Hacker News
- 'I dont want to die for someone else's ambitions': Russian men face mobilization https://lite.cnn.com/en/article/h_22032563f4523890e2d404937985813e 6 comments
- What (Else) Can Men Do? Grow the Fuck Up. https://medium.com/sci-fi-strange/77a37fd43530 3 comments
- What (else) can men do? Grow the f*** up https://medium.com/p/77a37fd43530 4 comments
- Chris Claremont's X-Men (2013) - Chris Claremont came to Marvel as a young man, and was assigned a book that no one else wanted, a book on the brink of cancellation: X-Men (01:10:34] https://youtu.be/e8K9StbUlHM?si=XUkSxmakGeUMyZ4t 15 comments documentaries
- RVD on Twitter (On criticism over AEW featuring older talent): I believe it’s a homoerotic thing where certain men, maybe Dave, prefer to look at young undressed men and after a certain age, they’re not into it as much. Gotta be, right? What else could it be except a personal, visual pleasure? https://x.com/TherealRVD/status/1717621548473819257?s=20 303 comments squaredcircle
- Kurt Angle reflects on ending to 2017 men’s Survivor Series match, felt like no else mattered but Triple H https://www.postwrestling.com/2022/11/29/kurt-angle-reflects-on-ending-to-2017-mens-survivor-series-match-felt-like-no-else-mattered-but-triple-h/ 14 comments squaredcircle
- ‘I don’t want to die for someone else’s ambitions’: Men across Russia face mobilization https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/25/europe/russian-men-face-putin-mobilisation-ukraine-war-intl/index.html 15 comments worldnews
- 'I don't want to die for someone else's ambitions': Men across Russia face mobilization https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/25/europe/russian-men-face-putin-mobilisation-ukraine-war-intl/index.html 109 comments worldnews
- [Osi] In January we brought over 3 young men from The Uprise camp in Nigeria to give them an opportunity to play in the @NFL . Today all 3 have been signed to NFL rosters. To the @Giants @AZCardinals @Chiefs and everyone else involved, I can’t thank you enough. We made history. https://twitter.com/osiumenyiora/status/1522686151911481344?s=21&t=jRPbhJbSVefhdGbKryhDkA 90 comments nfl
- Big E on trying to create Big Meaty Men Slapping Meat Merchandise: "We need to. We need to. I tried to, but legal would not clear it. So, we're working on something else but, sometimes, you just got to push those through those barriers, so we'll see. I hope so." https://comicbook.com/wwe/news/wwe-big-e-filming-escape-the-undertaker-new-day-legacy-xavier-woods-becoming-wwe-champion/ 42 comments squaredcircle
- Women better at reading minds than men - new study finds. It also transpires that women are much better than men at putting themselves in someone else's shoes https://doi.apa.org/record/2021-16714-001?doi=1 20 comments science
- [Steve Kerr] The NBA is missing low post men. It's so different from when everybody else kind of came into the league. The NBA was dominated by big men and now there's hardly any of them and too many teams just launching 3's from everywhere. I think that's bad for the game https://streamable.com/wuguk7 1299 comments nba
- Former Bury Player - How this is has been allowed to happen is a disgrace. Steve Dale I told you to your face you was a liar but your more than that your a rat scumbag who ruined thousands of people's lives and that's putting it kindly. You, stewart day and whoever else is involved aren't real men https://twitter.com/nickyadams10/status/1166634758048243712 170 comments soccer
- [Mychal Thompson] That Joel Embiid is sumthin else aint he? The most TALENTED Big Man basketball has ever seen...I aint never seen a man his size hav ALL the tools he has...He’s the Home Depot of Big Men... https://twitter.com/champagnennuts/status/1124355081615233024 4 comments nba
- Klopp can always iron on an agreement with Fekir. The two men met at the beginning of the year. There's a verbal agreement between them. Everything else, agreement between clubs, possible competition from other stables. Confirmed but not signed, a bit like Tuchel (French translation) https://twitter.com/nabil_djellit/status/993907574524268545?s=21 43 comments soccer
- A new study by researchers finds that men get an 'attractiveness boost' from being chosen by others. Mate-choice copying is a tendency to find potential partners more attractive when they have already been chosen as a partner by someone else. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-19770-8 21 comments science
