Hacker News
- Drinking from an open container in microgravity (video) http://www.physicscentral.com/explore/sots/ 13 comments
- [Mars travel] Microgravity-induced vision problems tied to genetics, finding leads to hope for therapeutic options http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2016-01/foas-th011116.php 3 comments spacex
- Effects of microgravity on human iPSC-derived neural organoids on the International Space Station https://academic.oup.com/stcltm/advance-article/doi/10.1093/stcltm/szae070/7833382 4 comments science
- Cosmic radiation and microgravity linked to erectile dysfunction in astronauts https://www.news-medical.net/news/20231122/Cosmic-radiation-and-microgravity-linked-to-erectile-dysfunction-in-astronauts.aspx 58 comments space
- Deep space astronauts may be prone to erectile dysfunction, new study finds. Galactic cosmic rays, and to a lesser extent microgravity, can impair the function of erectile tissues, with effects lasting potentially for decades, finds a new study with rats by NASA researchers. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/nov/22/deep-space-astronauts-may-be-prone-to-erectile-dysfunction-study-finds 128 comments science
- Experiment ideas to test in microgravity! https://ssep.ncesse.org/ 16 comments space
- Tide-to-go pens and wipes among tonight's CRS-25 cargo launch for astronauts to evaluate stain removal in microgravity. First test: sriracha hot sauce https://www.wral.com/climate-research-among-cargo-bound-for-the-iss/20374867/ 3 comments space
- Cells' Replication Of DNA Is More 'Error-prone' In Microgravity http://astrobiology.com/2021/12/cells-replication-of-dna-is-more-error-prone-in-microgravity.html 61 comments space
- Study finds microgravity experienced by astronauts can slow their cognitive performance and the speed at which they recognize emotions https://academictimes.com/astronauts-on-space-missions-experience-microgravity-it-can-slow-their-cognitive-performance-and-how-they-recognize-emotions/ 7 comments science
- Microgravity works wonders with plant transplants: « To have an exception like this, where microgravity appears to be helpful and the plants are growing better than on Earth … that’s astonishing. » https://www.nasa.gov/feature/microgravity-works-wonders-with-plant-transplants/ 6 comments space
- Spiders in Space Study reveals the weird things that happen to Webs in Microgravity. A Study on the Revelance of Gravity on Organisms was done by observing them over a two month period in zero gravity with identical conditions on earth https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00114-020-01708-8#sec6 16 comments science
- NASA-Backed Space-Overalls Keep Astronauts Healthy in Microgravity. (Suit can help mitigate the detrimental effects of being in a low gravity environment) https://interestingengineering.com/nasa-backed-space-overalls-keep-astronauts-healthy-in-microgravity 12 comments space
- The Space Race saw two superpowers spend decades demonstrating the technologies needed to kill each other with nukes. Yet, instead of ending in a nuclear winter, the Space Race concluded with a American-Soviet handshake in microgravity during the Apollo-Soyuz docking mission in 1975. https://astronomy.com/news/2020/07/apollo-soyuz-mission-when-the-space-race-ended 347 comments space
- Study of NASA astronauts finds microgravity causes alterations of brain structures: New neuroimaging research indicates that long-duration spaceflight results in structural brain changes, which could be the result of increased intracranial pressure while exposed to low levels of gravity https://www.psypost.org/2020/07/study-of-nasa-astronauts-finds-microgravity-causes-alterations-of-brain-structures-57388 5 comments science
- Study of NASA astronauts finds microgravity causes alterations of brain structures. New neuroimaging research indicates that long-duration spaceflight results in structural brain changes, which could be the result of increased intracranial pressure while exposed to low levels of gravity. https://www.psypost.org/2020/07/study-of-nasa-astronauts-finds-microgravity-causes-alterations-of-brain-structures-57388 3 comments science
- A research team from Japan has observed amyloid formation under microgravity conditions using the International Space Station. An in-depth understanding of the mechanisms of amyloids is crucial for the development of drugs against Alzheimer's disease https://www.interestingengineering.com/isss-microgravity-is-ideal-to-study-alzheimers-protein 3 comments space
- Resveratrol, the compound in red wine that’s been linked to heart-health benefits, could also someday help astronauts walk on Mars. New research (based on mice in a simulated microgravity environment) suggests that resveratrol can lessen muscle loss during long-duration spaceflights. http://www.astronomy.com/news/2019/07/compound-in-red-wine-resveratrol-could-help-astronauts-walk-on-mars 12 comments space
- Resveratrol, the compound in red wine that’s been linked to heart-health benefits, could also someday help astronauts walk on Mars. New research (based on mice in a simulated microgravity environment) suggests that resveratrol can lessen muscle loss during long-duration spaceflights. http://www.astronomy.com/news/2019/07/compound-in-red-wine-resveratrol-could-help-astronauts-walk-on-mars 15 comments science
