- My progressive web app *work in progress* https://tmdb.org 2 comments webdev
- Progressive Web App in Flutter https://medium.com/flutterdevs/progressive-web-app-flutter-62c7dea05fc5?source=friends_link&sk=574ffc46824a32053e6c08859d58f419 3 comments dartlang
- Web Store or Progressive Web Apps? https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hklbpjbehnbccpfcomcnbjalbgpkamlo/ 14 comments chromeos
- Progressive Web Apps on iOS are here https://medium.com/@firt/progressive-web-apps-on-ios-are-here-d00430dee3a7 3 comments webdev
- 10K Apart - Build a progressive web app under 10kB https://a-k-apart.com 9 comments webdev
- The State Of Progressive Web Apps Adoption By Developers In 2021 https://dev.to/daviddalbusco/the-state-of-progressive-web-apps-adoption-by-developers-in-2021-nd0 2 comments javascript
- How do I setup progressive web apps with notifications?? android https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/fq9v8r/how_do_i_setup_progressive_web_apps_with/ 3 comments privacy
- Building a Progressive Web App in React https://blog.truthlabs.com/building-a-progressive-web-app-in-react-11c77a7fccb3 15 comments reactjs
- How is the future of Progressive Web Apps? Should I learn it? https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/8g5cab/how_is_the_future_of_progressive_web_apps_should/ 9 comments javascript
- Here’s what you get for free with a Progressive Web App https://medium.com/samsung-internet-dev/heres-what-you-get-for-free-with-a-progressive-web-app-74b7ac5bdb3a 4 comments webdev
- Is there any point in making/working on a Progressive Web App? https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/5jyslk/is_there_any_point_in_makingworking_on_a/ 9 comments javascript
- Skip the app store with your own progressive web app https://www.gun.io/blog/building-a-personal-assistant-progressive-web-app 5 comments webdev
- Why Progressive Web Apps are Better than Typical Mobile Websites https://www.reddit.com/r/computerscience/comments/da186j/why_progressive_web_apps_are_better_than_typical/ 31 comments webdev
- Talks on Progressive Web Apps from Google I/O ’17 https://balazsdavid987.wordpress.com/2017/06/08/talks-on-progressive-web-apps-from-google-io-17/ 3 comments webdev
- Develop Progressive Web Apps that feel native https://medium.freecodecamp.org/how-you-can-develop-progressive-web-apps-that-feel-native-5110fbbcbf4b 3 comments reactjs
- Service Workers! Your first step towards Progressive Web Apps https://medium.com/@thatisuday/service-workers-your-first-step-towards-progressive-web-apps-pwa-e4e11d1a2e85 3 comments javascript
- Beautiful Progressive Web App for finding coastal tides https://hightide.earth 70 comments web_design
- My first drawing tool Progressive web apps (PWAs) written in VanillaJS https://photo.recognize.tech/ 4 comments webdev
- Progressive Web Apps. Seems neat. Something to add to Fennec when possible? https://blog.chromium.org/2017/02/integrating-progressive-web-apps-deeply.html 18 comments firefox
- Introduction to Progressive Web Apps (Offline First) - Part 1 https://auth0.com/blog/introduction-to-progressive-apps-part-one/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=sc&utm_campaign=progressive_apps 8 comments webdev
- Check Out This Chat Progressive Web App Made With React NodeJS and Firebase. https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/n2dfn3/check_out_this_chat_progressive_web_app_made_with/ 5 comments webdev
- How Browsers will re-shape App Development with Progressive Web Apps https://welance.de/journal/progressive-web-apps/ 4 comments webdev
- Pep – Turn your website into a fast, installable Progressive Web App (PWA) that works offline. In one <script> tag. https://pep.dev/?r 24 comments frontend
- Link Cleaner: Progressive Web App for quickly removing extra junk from URLs https://linkcleaner.app/ 4 comments internetisbeautiful
- Google Chrome OS 98 is here! Lean progressive web apps, new emoji display & small improvements https://www.realmicentral.com/2022/02/09/google-chrome-os-98-is-here-lean-progressive-web-apps-new-emoji-display-small-improvements/ 2 comments chromeos
- I'm building a web app to track your goals and your progress in completing your goals. I am design-blind so I eyes from people who know what they are doing. https://www.gridgoal.com 17 comments web_design
- Developing a Progressive Web App, is IndexedDB frowned upon with regard to user privacy? https://web.dev/what-are-pwas/ 4 comments privacy
- Your Preact Progressive Web App using Preact-CLI, Webpack, Material Design and Web APIs http://www.theodo.fr/blog/2017/11/preact-progressive-web-app-webpack-material-design-web-apis/ 4 comments webdev
- Your Preact Progressive Web App using Preact-CLI, Webpack, Material Design and Web APIs http://www.theodo.fr/blog/2017/11/preact-progressive-web-app-webpack-material-design-web-apis/ 8 comments reactjs
- Created a local weather Progressive Web App that works offline and on any device with modern browser. Built with Vue.js. https://jimmerioles.github.io/progressive-weather-app/ 89 comments javascript
- Some European lawmakers allege that Apple is shirking its responsibility to comply with the Digital Markets Act by removing Progressive Web Apps — and are preparing to launch an investigation https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/02/26/eu-officials-are-not-happy-with-how-apple-is-handling-progressive-web-apps 12 comments europe
- Ordinary Puzzles: A Progressive Web App puzzle game built with React-Native https://www.ordinarypuzzles.com/ 20 comments reactnative
- I'm creating a web app for my daughter to help her get better at math. It's still a work in progress, but I thought I'd share it here to get some initial feedback. https://tafels.app/ 21 comments webdev
- Progressive web apps gained much popularity in 2021, signaling a possible threat to app stores (and their fees) in the near future. As a developer, how do you feel about PWAs? https://www.simicart.com/blog/progressive-web-apps-examples/ 22 comments programming
- What is Progressive Web App and why it is so important to your business. In 2016 mobile users first surpassed those accessing the web from desktop devices. Since then, mobile hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down https://designshack.net/articles/mobile/what-is-a-progressive-web-app/ 8 comments business
- What is Progressive Web App and why it is so important In 2016, mobile users first surpassed those accessing the web from desktop devices. Since then, mobile hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down https://designshack.net/articles/mobile/what-is-a-progressive-web-app/ 15 comments web_design
- I've put together a web app in 6 days using Laravel and AngularJs. Solve my friends' problem. Share some info on the progress and seek feedback. http://fairbee.co 15 comments startups
- The Media Capture demo of What PWA Can Do Today now supports picture-in-picture and has an improved layout on desktop. What PWA Can Do Today is a showcase of what is possible with Progressive Web Apps today and now rocks 19 demos! https://whatpwacando.today/media 8 comments javascript
- A web app that helps you build habits and track their progress. It keeps you motivated via reminders if it finds you slacking. How many times have you said to yourself "I'll get up at 5am everyday". You do this for a couple of days and then, you lose the motivation. Rootein is here to change that. http://rootein.com 7 comments reddit.com
- And Now Member has a Progressive Web App (thx 2qx), Thread Collapsing, Topic List, Night Mode (thx telesfor), Options to Choose Server, USD denomination, Hide (Youtube|Imgur|Twitter). Happy Memo Monday! https://memberapp.github.io/?a1db=#thread?post=a1db074734 4 comments btc