- Confessions of a Conservative Apostate: What Does It Mean to Be a Conservative Now? https://newsletters.theatlantic.com/peacefield/62d74c4e30d04800225b7346/republican-party-trump-conservatism/ 3 comments politics
- Sir Roger Scruton on What It Means to Be a Conservative https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/07/roger-scruton-meaning-of-conservatism/ 23 comments philosophy
- How Trump Is Changing What 'Conservative' Means https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/04/what-does-moderate-mean-in-the-trump-era/522642/ 8 comments politics
- Christine O’Donnell Says People Are Only Being Mean To Her Because She's A Conservative Woman http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/christine-odonnell-charges-critics-with-sexism-double-standard/ 20 comments politics
- What Conservatives Mean When They Say "Libertarian" http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2010/4/17/21285/7134 59 comments politics
- Conservative Blogger Michelle Malkin Still Thinks Spinal Tap Is A Real Bad - Also Misses The True Meaning of The Word "Tea-Bagging" http://outtheotherear.wordpress.com/2009/04/10/teabagging-and-spinal-tap/ 4 comments politics
- the best one paragraph summation of what it means to be a conservative http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=mdqymdc5odg4mduznzrhodzlnthjzjnmndaznzy0mzy= 25 comments politics
- AOC Responds After Conservative Calls Elizabeth Warren 'Mean and Angry': 'Anger at injustice is quite appropriate' https://www.newsweek.com/aoc-responds-after-conservative-calls-elizabeth-warren-mean-angry-anger-injustice-quite-1488331 1543 comments politics
- Justice Ginsburg schools her conservative colleagues on the meaning of the word ‘consent’ https://thinkprogress.org/justice-ginsburg-republican-colleagues-consent-39721c42421e/ 321 comments politics
- Since when does being a conservative mean that you have to follow Donald Trump? https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2018/10/16/since-when-does-being-a-conservative-mean-that-you-have-to-follow-donald-trump/?utm_term=.9c74c056ff3e 57 comments politics
- Conservative columnist: Corker should call for impeachment if he means what he says http://thehill.com/homenews/media/357191-conservative-columnist-corker-should-call-for-impeachment-if-he-means-what-he 173 comments politics
- How the conservative worldview quashes critical thinking - and what it means for our kids http://www.alternet.org/education/155469/how_the_conservative_worldview_quashes_critical_thinking_--_and_what_that_means_for_our_kids%27_future/ 3 comments politics
- So what do conservatives really mean when they accuse NPR of being "liberal"? They mean it's not accountable to their worldview as conservatives and partisans. http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_room/2011/03/25/moyers_winship_npr/index.html 4 comments reddit.com
- Cheney named Conservative of the Year? True, if by 'conservative' you mean 'vicious war criminal and international terrorist" http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2009/12/21/cheney-named-conservative-of-the-year/ 16 comments politics
- What would a conservative Supreme Court mean for Roe v. Wade? To local activists, it’s history repeating https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/what-would-a-conservative-supreme-court-mean-for-roe-v-wade-to-local-activists-its-history-repeating/ 18 comments politics
- Attention CNN: "unbiased" doesn't mean omitting facts that conservatives don't like http://trumanreview.com/election-night-2014-cnn-struggles-find-political-center-2107/ 23 comments politics
- "Barack Obama strikes a chord with me like no political figure since Ronald Reagan. To explain why, I need to explain why I am a conservative and what it means to me." http://www.dmagazine.com/me2/dirmod.asp?nm=core+pages&type=gen&mod=core+pages&tier=3&gid=b33a5c6e2cf04c9596a3ef81822d9f8e& 75 comments politics
- Conservatives report greater meaning and purpose in life than liberals, study finds https://www.psypost.org/2018/07/conservatives-report-greater-meaning-purpose-life-liberals-study-finds-51688 23 comments science
- Why conservatives should vote for ColoradoCare: "While we would all be paying $25 billion in taxes, we would all be saving $30 billion in health-care spending. This means the residents and businesses of Colorado end up with $5 billion more in their pockets each year..." http://www.postindependent.com/news/local/why-conservatives-should-vote-for-coloradocare/ 293 comments politics
- The Great Society's Next Frontier - 'The slow-motion implosion of the conservative movement means that an abstract notion of a minimal state with no social insurance is not coming.' http://prospect.org/article/great-societys-next-frontier 9 comments politics
- Flashback 2001: Before Donald Trump The Left Accused Conservatives of Being "racist," "homophobe," "sexist," "mean-spirited," "insensitive" and much more. https://nalert.blogspot.com/2019/07/flashback-2001-before-donald-trump-left.html?m=1 19 comments moderatepolitics
- Sexuality Is a “Social Construct”—but That Doesn’t Mean It’s Not Real; Abusing Foucault: How Conservatives and Liberals Misunderstand “Social Construct” Sexuality https://slate.com/human-interest/2014/03/sexuality-as-social-construct-foucault-is-misunderstood-by-conservatives-and-liberals.html?fbclid=iwar1twdxm8lbej8geltnwkjwihyxe18w36t3hbhm5uzzruriabxrh2gnjwp4 797 comments philosophy
- Here’s the GOP congressman who’s trying to kick-start a new climate movement | "If conservation is not conservative, then words have no meaning at all." http://grist.org/climate-energy/heres-the-gop-congressman-whos-trying-to-kick-start-a-new-climate-movement/ 103 comments politics
