Hacker News
- Building a WebAuthn Click Farm https://betterappsec.com/building-a-webauthn-click-farm-are-captchas-obsolete-bfab07bb798c 42 comments
- Photos and Video Taken Inside Illegal Click Farms (2018) https://www.core77.com/posts/81665/Eye-Opening-Photos-and-Video-Taken-Inside-Illegal-Click-Farms 73 comments
- Click farms: a shadowy internet industry is booming in China https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/click-farms-internet-china-154440209.html 132 comments
- What Click Farms Look Like https://twitter.com/JamieJBartlett/status/1105151495773847552 2 comments
- Someone Has Filmed Inside a 'Click Farm' and It's Weird AF http://www.ladbible.com/technology/technology-someone-has-filmed-inside-a-click-farm-and-its-weird-af-20170513 9 comments
- The Bot Bubble: How click farms have inflated social media currency http://www.newrepublic.com/article/121551/bot-bubble-click-farms-have-inflated-social-media-currency 3 comments
- The Bot Bubble: Click Farms Have Inflated Social Media Currency http://www.newrepublic.com/article/121551/bot-bubble-click-farms-have-inflated-social-media-currency?amp%3Butm_medium=email 62 comments
- The Great Facebook “Boost”: How Click Farms Make Facebook's Paid Promos a Scam http://www.greysquall.com/2016/06/wasting-money-advertising-on-facebook.html 66 comments
- DuckDuckGo ups content farm banning by promoting wikiHow in 0-click http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/2011/02/04/duckduckgo-follows-content-farm-banning-with-promoting-wikihow-content 11 comments
- Facebook’s Algorithm Is Boosting AI Spam That Links to AI-Generated, Ad-Laden Click Farms https://www.404media.co/facebooks-algorithm-is-boosting-ai-spam-that-links-to-ai-generated-ad-laden-click-farms/ 24 comments technology
- Photographer steps inside Vietnam’s shadowy ‘click farms’ https://www.cnn.com/style/vietnam-farms-jack-latham-beggars-honey/ 57 comments technews
- Inside the weird, shady world of click farms https://www.huckmag.com/article/inside-the-weird-shady-world-of-click-farms 3 comments technology
- Building a WebAuthn Click Farm — Are CAPTCHAs Obsolete? https://betterappsec.com/building-a-webauthn-click-farm-are-captchas-obsolete-bfab07bb798c 15 comments netsec
- What are click farms? A shadowy internet industry is booming in China https://finance.yahoo.com/news/click-farms-internet-china-154440209.html 66 comments technology
- Farming for ‘likes’ - what is a click farm and how do they help politicians influence votes? https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-03-30/farming-for-likes-fake-social-media-engagement/10944078?pfmredir=sm 3 comments worldnews
- Meet Click Farms who help political parties, Bollywood superstars & startups get fake popularity online https://tech.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/internet/meet-click-farms-who-help-political-parties-bollywood-superstars-startups-get-fake-popularity-online/61124947 18 comments india
- Massive click farm halted by Thai police https://evonews.com/world-news/2017/jun/16/scam-alert-massive-click-farm-busted-in-thailand/ 9 comments worldnews
- Thai police raid 'click farm,' find 347,200 SIM cards https://www.yahoo.com/tech/thai-police-raid-click-farm-101502843.html 244 comments worldnews
- Thai police raid 'click farm,' find 347,200 SIM cards http://abcnews.go.com/technology/wirestory/thai-police-raid-click-farm-find-347200-sim-48001183 6 comments worldnews
- The bizarre 'click farm' of 10,000 phones that give FAKE 'likes' to our most-loved apps http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/bizarre-click-farm-10000-phones-10419403 14 comments worldnews
- Click Farms: Lets talk about this. https://twitter.com/englishrussia1/status/862661011882561537 65 comments gamedev
- Chinese click farm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsCJU9djdIc 6 comments india
- Getting Down On The Farm. Click Here. Click Street View. Pan To Left. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&source=hp&oq=&um=1&ie=utf-8&q=4+n%F8rre%E5vej,+ulstrup,+midtjylland,+danmark&fb=1&gl=us&hnear=4+n%F8rre%E5vej,+ulstrup,+midtjylland,+danmark&cid=0,0,15423210315630831109&ei=ppbis5kghnw15_os-qy&sa=x&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0caoqnwiwaa 10 comments reddit.com
- Experiment Proves Legitimate Advertising On Facebook "A Waste Of Money." Same Results as Click Farms. http://www.talkmarkets.com/content/technology/advertising-on-facebook-a-waste-of-money?post=40538 47 comments technology
- Facebook Is Riddled With Click Farms Where Workers Sit In Dingy Rooms in Bangladesh, Bars On The Windows, Generating 1,000 Likes For $1 http://www.theguardian.com/media/video/2013/aug/02/click-farms-social-media-video 169 comments worldnews
- You probably notice yourself reflexively clicking “like” on anything your friends post on Facebook, even if it's just to acknowledge you saw it. Scammers are taking advantage of that reflex for a dangerous scam called like-farming http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2016/02/27/dont-click-like-on-facebook-again-until-read-this.html? 3 comments technology
- Celebrities, businesses and even the U.S. State Department have bought bogus Facebook likes, Twitter followers or YouTube viewers from offshore "click farms" http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/facebook-twitter-followers-a-multi-million-dollar-business-1.2484938?cmp=rss 9 comments worldnews
- DAE feel totally repulsed by Lebron dancing in the State Farm ad and will never, ever, click on the link? http://www.thesocietyonline.biz/2011/02/lebron-james-break-dancing-in-state.html 5 comments sports
- How low-paid workers at 'click farms' create appearance of online popularity. One boss in Bangladesh boasted of being "king of Facebook" for his ability to create accounts and then use them to create hundreds or thousands of fake likes. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/aug/02/click-farms-appearance-online-popularity 10 comments technology
- A look inside a Filipino click farm that creates hundreds of fake Facebook accounts everyday http://www.newrepublic.com/article/121551/bot-bubble-click-farms-have-inflated-social-media-currency 5 comments technology
- Zimbabwe's last white farmers face final push. Ringed by a clutch of Zimbabwean soldiers clicking automatic weapons, Charles Lock handed over the keys to his farm and drove off his land for the last time. The UN says that about 4 million Zimbabweans will need food aid next year. Until the land grab, Zimbabwe exported food. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml;jsessionid=p45r1ou4u1xqjqfiqmfcfggavcbqyiv0?xml=/news/2007/10/01/wzim101.xml 125 comments reddit.com