Hacker News
- Don't want the NSA to read your email? http://reason.com/blog/2013/06/21/dont-want-the-nsa-to-read-your-email-use 2 comments
- Want Me To Read Your Email? Pay Me. http://techcrunch.com/2010/03/29/want-me-to-read-your-email-pay-me/ 9 comments
- The Obama Administration Wants To Read Your Email (Without A Warrant) http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/the-obama-administration-wants-to-read-your-email-without-a-warrant/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=feed%3A+otb+%28outside+the+beltway+%7C+otb%29 53 comments politics
- The Obama Administration Wants To Read Your Email (Without A Warrant) http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/the-obama-administration-wants-to-read-your-email-without-a-warrant/ 34 comments politics
- Tips on Deleting Emails From Email Book Hillary Clinton Wanted to Read http://abcnews.go.com/politics/tips-deleting-emails-email-book-hillary-clinton-wanted/story?id=33046042 7 comments politics
- Democrats want Susan Collins to read leaked email from Brett Kavanaugh http://www.sunjournal.com/leaked-documents-show-brett-kavanaughs-views-on-abortion-and-racial-profiling/ 28 comments politics
- Now Another House Committee Doesn't Want You To Read Its Emails With Government Officials https://www.buzzfeed.com/maryanngeorgantopoulos/house-committee-foia-part-2?utm_term=.pywlqv22mb#.uu2q2gbbo4 10 comments politics
- I want to use Emacs/Gnus to read email at work. How to convince the IT security guys to allow the usage of Davmail? http://davmail.sourceforge.net/faq.html 12 comments emacs
- Tell The Government That It Needs To Get A Warrant If It Wants To Read Your Email http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20131120/17144925314/tell-white-house-that-it-should-get-warrant-if-it-wants-to-read-your-email.shtml 207 comments technology
- Harry Reid on widening Democratic hack: 'My emails are so boring, not even Putin wants to read them' http://www.businessinsider.com/harry-reid-on-widening-democratic-hack-my-emails-are-so-boring-not-even-putin-wants-to-read-them-2016-8 49 comments politics
- The SEC Wants to Read Your Emails Without a Warrant - How it and other civil agencies are trying to undermine important privacy reform. http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2015/12/ecpa_reform_the_sec_wants_to_undermine_important_email_privacy_legislation.html 4 comments privacy
- The Feds Want To Spy On Everything: Government snoops are interested in reading more than just your email. http://reason.com/archives/2012/11/30/the-feds-want-to-spy-on-everything 7 comments politics
- Uncle Sam Wants to Read Your Email ...and Control the Climate in Your Home (And you thought the Patriot Act and warrantless wiretapping was a big deal. Hah) http://www.alternet.org/blogs/peek/73977/?sid13 26 comments politics
- Senate bill rewrite lets Feds read your email without a warrant (CNET). Why do these people not get the point that we don't want them in our privacy? http://m.cnet.com/news/senate-bill-rewrite-lets-feds-read-your-e-mail-without-warrants/57552225 4 comments politics
- "But wait! What if Hitler intercepts your email message and wants to read it." How to explain email encryption to your parents... http://www.productivity501.com/digital-signatures-encryption/4710/ 5 comments reddit.com
- ACLU - Want to Read My Email? Not Without a Warrant: 'The current law even allows the government to read virtually all of our emails without a warrant. This extraordinary power is an egregious violation of the privacy Americans rightly expect.' http://www.aclu.org/blog/technology-and-liberty/want-read-my-email-not-without-warrant 70 comments politics
- If you *really* want to learn how Bitcoin works, you owe it to yourself to read Satoshis initial communications on the crypto mailing list (direct link to email preceding Satoshis announcement, increase url count to continue reading) http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.encryption.general/12587/ 21 comments btc
- Salernitana president: Sabatini wanted to pay a million euro commission to Lassana Coulibaly's agent to get him to stay, we had a fight because I will never bend to this system. Now I read that he wants the Champions League, he can't even work with a computer or send an email https://www.calciomercato.com/news/salernitana-iervolino-sabatini-bugiardo-si-sente-da-champions-ma-63673 13 comments soccer
- [Kevin Love] Wow...I can't even describe how grateful I am for the love and support. More than anything, it's been amazing to see YOU tell your own stories about Mental Health. Let's keep it going. If want to share your story you can email me at kevin@playerstribune.com (yes I'll read it). https://mobile.twitter.com/kevinlove/status/971131804303454213 661 comments nba
- "Did you want to offer your children to be brutally gang-raped and then horribly tortured before being reminded of their parents' socialist beliefs and actions?", reads just one of many emails threatening Australian scientists for speaking out about climate change http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/02/22/2826417.htm? 87 comments science