Hacker News
- Concept design for a post-LHC future circular collider at CERN https://home.cern/news/press-release/accelerators/international-collaboration-publishes-concept-design-post-lhc 84 comments
- Using react-circular-progressbar and updating it in real time. https://www.codepile.net/pile/eM2PokvQ 4 comments reactjs
- A circular timer ⏱️ using Orbit + Vue https://zumerlab.github.io/orbit-docs/examples/circular_time/ 7 comments vuejs
- Sunflowers in a field can co-ordinate the circular motions of their growing stems to minimize the amount of shade each plant experiences – a study has revealed. Seemingly random movements within groups of plants can lead to self-organizing patterns that optimize growing conditions. https://physicsworld.com/a/sunflowers-dance-together-to-share-sunlight/ 15 comments science
- Implementing a Stack (Beg to Mid) and Circular Queue (End to Mid) in the same Array https://pastebin.com/5ZvX7PDD 2 comments javahelp
- DGCA issues circular over reports of planes losing GPS signal over Middle-East https://www.indiatvnews.com/news/india/dgca-issues-circular-over-reports-of-planes-losing-gps-signal-over-middle-east-jamming-and-spoofing-latest-updates-2023-11-25-904307 14 comments worldnews
- The Trump Legal Team’s Inane Circular Argument For Why He Can Never Be Prosecuted https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/08/trump-legal-team-filing-against-doj-investigation.html 9 comments law
- Pakistan’s Energy Sector Circular Debt Falls 85% Between July and August https://propakistani.pk/2021/10/08/pakistans-energy-sector-circular-debt-falls-85-between-july-and-august/ 10 comments pakistan
- Biggest circular tomb in the ancient world to open in Rome https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/augustus-tomb-rome-opening/index.html?utm_content=2021-01-03t01%3A01%3A04&utm_term=link&utm_source=twcnni&utm_medium=social 5 comments worldnews
- How to make this type of circular range sliders with html/css/js or is there any js plugin for that ? https://pub.dev/packages/sleek_circular_slider#sleek-circular-sliderprogress-bar--spinner-for-flutter 10 comments javascript
- Scientists have developed a method to generate circularly polarized light from the ultimate symmetrical structure: sphere. This method can be used to encode information in phase and polarization direction of circularly polarized light, enabling novel quantum communication and encryption technologies https://www.titech.ac.jp/english/news/2020/047835.html 36 comments science
- The series of dots and circular patterns on the back of the shark, scientists theorize, are scars that came from the tentacles of a giant squid. Should that be the case, the photograph would constitute the first documented interaction between the two monstrous denizens of the deep. https://www.coasttocoastam.com/article/sharks-scars-suggest-battle-with-giant-squid/ 9 comments science
- Why does the O(1) deletion for singly linked list only work for circular singly linked list? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/bkkfam/why_does_the_o1_deletion_for_singly_linked_list/ 11 comments learnprogramming
- How to remove the circular dot on Youtube's volume slider? https://www.reddit.com/r/web_design/comments/a2z8vl/how_to_remove_the_circular_dot_on_youtubes_volume/ 4 comments web_design
- An electron entering a magnetic field perpendicularly will undergo circular motion. This would mean it experiences centripetal acceleration, and this emit radiation. Does this mean its radius is not fixed? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/9tl2e0/an_electron_entering_a_magnetic_field/ 3 comments askscience
- Taibbi: Forget the Memo – Can We Worry About the Banks? A classic circular kerfuffle in congress this week shifted eyes away from rare bipartisan cooperation on spying powers and bank reform https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/taibbi-forget-the-memo-can-we-worry-about-the-banks-w515668 7 comments politics
- Old 3D video games rendered circles as visibly crude polygons. Modern games have them perfectly circular. Did we just increase polygon count until its too high to notice, or have rendering algorithms changed to allow "true" circles? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/6wib2e/old_3d_video_games_rendered_circles_as_visibly/ 39 comments askscience
- Circular by Daman & Diu Administration asking all lady staff to tie Rakhis to all male staff in all offices, this Rakshabandhan https://i.redd.it/f09zuxvgdbdz.png 11 comments india
