Hacker News
- A Visual Guide to React Mental Models: UseState, UseEffect and Lifecycles https://obedparla.com/code/a-visual-guide-to-react-mental-models-part-2-use-state-use-effect-and-lifecycles/ 78 comments
- Annoying React useState mistake I've seen senior engineers make https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_Te8SxQ1Dg 2 comments
- Is useState needed in this React Docs example? https://beta.reactjs.org/learn/referencing-values-with-refs 4 comments reactjs
- Most Common useState Mistakes React Developers Often Make https://refine.dev/blog/common-usestate-mistakes-and-how-to-avoid/ 47 comments reactjs
- Persisting Data in React useState - JS Now https://www.jsnow.io/p/javascript/react/persisting-data-in-react-usestate 14 comments javascript
- How does React implement the useState hook? 🪝 https://codesandbox.io/s/usestate-rpoxd?file=/src/index.js 10 comments reactjs
- Commons Mistakes with React useState hook and How to Prevent them. https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english/commons-mistakes-with-react-usestate-hook-and-how-to-prevent-them-43c811ca7451?source=friends_link&sk=efa94031ba9e2478f29f2b41092b1e9a 6 comments reactjs
- React hook that persist data in local storage while having the same API as useState() https://github.com/astoilkov/use-local-storage-state 3 comments reactjs
- React Hooks Tutorial 2020 | The useState Hook [in <5 minutes] https://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bt=110s&v=dV4uffefL_M 3 comments reactjs
- New to react, I can't get useState working with an array and I would like to get some help. https://codepen.io/Inkplay_/pen/YzzRmqb?editors=1011 3 comments reactjs
- useStore() - a reactive alternative to React's useState() https://github.com/pretodor/use-store 8 comments javascript
- React Hooks: useState with TypeScript https://youtu.be/3WQUItcK-j0 22 comments reactjs
- React Hooks - useState (I fell in love with hooks and I want to do the same :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G43PbpmGrA 5 comments reactjs
- Managing State in Functional React Components with useState https://www.carlrippon.com/managing-state-in-functional-react-components-with-usestate/ 13 comments typescript
- How to efficiently refactor useState to useReducer in React https://edvins.io/how-to-efficiently-refactor-use-state-to-use-reducer-in-react 2 comments reactjs
- Discriminated Unions and React useState typing issue https://codesandbox.io/s/react-typescript-forked-y38wym?file=%2Fsrc%2FTestComponent.tsx%3A0-529 4 comments typescript
- Conway's Game of life in react doesn't re-render when the grid useState is updated https://codesandbox.io/s/tender-snow-gcknd?file=/src/App.js 6 comments reactjs
- Learn React Visually: A Guide To React Mental Models, Part 2: UseState, UseEffect, And Lifecycles https://obedparla.com/code/a-visual-guide-to-react-mental-models-part-2-use-state-use-effect-and-lifecycles/ 19 comments reactjs
- Bridging the Gap between React's useState, useReducer, and Redux https://leewarrick.com/blog/a-guide-to-usestate-and-usereducer/ 35 comments reactjs
- I've created this fun little tutorial to explain the new React Hooks. It's all about useState, useEffect, creating custom hooks with composition, and in the meantime you'll be building an amazing drawing app! 😜 https://blog.koenvangilst.nl/react-hooks-with-canvas/ 3 comments reactjs
- React-inspired 'hooks' like useState(..) for stand-alone non-React functions https://github.com/getify/tng-hooks 8 comments javascript
- Fun with React Hooks - great 1hr talk on the mental modal of useState and useEffect by Michael Jackson and Ryan Florence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jWS7cCuUXw 30 comments reactjs
- Simple React Hook to persist/cache the useState locally. Easily implement stale while revalidate. The biggest user experience gains we had in our company apps. Decided to share with you guys. React Native and Web compatible. https://github.com/leoafarias/use-state-persist 5 comments reactnative
- I'm new to React Hooks so as I was learning myself I wrote this tutorial. Hope it helps someone out there. (Covers useState, useEffect, useRef, useCallback, useMemo and making your own hooks) https://jstutorial.medium.com/react-hooks-for-beginners-e75237f9c220?sk=f9ee1cd4b93330e5c098f7641deda6ff 11 comments reactjs