Hacker News
- What Happens When a Restaurant Dies http://www.seriouseats.com/2015/02/what-happens-when-a-restaurant-dies.html 61 comments
- What happened when I opened a restaurant in Portland http://www.wweek.com/restaurants/2016/09/30/heres-what-happened-when-i-opened-a-restaurant-in-portland/ 323 comments
- 'This should have never happened': CA may let restaurants keep charging fees https://sfstandard.com/2024/06/06/san-francisco-haney-wiener-sb1528/ 3 comments
- Robots are servicing short-staffed restaurants. But what happens to the human waiters? https://www.zdnet.com/article/robots-are-servicing-short-staffed-restaurants-but-what-happens-to-the-human-waiters/ 4 comments economy
- If Restaurants Go, What Happens to Cities? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/03/business/economy/cities-restaurants.html 7 comments indepthstories
- The most Dutch thing to happen: a cow walks into a restaurant https://nos.nl/artikel/2344957-verrassing-tijdens-het-diner-hoogzwangere-koe-wandelt-door-restaurant.html 11 comments europe
- Sarah Sanders is upset a restaurant wouldn’t serve her. She’s OK with it happening to gays https://www.vox.com/2018/6/23/17497742/sarah-sanders-restaurant-red-hen-friday-asked-to-leave-gay-wedding-cake 2984 comments politics
- What happened when ‘Pizzagate’ came to my restaurant https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/pizzagate-taught-us-the-value-of-community/2017/04/19/92cae67c-23b0-11e7-bb9d-8cd6118e1409_story.html 8 comments politics
- What happened when ‘Pizzagate’ came to my restaurant https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/pizzagate-taught-us-the-value-of-community/2017/04/19/92cae67c-23b0-11e7-bb9d-8cd6118e1409_story.html?tid=sm_tw&utm_term=.4d123a2522b5 107 comments politics
- What Happens When a Restaurant Dies http://www.seriouseats.com/2015/02/what-happens-when-a-restaurant-dies.html 14 comments business
- Off duty cops beat two guys walking out of a restaurant. 911 called. Guess what happens next. http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/2122030,cst-nws-copbeat25.article 139 comments reddit.com
- As if this doesn't happen at every fast-food restaurant in the world... http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/05/02/bu2317btgj.dtl&tsp=1 4 comments reddit.com
- SC governor says indoor dining at restaurants, bars can happen May 11 https://www.wistv.com/2020/05/08/live-sc-governor-says-indoor-dining-restaurants-bars-can-happen-may/ 11 comments politics
- This is what happens when your restaurant is also called Red Hen https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/business/wp/2018/06/25/sarah-sanders-didnt-eat-at-that-red-hen-or-that-one/?utm_term=.b1581588a91c 8 comments politics
- Wall Street trader now works at restaurant he dined at: "I used to see unemployed people and think they were lazy, that it was all on them. Now it's happened to me." http://online.wsj.com/article/sb124390425824574861.html 15 comments reddit.com
- Epic mosh pit happens inside Denny’s restaurant https://www.8newsnow.com/news/epic-mosh-pit-happens-inside-dennys-restaurant/ 3 comments nottheonion
- What happened when ‘Pizzagate’ came to my restaurant - The Washington Post - By James Alefantis https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/pizzagate-taught-us-the-value-of-community/2017/04/19/92cae67c-23b0-11e7-bb9d-8cd6118e1409_story.html?utm_term=.65683d206870 4 comments politics
- What happened when these restaurants lost their immigrant workers for real https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/02/17/restaurants-imagined-a-day-without-immigrants-in-one-city-last-year-it-actually-happened/?utm_term=.64d6feb8bc3c 6 comments politics
- Father and Son riding along PCH pull over into a restaurant and when this harassment happens. https://www.facebook.com/mark.friis1/videos/10207942299974298/?pnref=story 152 comments bicycling
- [Toni Kroos] There was a sudden noise behind him in the restaurant. "What happened now?" he asked himself. It was the English goal in the European Championship final. "Hadn't been on my radar that football was still being played there." https://www.watson.de/sport/fu%C3%9Fball/398499851-toni-kroos-macht-kuriose-aussage-zu-em-finale 108 comments soccer
- Arizona psychic injured after car hit restaurant jokes he 'didn't foresee it happening' http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/southwest-valley/2017/06/08/psychic-injured-after-car-hit-canada-restaurant-jokes-he-didnt-see-coming-litchfield-park/378599001/ 7 comments nottheonion
- Day in the Life of a Japanese Waitress (2022) - The video follows Yuki, a waitress at Pandora, a Teppanyaki restaurant, in her typical Japan work day from morning until the evening and everything that happens in between at work. [00:16:54] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG26FimSBdw 37 comments documentaries
- In Closed-Door Event With Corporate Lobbyists, Manchin Vows $15 Wage 'Not Going to Happen' | A top restaurant industry lobbyist reportedly "couldn't contain his excitement" at the West Virginia Democrat's remarks. https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/04/21/closed-door-event-corporate-lobbyists-manchin-vows-15-wage-not-going-happen 391 comments politics
- [Adam Cooper] Monacos government has announced that restaurants, cafes, concert halls, cinemas, casinos and nightclubs will close until further notice. No one in F1 expects the race to happen and thats pretty much sealed it https://twitter.com/adamcooperF1/status/1239295347387555840 81 comments formula1
- Putinburger: Russia Today invents a story about a New York restaurant that created a special burger to celebrate Putin's birthday. The restaurant says nothing like that ever happened. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/08/high-steaks-the-vladimir-putin-birthday-burger-that-never-existed 202 comments europe
- Nail Yakupov walks into a downtown Edmonton restaurant... And buys a homeless man $100 worth of food. Happens all the time according to the restaurant manager. (x-post from /r/hockey) http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/yakupov-buys-dinner-hungry-homeless-man/ 3 comments sports
- Nail Yakupov walks into a downtown Edmonton restaurant... And buys a homeless man $100 worth of food. Happens all the time according to the restaurant manager [x-post with r/EdmontonOilers] https://mobile.twitter.com/ropo_08/status/577707444475826176 222 comments hockey
- Jérémy Ménez on joining PSG: "Playing in Paris was my dream, that's why I left Rome. I also rejected Juve; I remember Conte’s calls to convince me to sign. If I feel confident, I do my best. That's what happened at PSG with Ancelotti. He used to go to the restaurant with us, he never shouted." https://canal-supporters.com/2020/04/menez-jouer-a-paris-etait-mon-reve/ 20 comments soccer
- [Wojnarowski] Windhorst tells Woj a story he heard that on the night the Kawhi-PG transactions happened, Patrick Beverly went gloating into Lebron’s private room at a Vegas restaurant https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/d7ekad/wojnarowski_windhorst_tells_woj_a_story_he_heard/ 295 comments nba
- Unlike Google Wallet, Apple Pay happens in a much more private/non-tracking way: "When you’re using Apple Pay in a store, restaurant or other merchant, cashiers will no longer see your name, credit card number or security code, helping to reduce the potential for fraud” https://www.apple.com/pr/library/2014/09/09apple-announces-apple-pay.html 77 comments technology