- I made a social science tool in Go which calculates the mean distance from part of speeches to entities https://ndabap.github.io/entityscrape/index.html 3 comments golang
- Social Distancing Makes Sense Only With Extraordinary Fiscal Stimulus: And by much larger I mean far larger even than the eye-popping figures the Trump administration is now pursuing in the U.S. And if we want to avoid irreversible economic damage, we can’t afford to wait. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-03-22/social-distancing-makes-sense-only-with-huge-fiscal-stimulus 5 comments politics
- [Ben Simmons] We can all play a part in helping slow the spread of COVID-19. By practicing social distancing and limiting your interactions with others, you can help prevent coronavirus from spreading. But staying in doesn’t mean you have to be solo. We can be #AloneTogether https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/fke48b/ben_simmons_we_can_all_play_a_part_in_helping/ 146 comments nba
- Study: Sick bats also employ 'social distancing' which prevents the outbreak of epidemics. Researchers demonstrate that sick bats, just like ill humans, prefer to stay away from their communities, probably as a means for recovery, and possibly also as a measure for protecting others. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2021-06/tu-sba060121.php 220 comments science