- You Are Learning Haskell Right Now (Or Anything You Want Really) http://michaelrbernste.in/2014/12/11/you-are-learning-haskell-right-now.html 12 comments haskell
- [Haskell-cafe] Help wanted with wiki.haskell.org https://mail.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2015-april/119219.html 15 comments haskell
- Why exactly I want Boring Haskell to happen https://tek.brick.do/a6d9388a-208e-4b18-a219-85457faf69aa 118 comments haskell
- Haskell Engineers Wanted - New York - Blockchain https://functional.works-hub.com/jobs/software-engineer-new-york-new-york-united-states-7fd34?utm_source=alex&utm_medium=alex&utm_campaign=alex 4 comments haskell
- Dependency Injection in Haskell—Feedback Wanted https://github.com/toddaaro/haskell-di/ 8 comments haskell
- I want `go fmt` for Haskell, does anyone else? http://hackage.haskell.org/package/ghc-exactprint 58 comments haskell
- New Haskell docker maintainers wanted https://github.com/haskell/docker-haskell/issues/72 9 comments haskell
- [Beginner Haskeller] Want your thoughts/suggestions on a script I wrote https://github.com/Hydrostatik/swift-import-formatter 15 comments haskell
- I'm working on writing Haskell scrapers for COVID-19 data. Want to help? https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/frm40n/im_working_on_writing_haskell_scrapers_for/ 10 comments haskell
- I want to write a configuration management system in haskell. https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/6xqsqj/i_want_to_write_a_configuration_management_system/ 9 comments haskell
- Help Wanted for Haskell Platform Website http://projects.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-platform/2015-june/003086.html 13 comments haskell
- What commercial users say they want from Haskell http://fpcomplete.com/commercialuserneeds/ 62 comments haskell
- Haskell on JVM: Help Wanted http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2009-june/063454.html 9 comments haskell
- Help wanted for LLVM config for Haskell on Mac. https://github.com/mstksg/advent-of-code-dev 17 comments haskell
- Richard Eisenberg wants to add type lambdas to Haskell https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/pull/155 24 comments haskell
- I want to give a talk about Haskell, need some help https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/6mqit0/i_want_to_give_a_talk_about_haskell_need_some_help/ 29 comments haskell
- What do Haskellers want? FP Complete survey of over a thousand users https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2015/05/thousand-user-haskell-survey 112 comments haskell
- I want to make a Vim clone in Haskell. Where do I start? https://github.com/gchp/iota 45 comments haskell
- You Are Learning Haskell Right Now (Or Anything You Want Really) http://michaelrbernste.in/2014/12/11/you-are-learning-haskell-right-now.html 15 comments haskell
- Keera studios: Haskell games & adventure engine for Android, beta testers wanted! http://keera.co.uk/blog/2014/11/24/haskell-android-games-adventure-engine-beta-testing/ 8 comments haskell
- I come from Java and want to know what monads are in Haskell http://intoverflow.wordpress.com/2010/07/20/i-come-from-java-and-want-to-know-what-monads-are-in-haskell/ 16 comments haskell
- Job opening at FP Complete for an expert JavaScript AJAX UI developer who wants to get into Haskell http://fpcomplete.com/job20121001/ 21 comments haskell
- As practice, I implemented the rules for a simplified game of Clue in Haskell. Anyone want to critique my code? https://github.com/rampion/clue/blob/master/game.hs 19 comments haskell
- Want professional work in Haskell? Don't forget to register your skills on haskellers.com http://www.haskellers.com/ 22 comments haskell
- My friend wanted to learn Haskell, so I wrote him a "tutorial." However, I'm a beginner too, so can you look this over? http://codepad.org/rg56z2lj 20 comments haskell
- Instructions for using Haskell's cabal on OpenBSD. This is handy if you want to use pandoc. https://deftly.net/posts/2017-10-12-using-cabal-on-openbsd.html 3 comments openbsd
- Interpreting a DSL, but don't want to write an interpreter? Coopt your host language's. It's faster, anyway. (Clickbait version: Clojure faster than Haskell! Unfair comparison, but who cares?!) https://cuddly-octo-palm-tree.com/posts/2021-08-15-cwafi-9-clojure/ 9 comments clojure
- Which do you guys want more? Full support for dependent types in Haskell, or a solution to the String/Text/ByteString mess? https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/6oz77a/which_do_you_guys_want_more_full_support_for/ 27 comments haskell
- Haskell Development Workflow Demo, first video I've made, wanted to see if any found it useful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li6oaO8x2VY 11 comments haskell
- Poll: Do You Want Haskell To Have A Mascot? (probably the official one) http://www.haskellers.com/poll/1 14 comments haskell
- Want a Haskell job? How about "hydraulic hybrid vehicle systems"! http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/37093 10 comments programming
- Want a Haskell job? Do you grok monad transformers, laziness and types? Then here's the job for you! http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/30228 13 comments programming
- My Professor, Dr. H. Conrad Cunningham, has written an online book to teach us about FP and Haskell. Just wanted to share this valuable resource with the community. https://john.cs.olemiss.edu/~hcc/csci450/elifp/exploringlanguages.html 12 comments haskell
- Halfway There, or “I want to say I know what I’m doing, but it’s a dangerous thing to say” (Haskell Summer of Code project) https://jaredweakly.com/blog/halfway-there/ 9 comments haskell
- If we want to grow commercial Haskell use significantly, we need to focus on performant full stack web development heavily. https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/4qzer6/if_we_want_to_grow_commercial_haskell_use/ 91 comments haskell
- "I'm very tempted to want to move to a functional programming language. Haskell or Ocaml or something" -John Carmack http://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bfeature=player_detailpage&v=4zgYG-_ha28#t=4193s 62 comments haskell
- When translating C to Haskell, use the same control and data structures, if you want the same performance (unless you know what you're doing) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2978979/haskell-math-performance/2979049 8 comments haskell
- Recommendation for Learning Haskell. Pick 3 from this list and/or other lists. And if you want to know which one is the best, answer: the 3rd one you read. http://www.vex.net/~trebla/haskell/learn-sources.xhtml 5 comments haskell
- "The air on which Haskell programmers seem to thrive reeks of foul stench of cargo cult mathematics, something in which I don’t want to be a part." http://symbo1ics.com/blog/?p=788 140 comments programming
- Little known fact - Freespire is a Linux distro that uses Haskell for its package tools (and has all the codecs and proprietary stuff you might want). http://www.freespire.org/ 5 comments programming