Hacker News
- Air Force security team can breach an 'impenetrable' SCIF in one minute https://taskandpurpose.com/news/this-air-force-security-team-can-breach-an-impenetrable-scif-in-one-minute/ 9 comments
- SCIF and Radio Frequency Secured Facility Design (2021) https://incompliancemag.com/article/scif-and-radio-frequency-secured-facility-design/ 7 comments
- The Musk has entered the SCIF. https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/02/politics/usaid-officials-leave-musk-doge/index.html 14 comments airforce
- "Jared Moskowitz, emerging from the SCIF, says 'it’s definitely not about aliens,' and 'it confirms there is no intelligent life in Congress.'" https://twitter.com/marksatter/status/1757844799682388088 4 comments aliens
- After hearing, via @ask_a_pol and @MattLaslo , that @RepLuna said the SCIF meeting today was "pointless," and "nothing new," it looks like we're gonna have to do this the hard way. The Obfuscation Switch has been activated. https://twitter.com/TheUfoJoe/status/1717547249612607905 95 comments aliens
- “What’d you learn in there?” “Absolutely nothing,” @timburchett tells the few reporters who staked out the SCIF. https://twitter.com/ask_a_pol/status/1717550813977956595 37 comments aliens
- October 26 SCIF megathread https://x.com/RepTimBurchett/status/1715053620574474633?s=20 17 comments aliens
- David Grusch Won't Be At SCIF Meetings. Let Me Explain. https://youtube.com/watch?si=kf15is5HXSGYVNlS&v=sWUAdU-Of3M 8 comments aliens
- Representative @RepTimBurchett will be going into a SCIF to learn more about names, locations and programs regarding (alleged) recovered spacecraft from non-human intelligence. Regardless of your politics I can tell you Mr. Burchett is on our side fighting the good fight. https://twitter.com/jamescfox/status/1715083432181576140?s=19&t=19Q4Hhk3EZp25t9Jpg2dlw 16 comments aliens
- A SCIF has been booked for members of Congress to meet with the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community to discuss UAPs in a classified setting. Dates for the meetings: DOD IG - October 26 IC IG - November 16 It's a start. https://twitter.com/RepTimBurchett/status/1715053620574474633 14 comments aliens
- US v Trump (FL) - Trump wants the government to re-establish Mar-A-Lago as a secure facility so that he doesn't have to travel to a SCIF https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652.104.0.pdf 146 comments law
- You see this parked at your local SCIF; guess the MOS and rank https://methinksperchance.net/cars/1993-suzuki-carry-dd51t/ 2 comments army
- Prosecutors in documents case argue against Trump team’s push to discuss classified information at his homes instead of SCIF https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/27/politics/classified-information-special-counsel-trump-team/index.html 37 comments politics
- Prosecutors in documents case argue against Trump team's push to discuss classified information at his homes instead of SCIF https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/27/politics/classified-information-special-counsel-trump-team/index.html 54 comments law
- Nerd Intel Officer won’t store top secret documents outside SCIF https://www.duffelblog.com/p/nerd-intel-officer-won-t-store-top-secret-documents-outside-of-scif 15 comments military
- Are you allowed to wear blue light glasses in a SCIF? https://youtu.be/Ov9uO12B40g 22 comments army
- Homemade SCIF just a closet covered in aluminum foil. https://theduffel.co/3bV1HcK 9 comments army
- In Senate trial, Pat Cipollone was wrong on GOP access to SCIF depositions https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2020/jan/21/pat-cipollone/senate-trial-pat-cipollone-was-wrong-gop-access-sc/ 32 comments politics
- Why House Republicans storming the Capitol SCIF jeopardizes national security https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUHcOxPjSrs 63 comments politics
- House Republicans’ national security-threatening impeachment stunt | GOP lawmakers failed to secure their phones before entering the Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/10/23/20929080/house-republicans-sergeant-arms-scif-impeachment-intelligence-eoyang 8 comments politics
- Doug Jones compares SCIF disruption to George Wallace's Stand in the Schoolhouse Door https://eu.montgomeryadvertiser.com/story/news/2019/10/24/doug-jones-compares-scif-disruption-george-wallace-stand-schoolhouse-door/4085358002/ 64 comments politics
