Hacker News
- Comcast to charge for Internet usage like cell phone companies charge for data https://customer.comcast.com/help-and-support/internet/data-usage-what-are-the-different-plans-launching/ 10 comments
- US company using cell data to rank ‘reliability’ of billions of phone users, lawsuit alleges https://therecord.media/privacy-organization-accuses-us-company-of-using-cell-data-to-rank-phone-users-gdpr-violation 78 comments privacy
- Norwegian company tracks American cell phone GPS data to rank "shelter in place" mandate compliance. https://news.yahoo.com/well-social-distancing-smartphone-location-173408334.html?soc_src=yahooapp 2 comments worldnews
- Comcast to begin charging for data usage on home internet the same way cell phone companies are charging for data https://customer.comcast.com/help-and-support/internet/data-usage-what-are-the-different-plans-launching?ref=1 7212 comments technology
- Securus, a company Ajit Pai recently worked for, was secretly tracking and selling most American's realtime cell phone locations after Pai and the GOP halted Obama era data security protections. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/06/verizon-and-att-will-stop-selling-your-phones-location-to-data-brokers/ 20 comments privacy
- Securus, a company Ajit Pai recently worked for, was secretly tracking and selling most American's realtime cell phone locations after Pai and the GOP halted Obama era data security protections. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/06/verizon-and-att-will-stop-selling-your-phones-location-to-data-brokers/ 19 comments politics
- Securus, a company Ajit Pai recently worked for, was secretly tracking and selling most American's realtime cell phone locations after Pai and the GOP halted Obama era data security protections. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/06/verizon-and-att-will-stop-selling-your-phones-location-to-data-brokers/ 169 comments technology
- A document obtained by the ACLU shows how the four largest cell phone companies in the US treat data about their subscribers' calls, text messages, Web surfing and approximate locations http://www.wirelessweek.com/news/2011/09/policy-and-industry-phone-companies-private-data-safety-and-security/ 5 comments politics
- Stephen Miller Sues Jan. 6 Committee over Subpoena for Cell Phone Data Linked to Family-Owned Company https://lawandcrime.com/jan-6-committee/stephen-miller-sues-jan-6-committee-over-subpoena-for-cell-phone-data-linked-to-family-owned-company/ 3 comments law
- Why Bother Attaching Tracking Devices to Cars When People Voluntarily Carry Them Wherever They Go?: '..as long as your phone is turned on, it registers its location with cell phone networks several times a minute, and all US cell phone companies hold on to that data, some of them for years.' http://reason.com/blog/2011/11/16/why-bother-attaching-tracking-devices-to 3 comments technology