- Conservative death panels? The right’s bad healthcare idea - Wing-nuts are pushing young people to sit out Obamacare -- which, for some, will likely mean bankruptcy... or death http://www.salon.com/2013/08/20/skip_obamacare_campaigns_will_bankrupt_and_kill_people_if_theyre_successful/ 4 comments politics
- The Fragile Patriotism of the American Conservative | The New York Times’s new 1619 project argues fiercely for a new understanding of what it means to believe in America—and it is cracking the very foundations of conservatism. https://bostonreview.net/race-politics/david-walsh-fragile-patriotism-american-conservative 57 comments politics
- What Would It Mean If Trump Labeled Antifa As A Terrorist Organization? - Ted Cruz and other conservatives are calling for the group to be recognized as a terror organization, and Trump tweeted he might have the DOJ define it as one. https://psmag.com/ideas/what-would-it-mean-if-trump-labeled-antifa-as-a-terrorist-organization 41 comments politics
- Listening to John Adams: The true conception of liberty is far larger than mean-spirited conservative ideology http://www.salon.com/2017/04/08/listen-to-john-adams-and-reclaim-liberty-from-conservatives-the-gop-is-not-at-all-in-the-business-of-expanding-liberty-as-the-founders-envisioned/ 18 comments politics
- When conservatives cry “freedom of religion” and insist they mean something more than “freedom of worship,” this is what they mean: It is the freedom to impose one’s own religious values on others. http://campaignstops.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/03/01/leaps-of-faith/ 623 comments politics
- Tom McCarthy examines how three appeals courts are becoming more conservative with the arrival of judges picked by Trump – and what that means for cases on issues like voting rights https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/may/01/how-trump-tipped-scales-supreme-court-judges-voting-rights 3 comments politics
- How Scott Walker and His Allies Hijacked the Wisconsin Supreme Court | And what it means for the probe into alleged campaign violations by Walker and conservative dark-money groups. http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/05/scott-walker-wisconsin-supreme-court 4 comments politics
- TIL How much energy can you really get from a coin cell? Conservative design means recognizing that ten years is the max to can expect from a coin cell. In practice, even that will not be achievable. http://www.embedded.com/electronics-blogs/break-points/4429960/How-much-energy-can-you-really-get-from-a-coin-cell- 5 comments electronics
- From neocons to crazy-cons - "Once the conservative movement was about finding meaning in private life and public service. But it has undergone a shift toward demagoguery and hucksterism." http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-klinghoffer-conservatism-20100801,0,3905768.story 7 comments politics
- A majority of both Conservative (55%) and Leave (60%) voters think a no-deal Brexit would result in a clean break from the EU, meaning the country could then focus on something else https://yougov.co.uk/opi/surveys/results#/survey/b1a68b4b-d2eb-11e9-bf2d-9d563d3c69ca/question/e0b9c8c2-d2eb-11e9-b08f-4385719ccbc1/politics 66 comments europe
- "Some of my fellow conservatives believe that winning King means winning everything, and nothing more need be done. I share their conviction, but doubt their strategy. The course of simple inaction is nearly guaranteed to enshrine ObamaCare eternally." http://www.wsj.com/articles/ben-sasse-a-first-step-on-the-way-out-of-obamacare-1424908814 7 comments politics
- How the Supreme Court will continue helping GOP game elections: "The wave of voter restrictions passed in the last few years means that in every election, Republicans start with an advantage. And the conservative majority on the Supreme Court has their back." http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2014/09/30/how-the-supreme-court-will-continue-helping-gop-game-elections/ 28 comments politics
- The Hobby Lobby decision by the U.S. Supreme Court not only upholds “religious freedom” but means that employers don’t have to subsidize sex for “recreational behavior,” according to several of America’s best-known male conservative commentators. http://blog.seattlepi.com/seattlepolitics/2014/07/03/consequence-free-sex-supreme-court-takes-away-subsidy-pundits/ 14 comments politics
- The Fox-ification of global warming and the war on coal | Conservative media outlets love to describe climate policies as a 'war on coal,' but what does that phrase even mean? http://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2014/jun/18/foxification-global-warming-war-on-coal 55 comments politics
- A conservative group is launching a radio ad challenging Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell to oppose any money for President Barack Obama's health care law even if it means triggering a government shutdown. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/u/us_gop_obamacare_mcconnell?site=ap&section=home&template=default 3 comments politics
- The GOP’s absurd fear of all things U.N. "The conservative kaleidoscope continues to reveal a world where down is up, the solution to more mass shootings is more guns, and wheelchair ramps for the disabled lead to the end of home schooling. It’s mean, it’s mental — and, frankly, it’s a menace." http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-gops-absurd-fear-of-all-things-un/2012/12/10/c8b5a50a-42e2-11e2-8061-253bccfc7532_story.html?tid=socialss 563 comments politics
- It's time to stop pretending that Democrats and Republicans are equally valid: in a two-party system where one party comprises sane liberals, conservatives, and moderates, and the other party is completely irrational and insane, being fair and even-handed does NOT mean being "bi-partisan." http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2009/02/28/obama_drives_us_toward_socialism_gop_says/ 8 comments politics