Hacker News
- How to Use the Grafana Operator: Managing a Grafana Cloud Stack in Kubernetes https://grafana.com/blog/2024/04/24/how-to-use-the-grafana-operator-managing-a-grafana-cloud-stack-in-kubernetes/ 16 comments
- Tembo Operator: a Rust-Based Kubernetes Operator for Postgres https://tembo.io/blog/tembo-operator/ 5 comments
- A framework for writing Kubernetes operators in Python https://github.com/IBM/oper8 2 comments
- Tailscale Kubernetes Operator https://tailscale.com/blog/kubernetes-operator/ 4 comments
- Tailscale Kubernetes Operator https://tailscale.com/kb/1236/kubernetes-operator/ 50 comments
- A Kubernetes operator to sync secrets from AWS Secrets Manager https://www.contentful.com/blog/2020/10/20/open-source-kube-secret-syncer/ 30 comments
- Kubernetes Application Operator Basics https://blog.openshift.com/kubernetes-application-operator-basics/ 2 comments devops
- Light-operator: Control smart lights with Kubernetes custom resources https://github.com/luryus/light-operator 5 comments kubernetes
- Kubernetes Resource Model, Controller Pattern and Operator SDK refresher 🌱↻1 https://vibhavstechdiary.substack.com/p/kubernetes-resource-model-controller?r=736tn 2 comments kubernetes
- Khaos: a Kubernetes operator for Chaos Engineering https://github.com/stackzoo/khaos 2 comments devops
- Canonical's Juju Charms Inspire the Ultimate Kubernetes Integration Operator https://github.com/clayrisser/integration-operator 4 comments kubernetes
- Introduction to rust operators for Kubernetes https://youtu.be/feBYxeO-3cY 8 comments kubernetes
- Automate All the Boring Kubernetes Operations with Python https://martinheinz.dev/blog/73 26 comments kubernetes
- Kubernetes Operator: What It Is And Why You Should Really Care About It https://developer.redis.com/create/kubernetes/kubernetes-operator 3 comments kubernetes
- I've built a Kubernetes operator in Golang and wrote an article about it https://betterprogramming.pub/building-a-highly-available-kubernetes-operator-using-golang-fe4a44c395c2 15 comments golang
- I've built a Kubernetes operator in Golang and wrote an article about it https://betterprogramming.pub/building-a-highly-available-kubernetes-operator-using-golang-fe4a44c395c2 11 comments kubernetes
- Shell-less Kubernetes: Talos Systems Introduces the Common Operating System Interface https://thenewstack.io/shell-less-kubernetes-talos-systems-introduces-the-common-operating-system-interface/ 10 comments kubernetes
- Kubernetes Operators Explained - How does it work? https://blog.container-solutions.com/kubernetes-operators-explained 4 comments kubernetes
- Why Should You Build Your Own Kubernetes Operator https://medium.com/@nealhu/why-should-you-build-your-own-kubernetes-operator-f60c25df0b1c?amp%3Bsk=5f8d8064da5a50c41c1720827c538249&source=friends_link 18 comments kubernetes
- New HashiCorp Terraform Operator for Kubernetes https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/creating-workspaces-with-the-hashicorp-terraform-operator-for-kubernetes/ 16 comments kubernetes
- Passing The CKA Exam For Experienced Kubernetes Operators https://jimangel.io/post/cka-exam-for-experienced-kubernetes-operators/ 4 comments kubernetes
- Kubernetes Operators and Helm — It takes Two to Tango https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/deifv1/kubernetes_operators_and_helm_it_takes_two_to/ 4 comments devops
- Kubernetes Universal Declarative Operator (KUDO) v0.3.0 https://kudo.dev/posts/announcing-kudo-0.3.0/ 3 comments kubernetes
- Oh no! Yet another Kafka operator for Kubernetes https://banzaicloud.com/blog/kafka-operator/ 3 comments kubernetes
- aranya: a Kubernetes operator for edge devices https://github.com/arhat-dev/aranya 7 comments kubernetes
- Analysis of Open source Kubernetes Operators https://medium.com/@cloudark/analysis-of-open-source-kubernetes-operators-f6be898f2340 7 comments kubernetes
- OperatorHub.io - A registry for Kubernetes Operators https://www.operatorhub.io/ 15 comments kubernetes
- A list of every Kubernetes Operator https://kubedex.com/operators/ 14 comments kubernetes
- Building an Kubernetes Operator for Prometheus and Thanos https://robszumski.com/building-an-operator/ 3 comments kubernetes
- Running MySQL on Kubernetes using an operator https://banzaicloud.com/blog/mysql-on-kubernetes/ 3 comments kubernetes
- Introducing the Vault Operator for Kubernetes https://coreos.com/blog/introducing-vault-operator-project 9 comments kubernetes
- Learning to operate Kubernetes reliably (by Julia Evans, Stripe Engineering) https://stripe.com/blog/operating-kubernetes 6 comments kubernetes
- New Kubernetes operator for Rook (distributed persistent storage) https://blog.rook.io/rook-operator-first-class-storage-for-kubernetes-2d0288831175#.tnifmzs3h 11 comments kubernetes
- The Prometheus Operator: Managed Prometheus setups for Kubernetes https://coreos.com/blog/the-prometheus-operator.html 3 comments kubernetes
- Full-Stack Kubernetes Security: Mondoo Operator for Kubernetes 1.0 https://blog.mondoo.com/full-stack-kubernetes-security 4 comments kubernetes
- Talos Linux: You don't need an operating system, you only need Kubernetes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CIMTum9bTA 40 comments devops
- Talos Linux: You don't need an operating system, you only need Kubernetes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CIMTum9bTA 21 comments kubernetes
- MinIO Operator - Kubernetes Lab Setup: Full Module https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ4frGu5hiU 2 comments kubernetes
- It’s clear that the market in which software containers like Docker, Kubernetes, and Mesos operate is shifting. Josh Bernstein (from {code} by Dell EMC) sees several things changing in the container ecosystem in 2017 – and they’re probably not what you’re thinking. https://blog.codedellemc.com/2017/01/04/container_trends_winter_is_coming/ 3 comments sysadmin
- Rancher Labs Introduces Lightweight Distribution of Kubernetes to Simplify Operations in Low-Resource Computing Environments https://rancher.com/press/2019-02-26-press-release-rancher-labs-introduces-lightweight-distribution-kubernetes-simplify/?campaign-queries=reddit 18 comments kubernetes