macron 'brain dead' https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/france-summons-turkish-ambassador-after-erdogan-calls-macron-brain-dead/ 11 comments worldnews
- Dick Braine is elected leader of UKIP http://www.devonlive.com/news/uk-world-news/dick-braine-elected-leader-ukip-3197536.amp 4 comments nottheonion
- A new study shows ”Conservatives tend to have a bigger amygdala, the part of the brain activated in fearful situations, while liberals often have a larger anterior cingulate cortex, the area involved in analyzing instinctive thoughts.” https://nypost.com/2019/08/10/ozzy-osbourne-is-a-genetic-mutant-dna-research-proves/ 91 comments politics
- The brains of people with excellent general knowledge are particularly efficiently wired, finds a new study by neuroscientists using a special form of MRI, which found that people with a very efficient fibre network had more general knowledge than those with less efficient structural networking. https://news.rub.de/english/press-releases/2019-07-31-neuroscience-what-brains-people-excellent-general-knowledge-look 1675 comments science
- Examining brain scans of more than 800 incarcerated men, a study found that individuals who had committed or attempted homicide had reduced gray matter when compared to those involved in other offenses. https://news.uchicago.edu/story/scientists-studied-brains-more-800-prisoners-heres-what-they-found 12 comments science
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a disturbance of normal brain functions due to a head injury that everyone is at risk. Recently, physicians have found an over 30% reduction in unnecessary CT scans for TBI evaluations in emergency rooms https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-future-brain/201905/ai-brain-device-reduces-need-ct-scans-over-30-percent 2 comments science
- Researchers at Rutgers University have identified a new factor that is essential for maintaining the stem cells in the brain and gut and whose loss may contribute to anxiety and cognitive disorders and to gastrointestinal diseases. https://www.cell.com/stem-cell-reports/fulltext/s2213-6711(19)30059-1?_returnurl=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2Fs2213671119300591%3Fshowall%3Dtrue 4 comments science
- A new study of ~1.8 million children in Sweden has found that the risks for autism and depression are significantly higher if your mother was hospitalized with an infection during pregnancy. However, researchers couldn't determine exactly how a maternal infection impacted a child's developing brain. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/article-abstract/2727135 3 comments science
- What projects can I do to ingrain multithreading into my brain? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/ad96z3/what_projects_can_i_do_to_ingrain_multithreading/ 7 comments learnprogramming
- American diplomats suffered traumatic brain injuries in mystery attack in Cuba, union says https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/american-diplomats-suffered-traumatic-brain-injuries-in-mystery-attack-in-cuba-union-says/2017/09/01/9e02d280-8f2f-11e7-91d5-ab4e4bb76a3a_story.html 57 comments politics
- CTE found in 99% of studied brains from deceased NFL players http://www.cnn.com/2017/07/25/health/cte-nfl-players-brains-study/index.html 876 comments nfl
- Actual Consciousness: why our minds aren't confined to our brains https://iai.tv/video/actual-consciousness 60 comments philosophy
- People find it hard to maintain eye contact when talking, possibly because the dual task of maintaining eye contact while also racking the brain for a word is just too demanding, so the brain pushes for breaking eye contact to focus exclusively on finding a word that will fulfill the obligation. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2016-12-explanation-people-hard-eye-contact.html 1885 comments science
- Whats going on in your brain while you sleep that makes sleep so important? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/5i8o8e/whats_going_on_in_your_brain_while_you_sleep_that/ 14 comments askscience
- Using Magnets on the Brain to Bring Back Memories http://brainblogger.com/2016/12/11/using-magnets-on-the-brain-to-bring-back-memories/ 3 comments science
- Nader on Social Media - Well, it’s been a great benefit to Sanders. But I think, on balance, it’s destroying the brains of your generation. https://psmag.com/election-season-politics-with-ralph-nader-public-interest-crusader-82d6fbd6e13d#.4ijfro5hf 11 comments politics
- Stem cells heal brain damage caused by radiation cancer treatment https://www.sciencenews.org/article/shots-brain-cells-restore-learning-memory-rats 364 comments science
- NPR: Playing music may help kids' brains process language http://www.npr.org/blogs/ed/2014/09/10/343681493/this-is-your-brain-this-is-your-brain-on-music 7 comments linguistics
- Consciousness more complex than we thought: while recovering from anesthesia the brain passes through multiple metastable activity states http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/06/140609153429.htm 6 comments science
- NFL Legend Joe Namath Admits to Having Brain Damage http://www.newsmax.com/newsmaxtv/joe-namath-brain-damage-admit/2014/01/30/id/550079 113 comments nfl
- Stress can make the world around us smell unpleasant, the results of a new study are suggesting. A team of psychologists led discovered that when a person experiences stress, emotion systems and olfactory processing in the brain become linked, making inoffensive smells become unpleasant. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/feeling-stressed-makes-the-world-smell-worse-8844178.html 19 comments science
- Some people with insomnia may have trouble activating certain brain regions involved in short-term memory, a new study suggests. In addition, people with insomnia may have problems turning off brain regions that are typically active when the mind wanders. http://news.yahoo.com/insomnias-surprising-effects-brain-190754289.html 3 comments science
- How Cat Parasite Toxoplasma Hacks Mice Brains to Eliminate Fear http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/how-brain-parasite-toxoplasma-turns-people-into-cat-loving-zombies 5 comments science
- Neurons made from stem cells drive brain activity after transplantation http://www.kurzweilai.net/neurons-made-from-stem-cells-drive-brain-activity-after-transplantation 7 comments cogsci
- Phantom Finger Points To Secrets In The Human Brain http://www.npr.org/blogs/krulwich/2012/06/27/155862376/phantom-finger-points-to-secrets-in-the-human-brain 253 comments science
- The Republican Brain [PIC] http://cagle.com/working/110708/singer.jpg 93 comments politics
- It’s likely that you will be reincarnated as an isolated brain, without the baggage of stars and galaxies. In terms of probability, “It’s cheaper.” http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/15/science/15brain.html?pagewanted=all 3 comments philosophy
- Empathy and violence have similar circuits in the brain http://esciencenews.com/articles/2010/04/09/empathy.and.violence.have.similar.circuits.brain 3 comments science
- ☢ brain MRI ☣ - a Picture Set http://flickr.com/photos/bionerd/sets/72157602285833366/ 5 comments science
- As they eat the caterpillar alive, these wasps also seem to do something to its brain... http://scienceblogs.com/loom/2008/06/03/stockholm_syndrome_for_moths.php 68 comments science
- Is art beautiful because we are taught so, or are notions of beauty hard-wired into the brain? http://www.livescience.com/history/071121-beauty-brain.html 5 comments science
- Bigger is smarter: Overall, not relative, brain size predicts intelligence http://physorg.newscri.be/link/237466 2 comments science
- Strong Brands Balm Consumer Brains, New Study Shows http://blogcritics.org/archives/2006/11/28/132744.php 2 comments reddit.com