Hacker News
- Want to live longer and better? Do strength training https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/want-to-live-longer-and-better-strength-train 2 comments
- If you want to live longer, get castrated. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-19699266 8 comments worldnews
- Want to live longer? This Berlin startup aims to bring you back from the dead https://tech.eu/2023/01/26/tomorrow-biostasis-wants-you-to-live-forever 13 comments technology
- Want to live longer? This Berlin startup aims to bring you back from the dead https://tech.eu/2023/01/26/tomorrow-biostasis-wants-you-to-live-forever 307 comments futurology
- [Foolish Baseball] ARSON Judge? I guess that's why they call it the HOT stove! My children no longer want me in their lives. https://twitter.com/foolishbb/status/1600265921003950080?s=46 33 comments baseball
- Want To Live Longer? How Life Extension Industry Will Reboot Health, Wellness and The Economy https://www.forbes.com/sites/deandebiase/2022/10/25/want-to-live-longer-how-life-extension-industry-will-reboot-health-wellness-and-the-economy/?sh=482c68044c2f 84 comments futurology
- Want To Live Longer? Look At Boobs Everyday! http://www.realitywired.com/2007/08/29/want-to-live-longer-look-at-boobs-everyday/ 46 comments reddit.com
- Putin Wants Russians to Live Longer as Demographic Crisis Grows https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-08/putin-wants-russians-to-live-longer-as-demographic-crisis-grows 70 comments worldnews
- EU wants to make electronics repairable and have longer lives https://www.engadget.com/2020/03/11/eu-right-to-repair-phones-tablets-computers/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=ahr0chm6ly93d3cuymluzy5jb20vc2vhcmnop3e9rvurcmvwywlyk2xlz2lzbgf0aw9ujmzpbhrlcnm9dg5usuqlm2elmji1mzm4m0ncrs0xmke3ltrmndgtodg0my00qze2njczodncrjelmjirdg5wzxjzaw9ujtnhjtiymzqzmzazniuymitzzwdtzw50jtnhjtiycg9wdwxhcm5vdy5jyxjvdxnlbcuymit0bknvbcuzysuymjylmjirdg5pcmrlciuzysuymjk3mdm0ntc2lwrkodmtndvkzc1iyzvklwu1zmjmytjhmge2ziuymizgt1jnpujtue4wmszjcnnsc2w9mczlzmlyc3q9mq&guce_referrer_sig=aqaaae-677iny8zeuwkr-r6mui6jvjcygo2baunckaaiionhj6ku8idwyxiskepqvvcsatz-0ezab6ugg1xmhjxc7qu-igbvb_vozfuy0q2bd9j9g0k_27vag_wy9ig7naarwwmtir77ldw4htd6iluobmmfwhzvkidyeemcjnmje1bx 202 comments europe
- Want to live longer? Ride a bike, don't run. http://samuelwbennett.com/the-struggle/the-5-reasons-why-cyclists.html 7 comments bicycling
- Anyone want to place bets on how much longer this guy lives? My guess 12 hours. http://us.cnn.com/2011/world/americas/06/08/mexico.juarez.police.chief/index.html?hpt=ju_c2 15 comments worldnews
- Play golf if you want to live longer: study http://www.intology.com/health/play-golf-if-you-want-to-live-longer-study/ 2 comments science
- Want to live longer? Move to a country with universal health care, study finds http://www.mercurynews.com/2017/02/21/want-to-live-longer-move-to-a-country-with-universal-health-care-report-finds/ 8 comments politics
- Superman officially wants to leave Orlando. I can no longer live in denial =( http://www.nba.com/magic/denton_bigdecision_121011.html 32 comments nba
- The Dog Aging Project Wants to Help Your Pet Live Longer (Smithsonian Magazine) http://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/dog-aging-project-wants-help-your-pet-live-longer-180960263/ 5 comments science
- Men from polygamous cultures live longer. Cue, "Honey, you just won't let me have a second wife because you want me to die young!" guilt trip. http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn14564-polygamy-is-the-key-to-a-long-life.html?dcmp=ilc-hmts&nsref=news2_head_dn14564 2 comments science
- Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte to drug suspects: ‘Want to live longer? Stay in jail’ http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/2147316/philippines-president-rodrigo-duterte-drug-suspects-want 4 comments worldnews
- "Switzerland's banks no longer want American clients but now Swiss citizens living in the United States are finding it hard to keep accounts back home. . . . Swiss expatriates are increasingly irritated by their dealings with banks in their homeland and are venting their frustrations online." http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/specials/expat_woes/swiss_expats_caught_in_middle_of_us_tax_conflict.html?cid=32137500 5 comments worldnews
- Longevity Pill Tested in Humans - Can a pill slow aging? Want to live twenty years longer? It worked for mice. Will it work for you? http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/duncan/17658/ 8 comments reddit.com
- What we pay for healthcare, provides 3 people with healthcare in spain, and they live 3 years longer than us. Yet republicans want government to keep its dirty hands of my healthcare! Most of that money ironically goes to politicians/lobbyists to keep healthcare expensive. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/a0934556.html 7 comments politics
- GOP House stands ‘unapologetically for life,' says Cantor. Right. That is why they want to reduce Social Security, and cut back Medicare and Medicaid. Makes people live longer. http://thehill.com/blogs/healthwatch/other/139707-lawmakers-pitch-legislative-priorities-at-anti-abortion-rally 5 comments politics
- You're Living Longer. Really. Trust Us.--They lie, then they lie, then they lie some more. Why is Social Security in trouble? We're living longer? Nope, if you want to know why, it's that same POS onto whom we've been piling for decades, Ronald Reagan. Not EVERYONE is paying their fair share. http://itbegsthequestion.com/?p=2156 7 comments politics
- Want to Live Longer? You Better Start Moving—All Day Long | Scientists crunched the numbers to come up with the single best predictor of how long you’ll live—and arrived at a surprisingly low-tech answer https://www.outsideonline.com/health/training-performance/movement-key-to-living-longer/ 8 comments health