- Want to Talk to Aliens? Try Changing the Technological Channel beyond Radio https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/want-to-talk-to-aliens-try-changing-the-technological-channel-beyond-radio/ 140 comments space
- Art Bell Coast to Coast interview of Butch Witkowski - a researcher who specialized in abductions and cattle and human mutilations, because no one else wanted to talk about it. I believe it's good to listen to the good side of alien lore, AND the bad side too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33F3BmZn_UQ 6 comments aliens
- Germany wants Britain to stay in EU because it stops Europe from going to war - “The history before the First world war was of not talking to each other, of alienation, of nationalisms.” http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/germany-wants-britain-stay-eu-3110081 251 comments worldnews
- Rep. Paul Broun, R-Athens, who's running this year for U.S. Senate, talks about why Georgia's demographic shift is a cause for concern with Republicans. "It only helps the Democrats if we legalize all these illegal aliens in this country who the Democrats want to put on federal welfare programs." http://clatl.com/freshloaf/archives/2014/01/08/us-rep-paul-broun-it-would-be-morally-wrong-to-give-georgias-illegal-aliens-the-right-to-vote 9 comments politics
- Serious: With recent Barber interviews, I wanted to share this Ted Talk by cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman. Its not directly alien related, but rather on consciousness/reality as a whole and think its important to share if you've never looked into this subject- i think some of this resonates https://youtu.be/oYp5XuGYqqY?si=NcV32wkdbbMqX3Fx 25 comments aliens