Hacker News
- Who wants to live for ever? Ageing can be cured–and, in part, it soon will be https://www.economist.com/books-and-arts/2021/02/06/ageing-can-be-cured-and-in-part-it-soon-will-be 104 comments
- How to live free, do everything you want and insure you’ll never, ever be happy. http://rym.waglo.com/wordpress/2010/01/08/how-to-live-free-do-everything-you-want-and-insure-youll-never-ever-be-happy/ 19 comments
- So, you want to live for ever? http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,8124-2448719_1,00.html 2 comments reddit.com
- Ever wanted to live in an Apple commercial? Now you can with this Spotify playlist. http://open.spotify.com/user/bjosk/playlist/2SSaOKE7UL3zmgdEMjPQMJ 10 comments apple
- Still awake? Ever wanted to learn cricket? Live on NBCSN now https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/7oi0vl/still_awake_ever_wanted_to_learn_cricket_live_on/ 8 comments baseball
- Have you ever wanted to do live coding on your mobile phone with Lua? Well now you can. http://createuniverses.blogspot.com/2011/06/lua-based-live-coding-tools-for-nokia.html 6 comments lua
- Ever since I was a wee lad I wanted to live in a cave house, am I the only one? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/ebayisapi.dll?viewitem&item=330306913609 5 comments reddit.com
- Ever wanted to live inside a baseball stadium? Bush Stadium in Indianapolis has been turned into apartments https://www.mlb.com/news/stadium-lofts-where-you-can-live-in-a-baseball-stadium 72 comments baseball
- Want a Passport? Remember the Addresses of Everywhere You've Ever Lived? http://www.aclu.org/blog/technology-and-liberty/want-passport-remember-addresses-everywhere-youve-ever-lived 8 comments politics
- Want a Passport? Remember the Addresses of Everywhere You've Ever Lived? http://www.aclu.org/blog/technology-and-liberty/want-passport-remember-addresses-everywhere-youve-ever-lived/ 4 comments reddit.com
- "“How can we ever trust the Arabs again?” wondered Abdulrahman. “They want to kill the Kurds,” he warned." - Yezidi's wonder how they could live side by side by men who betrayed them http://rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/21082014 68 comments worldnews
- This could be the best white noise audio ever. Who wants to fall asleep to LIVE underwater sounds of the Antarctic Ocean? http://www.awi.de/en/research/new_technologies/marine_observing_systems/ocean_acoustics/palaoa/palaoa_livestream/ 29 comments science
- Ever wanted to see a guy build a giant robot in the middle of the woods while living off the grid? Now is your chance! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86krv3ge-c4&feature=player_embedded 4 comments reddit.com
- One cheer for capitalism: there's no question that it's raised material living standards since the industrial revolution, but its logic requires that we be ever unsatisfied and wanting more https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-good-the-bad-the-economy/201512/money-and-happiness 4 comments economy
- The most important documentary you will ever see, if you want to understand the society we live in today and its shortcomings. Take the time, this is important. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/the_trap_(television_documentary_series) 7 comments reddit.com
- Ever wanted to play Baseball through Reddit? In FakeBaseball you can live out your dream as a baseball star and play entirely through reddit! It's TTRPG meets Baseball in a simple number guessing package! https://discord.gg/wrNMv3Y 35 comments baseball
- New to this sub, just wanted to tell everyone about the best calendar app I've ever used. The developer rocks. The name is lame, but the live tile rocks! http://www.windowsphone.com/s?appid=21a28d9a-a292-4cc5-b1f2-febc7a8cb874 5 comments windowsphone
- Rick Santorum tries to deny ever saying: “I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money.” http://www.salon.com/2012/01/05/rick_santorum_flip_flops_on_black_people/ 8 comments politics
- The most important documentary you will ever see in recent times if you want to understand the society we live in today and its shortcomings, links are under comments. Too important to miss is an understatement. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/the_trap_(television_documentary_series) 6 comments reddit.com
- Who wants to live for ever? Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg do - Silicon Valley’s billionaires are ploughing a fortune into tech to keep them ticking | The Times https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/who-wants-to-live-for-ever-jeff-bezos-and-mark-zuckerberg-do-g68w8tbcm 56 comments futurology
- Have you ever wanted to see Mark Webber race live on a half-mile oval in the Northeast U.S.? Well then do I have news for you. https://staffordmotorspeedway.com/srx/ 16 comments formula1
- John Lloyd on BBC: "Djokovic has openly said he wants the most ever slams. Federer and Nadal are now saying they are not too bothered... trust me they are bothered! All of the elite players are obsessed with slams and titles.. I should know I lived with one for many years! " https://mobile.twitter.com/pavyg/status/1405546789437067265 138 comments tennis
- Petr Cech: "This was my last-ever home game in European competitions... I wanted to win and get into a position to live my dream of lifting the trophy in my last game. That is still alive." https://twitter.com/arsenal/status/1124105064812044290?s=19 192 comments soccer
- Listen, I don't give a shit about politicians' sex lives, let them fuck whoever they want. The only disgrace is that this is the only political issue that ever causes an uproar. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080313/ap_on_re_us/spitzer_call_girl 167 comments politics
- [Albanese] "I'm going to walk on the field one more time and take a picture with family - live in the moment," Seth Lugo said. "It's been 12 years...It's all I've ever known." He seems near tears and says he wants to come back. He and his family also took a photo with Buck. https://twitter.com/AlbaneseLaura/status/1579306646773280768 35 comments baseball
- We’re making live, street-level weather forecasts with greater accuracy than ever before using the barometer in your iPhone. Do you want to join the Beta? http://thesunshine.co 55 comments apple
- Ex-stoner turned amator cyclist, now living full time in Gran Canaria. Just wanting to show you some of the breathtaking roads we have on this little island, as this Tauropass. Anyone ever visited? https://youtu.be/Yzqb81v2Uwk 3 comments bicycling
- Bud yesterday on Inside the NBA: "There is nothing more important in our lives than ending racism and not ever having something like this happen to another Jacob Blake, George Floyd or Breonna Taylor, we want change, the players will lead and we'll follow; they care at a deep level, we all do. https://youtu.be/FJ9UiPl1U1I?t=7m49s 59 comments nba
- In depth Interview with Austin Rivers's old coach: " He never wanted to live off of his father’s name. He never felt entitled; ever. I loved that about him. He had everything and every resource, but he always approached the game like he had nothing." http://usatodayhss.com/2014/08/06/austin-rivers-worked-himself-into-being-a-pro-per-his-aau-coach/ 39 comments nba
- [uSTADIUM] Antonio Brown on Live: "I wanted to tell you guys that I think James Harrison gave me CTE. James Harrison had an illegal helmet for over 20 years in the NFL. And he hit me one time. And ever since he hit me I've been super aggressive. So blame James Harrison for my CTE." https://twitter.com/ustadium/status/1621706891410784257?s=46&t=BOTuk0Es8xBw98_uYXecjg 1062 comments nfl
- Everyone wants to live in a country that never has any mass shootings. The Japanese do. What’s their secret? In Japan you must pass a psychological exam and file paperwork for a license. And you must account for every round of ammunition you ever shot at target practice or while hunting. http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/japan-safe-guns-article-1.1223065#ixzz2igewoh7g 42 comments politics