- In an experiment on board the International Space Station, astronauts thawed sperm from 12 "healthy men" and tested how well it could swim toward an egg in microgravity. It's part of a growing effort to see if humans can have babies in space, a vital step for future colonies. http://discovermagazine.com/2019/may/sex-in-the-cosmic-city 117 comments space
- One-Year Mission: The effect of microgravity on the human body https://rxscience.org/one-year-mission-the-effect-of-microgravity-on-the-human-body/ 6 comments space
- The ISS is slated to become the coldest spot in space as NASA's Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL) begins producing Bose-Einstein condensates, cooled to 10 millionth of one Kelvin above absolute zero, as part of microgravity experiments to study quantum mechanics and the fundamental nature of matter. https://newatlas.com/iss-absolute-zero-cal/55665/ 75 comments space
- NASA has done almost no research into the effects of sex and reproduction in microgravity, despite it being key to living on Mars and beyond. It’s time to start shifting from a short-term view of space, to a long term one. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/space-sex-is-serious-business/ 956 comments space
- Scientists have converted water into oxygen and hydrogen under microgravity conditions using only a semiconductor and sunlight. The technology could make long-distance space travel possible. https://theconversation.com/method-of-making-oxygen-from-water-in-zero-gravity-raises-hope-for-long-distance-space-travel-99554 46 comments science
- Scientists Harvest Hydrogen from Water in Microgravity, which might be useful for creating fuel for deep space travel (with water being mined presumably from asteroids) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-04844-y 5 comments science
- Making Stuff in Space: Off-Earth Manufacturing Is Just Getting Started - In space, microgravity lets materials grow without encountering walls, and it allows them to mix evenly and hold together without traditional supports. And a nearby ultrahigh vacuum helps things form without impurities. https://www.space.com/40552-space-based-manufacturing-just-getting-started.html 4 comments space
- How would/does microgravity affect the function of an induction motor? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/6umbt6/how_woulddoes_microgravity_affect_the_function_of/ 3 comments askscience
- Could a Prince Rupert's Drop Made in Microgravity Be Made, and Would It Be Tailless? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/6a9hcp/could_a_prince_ruperts_drop_made_in_microgravity/ 6 comments askscience
- Rotating Solid Bodies in Microgravity https://youtu.be/4HIjpPjKhIs 4 comments space
- Rotating Solid Bodies in Microgravity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1h1jSYqA84 12 comments space
- "An uncrewed spacecraft landed in China's Inner Mongolia region Monday [18 April 2016] after nearly 13 days in orbit carrying an array of microgravity research experiments, including a groundbreaking investigation that showed mammal embryos can develop in space, Chinese state media reported." https://spaceflightnow.com/2016/04/18/chinese-microgravity-experiment-lab-returns-to-earth/ 3 comments worldnews
- I'm currently participating in an ESA launch campaign for MASER 13, a microgravity science 'sounding rocket' launching from Arctic Sweden. Here are some of my photos. https://www.flickr.com/photos/fijian_scion/albums/72157660454252410 4 comments space
- What do companies need microgravity laboratories for? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bigelow_Aerospace 26 comments askscience
- ISS scientists complete experiment on ant co-operation in microgravity. (BBC) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-32115413 26 comments space
- Fruit flies (Drosophila) able to reproduce and develop relatively normally in microgravity http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11536953 4 comments science
- Houston, we have ants: Mimicking how ants adjust to microgravity in space could lead to better robots, Stanford scientist says http://news.stanford.edu/pr/2014/pr-ants-in-space-011714.html 13 comments technology
- Space’s Microgravity Accelerates Biological Aging of Some Cells, Scientists Say http://www.sci-news.com/space/science-microgravity-aging-01512.html 3 comments science
- YouTube - Alka-Seltzer added to spherical water drop in microgravity... insane. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgc-ocnttto 18 comments reddit.com
- Giant crystals and spherical flames: science in microgravity [Pic] http://www.newscientist.com/gallery/dn17734-space-station-science?dcmp=otc-rss&nsref=online-news 4 comments science
- What does a candle flame look like in microgravity? http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2002/21aug_flameballs.htm 20 comments science
- Using CD Players as Stabilizers in Microgravity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdameeaijwo&feature=related 3 comments science