- The Cell Can Detect the Difference Between Self and Foreign Circular RNAs by Their Intron Sequences http://www.cell.com/molecular-cell/abstract/s1097-2765%2817%2930362-3#.wxgjdr3tj_g.reddit 6 comments science
- All over the globe, plants are growing into strange, circular patterns http://arstechnica.com/science/2017/01/all-over-the-globe-plants-are-growing-into-strange-circular-patterns/ 13 comments science
- Jupiter's Great Red Spot, an incredibly varying cosmic maelstrom that is shrinking in size and is predicted to become circular by 2040 http://blogofthecosmos.com/2015/10/26/the-raging-cosmic-superstorm/ 11 comments space
- Revring: A circular buffer with zero memory waste https://analog10.com/posts/circular_buffer.html 18 comments programming
- 'I'm Not Mother of the Year': Mom Convicted of Killing, Cutting Up Son with Circular Saw http://patch.com/michigan/stclairshores/jury-deliberates-less-2-hours-murder-dismemberment-case-against-st-clair-shores-mom 14 comments nottheonion
- Superlatively circular egg cracks $700 mark in eBay auction http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/superlatively-circular-egg-cracks-700-mark-ebay-sale-article-1.2133457 3 comments nottheonion
- [C] Linked List circular check breaking after freeing elements https://gist.github.com/jackwilsdon/484a44050479e4c17ffb 7 comments learnprogramming
- Here is the circular from PMO that in no way "mandates" Hindi. It asks officials to use Hindi AND English, with Hindi to be preferred when possible. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/bqf2bzfceaajfia.jpg:large 216 comments india
- Mantis shrimp have the world's best eyes due to having 16 photoreceptors which allow them to see UV, visible and circularly polarized light, perceive depth with one eye and move each eye independently. http://phys.org/news/2013-09-mantis-shrimp-world-eyesbut.html 106 comments science
- The Supreme Court exposes Obama's circular logic on wiretapping http://www.tnr.com/blog/plank/109359/the-supreme-court-exposes-the-obama-administrations-circular-logic-wiretapping# 2 comments privacy
- The Value of Circular Definitions: statistical physics and graph theory on structure of human language http://physics.aps.org/synopsis-for/10.1103/physrevx.2.031018 5 comments science
- French Prime Minister issued a circular letter in favour of the use of free software by government https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libreplanet-discuss/2012-09/msg00017.html 22 comments linux
- Circular Template Inheritance in Django https://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/be02b15d0112e887 4 comments programming
- Football has become one long circular qualification process http://espn.go.com/sports/soccer/story/_/id/7689934/michael-cox-how-do-define-success-harder-think-premier-league 29 comments soccer
- Israeli Education Ministry blasts Israeli Arab school for taking students to human rights march: 'The students carried signs against racism, house demolitions, etc., which violates the director general's circular [i.e. ministry regulations],' ministry tells school http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/education-ministry-blasts-israeli-arab-school-for-taking-students-to-human-rights-march-1.404479 26 comments worldnews
- Its surface of revolution, the catenoid, is a minimal surface and is the shape assumed by a soap film bounded by two parallel circular rings. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/catenary 4 comments math
- Circular wavefronts http://claudiusmaximus.goto10.org/cm/2010-11-02_circular_wavefronts.html 3 comments haskell
- "Another woman had her arms and legs removed and patches of her flesh had been sliced off in a circular motion to make her appear as a giant caterpillar." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/delphine_lalaurie?#rumors 136 comments reddit.com
- Memphis Girl, 12, Forced By Father To Dismember Mother With Circular Saw http://www.memphisrap.com/cgi-bin/content/pub9990263694155.cgi?itemid=9990289287567 4 comments reddit.com
- Circular loop created on Wikipedia http://techdebug.com.nyud.net/blog/2008/04/19/wikipedia-article-creates-circular-references/ 4 comments reddit.com
- Circular Reasoning Works Because... [pic] http://komplexify.com/math/images/circularreasoning.gif 94 comments reddit.com
- Video of a Circular Rainbow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mo9trhascw 13 comments reddit.com