- Willy Hernangomez v. Celtics: 12 points, 12 rebounds. Spanish big men are something else! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3RGRbdDX-c 4 comments nba
- Did anyone else pick up on the fact that Marchand's "short handed goal" was technically "too many men"? https://youtu.be/raFGMnFhiKs?t=34 61 comments hockey
- Pope Francis opens foot-washing rite to women in gesture of inclusion - In a change that quickly set the Catholic world buzzing, Pope Francis allowed priests to wash women's feet & anyone else in the community on Holy Thursday & not just men, as church law previously decreed. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/religion/pope-francis-opens-foot-washing-rite-to-women-in-gesture-of-inclusion/2016/01/21/7bc13fba-c080-11e5-98c8-7fab78677d51_story.html 131 comments worldnews
- Does anyone else miss the good old days, when Bitcoin was going to be open and powerful, governed only by Math and Markets - instead of being closed and weak, enslaved once again by Mice who think they're Men... https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1312371.msg13429654#msg13429654 55 comments btc
- Did anyone else love the Men in Blazers as much as I did? (In terms of pure entertainment that is!) http://www.espnfc.us/blog/men-in-blazers/95/post/1946662/world-cup-unforgettable-memories--men-in-blazers 11 comments soccer
- "The two most powerful men in the world’s most powerful country haven’t bothered to talk to each other about drones, immigration, debt, taxes or anything else for nearly five months." http://www.politico.com/story/2013/05/behind-the-curtain-john-boehner-shrinking-power-91905.html#.uasyotunvc0.reddit 3 comments politics
- Did anyone else watch Mad Men on Sunday? http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/soccer-insider/post/mad-men-works-1966-world-cup-final-between-england-and-germany-into-storyline-of-latest-episode/2012/04/16/giqabrvcmt_blog.html 3 comments soccer
- X-Men intro from the 90s will always be better than anything else http://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bfeature=related&v=wZAhqEiq4cA 16 comments reddit.com
- Does Apple's testing lab remind anyone else of X-Men's Danger Room? http://www.apple.com/antenna/testing-lab.html 10 comments apple
- Arkansas boy who refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance because it says "all men are created equal" and argues gays don't have the same rights as everyone else will lead Gay Pride Parade. Right-wing activists try to stop parade saying it is a form of "abuse" (corrected link) http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/dpps/news/ten-year-old-boy-to-lead-arkansas-gay-rights-parade-dpgonc-20100625-fc_8324440 21 comments reddit.com
- Arkansas boy who refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance because it says "all men are created equal" and argues gays don't have the same rights as everyone else will lead Gay Pride Parade. Right-wing activists try to stop parade saying it is a form of "abuse" http://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2010/jun/25/association-blasts-mayors-support-gay-pride-parade/ 9 comments reddit.com
- Anyone else annoyed by these Hardee's commercials that make men look like a bunch of worthless assholes? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j73cdisf8wk 20 comments reddit.com
- Who else finds it funny that the London 2012 logo in the movie Children of Men looks loads better than the actual logo? http://www.free-times.com/Image/20.02/ChildrenOfMenPic.jpg 58 comments reddit.com
- "White women prefer white men to the exclusion of everyone else--and Asian and Hispanic women prefer them even more exclusively. These three types of women only respond well to white men. More significantly, these groups' reply rates to non-whites is terrible." Insights from OKCupid http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/white_guys_suck_other_insights_from_okcupid_study.php 554 comments technology
- According to a study, 47% of men look at a woman's breasts before they look at anything else on her body, including her face. On the other hand, that also means 53% do not. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1211479/proof-womens-chests-really-mans-fixation.html 70 comments reddit.com
- "Men have issues just like everyone else" http://daniel.keyes.ca/journal/?p=89 4 comments reddit.com