- GOP lawmaker shares audio of phone call he made from highly classified SCIF room https://thehill.com/homenews/house/467168-gop-lawmaker-shares-audio-of-phone-call-he-made-from-highly-classified-scif?fbclid=iwar06oz-nktfuza2trozsyqgocy0ogruz8zewhuaswvzsdux3novacuy2pyg 5 comments politics
- 4 odd details from the House GOP's bizarre anti-impeachment SCIF sit-in https://theweek.com/speedreads/874003/4-odd-details-from-house-gops-bizarre-antiimpeachment-scif-sitin 10 comments politics
- By tweeting from a SCIF, House lawmakers put national security at risk https://techcrunch.com/2019/10/24/house-lawmakers-scif-national-security/ 118 comments politics
- SCIF nerds and security managers, what would happen if Joe stormed the SCIF and live tweeted the whole thing? https://www.wired.com/story/republicans-storm-scif-national-security-nightmare/ 64 comments army
- Buttigieg on Republican SCIF crash: 'This behavior is an embarrassment' https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/467190-buttigieg-on-republican-scif-crash-this-behavior-is-an-embarrassment 141 comments politics
- Buttigieg on Republican SCIF crash: 'This behavior is an embarrassment.' https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/467190-buttigieg-on-republican-scif-crash-this-behavior-is-an-embarrassment 3 comments politics
- The Republicans sink even lower: Matt Gaetz’s stunt outside the SCIF is despicable and dangerous https://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/ny-oped-the-republicans-sink-even-lower-20191023-6l7twomxafad3aqf7o57lsn6ku-story.html 3 comments politics
- Total SCIF Show: The GOP's Raid Puts National Security at Risk. House Republicans barged into a secure facility uninvited Wednesday, creating a host of problems in the process. https://www.wired.com/story/republicans-storm-scif-national-security-nightmare/ 164 comments politics
- Rep. Bennie Thompson, Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, has sent a letter to the House Sergeant at Arms regarding the security breach at a House SCIF: "I am requesting you take action with respect to the Members involved in the breach." https://homeland.house.gov/imo/media/doc/irvingscif.pdf 46 comments politics
- GOP lawmaker shares audio of phone call he made from highly-classified SCIF room https://thehill.com/homenews/house/467168-gop-lawmaker-shares-audio-of-phone-call-he-made-from-highly-classified-scif 1201 comments politics
- House Republicans’ SCIF storming harmed US national security: expert https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/10/23/20929080/house-republicans-sergeant-arms-scif-impeachment-intelligence-eoyang 2 comments politics
- Republicans storm ultra-secure “SCIF,” some with cellphones blazing https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/10/republicans-storm-ultra-secure-scif-some-with-cellphones-blazing/ 6 comments technology
- Lindsey Graham rebukes GOP storming of SCIF: 'That's nuts' https://thehill.com/homenews/house/467153-lindsey-graham-rebukes-gop-congressmen-storming-scif 3 comments politics
- Omar knocks Republicans for appearing to bring phones into highly-classified SCIF room https://thehill.com/homenews/house/467117-omar-knocks-republicans-for-appearing-to-bring-phones-into-highly-classified 82 comments politics
- You Can Pick Out All Your Favorite Wingnuts as They Commit a Dangerous Breach of National Security. Matt Gaetz et al. were caught on video storming the SCIF to disrupt the impeachment inquiry, because Republicans. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a29563472/matt-gaetz-storm-scif-republicans-adam-schiff/?src=socialflowtw&utm_medium=social-media&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=socialflowtwesq&__twitter_impression=true&__twitter_impression=true&__twitter_impression=true 4 comments politics
- Kinny finally emerged from the scif https://www.duffelblog.com/2019/02/nsa-groundhog/?fbclid=IwAR2DYQQ98lgvdp8fuVXv0TtOXvEFqgSA_aSHEd4UqRCa0ruOTGxy8vwKQ24&utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_content=Nation%27s+cryptologists+emerge+from+SCIF%2C+predict+another+month-long+government+shutdown&utm_medium=Duffel+Blog&utm_source=facebook_page 5 comments army
- Caffeine released for Linux (1st person, scifi, VR) http://store.steampowered.com/app/323680/ 5 comments linux_gaming