- Trump campaign deletes video mentioning 'unified Reich' https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-69045271 15 comments politics
- Army PSYOP training to be unified under new school https://taskandpurpose.com/news/army-psywar-school/ 23 comments military
- Gravity induces quantum entanglement between space and matter, a testable effect with implications for unifying physics theories and quantum technologies. https://quantum-journal.org/papers/q-2024-02-29-1273/ 71 comments science
- rqlite v7.18: the lightweight distributed database built on Go, Raft, and SQLite -- now with new Unified HTTP endpoint for easy reads and writes https://github.com/rqlite/rqlite/releases/tag/v7.18.0 2 comments golang
- Towards a unified theory of Biden's climate deal https://www.newstatesman.com/ideas/2022/08/unified-theory-biden-inflation-reduction-act-climate 4 comments politics
- The Americas Should Unify in a Marriage Equality Bloc https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/06/27/americas-should-unify-marriage-equality-bloc 3 comments politics
- China seeks to unify public in support for Russia https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-china-seeks-to-unify-public-support-1a0fbda7db0554ca40569470fa48db6c 75 comments worldnews
- AOC blasts Democrats who don't unify behind the party's nominees as 'playing a dangerous game' in the face of a 'fascist threat' https://www.businessinsider.com/aoc-india-walton-democratic-nominees-party-unity-dangerous-game-fascism-2021-10 1045 comments politics
- CMake proposal: Unified way of describing dependencies of a project https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/22686 76 comments cpp
- A Unified RCS Messaging Platform for Android Users Is Dead https://gizmodo.com/the-plan-to-give-android-users-their-own-version-of-ime-1846684525 4 comments technology
- Glassmorphism CSS Generator - Glassmorphism is a unified name for the popular Frosted Glass aesthetic. https://glassmorphism.com/ 5 comments webdev
- The Stone Age may have lasted 20,000 years longer in part of Africa than previously thought, recent archaeological finds revealed. This refutes a long-standing theory that humanity evolved in one unified way towards our modern lifestyles – and instead evolved at different speeds around the world. https://whatsnew2day.com/the-stone-age-may-have-lasted-up-to-20000-years-longer-in-some-areas-than-previously-thought/ 26 comments science
- LLDP packets from UniFi router causing dropped packet counter to increase on Proxmox server https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/j3e1vl/lldp_packets_from_unifi_router_causing_dropped/ 8 comments sysadmin
- Unifi Dream Machine (UDM) Review: Benefits and Limitations https://www.eva.nmccann.net/blog/unifi-dream-machine-review/?ref=reddit 10 comments hardware
- 'Political Revolution in Action': National Pro-Bernie Coalition Launches Unified Voter Mobilization Campaign https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/01/31/political-revolution-action-national-pro-bernie-coalition-launches-unified-voter 10 comments politics
- Nietzsche on Nihilism: A Unifying Thread https://quod.lib.umich.edu/p/phimp/3521354.0019.011/1 48 comments philosophy
- African union to unveil unified passport tomorrow https://wnobserver.com/world/african-union-to-unveil-unified-passport-tomorrow/ 236 comments worldnews
- Teleprompter Trump Offers Unifying SOTU, But What Will Twitter Trump Say In The Morning? https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-state-of-the-union-tweets_us_5c5a3b0ce4b00187b5560e20 20 comments politics
- A free course with Andy Clark on 'predictive brain theory' - touted as a unifying theory for cognitive sciences https://iai.tv/iai-academy/courses/info?course=predicting-ourselves 9 comments philosophy
- D1095R0/N2xxx draft 4: Zero overhead deterministic failure - A unified mechanism for C and C++ https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/95ph1u/d1095r0n2xxx_draft_4_zero_overhead_deterministic/ 43 comments cpp
- Koreas target unified march at Asian Games opening ceremony https://www.reuters.com/article/us-games-asia-koreas/koreas-target-unified-march-at-asian-games-opening-ceremony-iduskcn1ha0gs 5 comments worldnews
- Russia’s GLONASS system is merging with the Chinese BeiDou to create one unified global navigation giant. https://www.rt.com/business/422902-russia-china-cooperate-satellite-navigation/ 4 comments russia
- Trump says it will be hard to unify country without a 'major event' https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-says-it-will-be-hard-to-unify-country-without-a-major-event 290 comments politics
- Without Obama as a Unifier, Republicans Are Fragmented https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/06/us/politics/without-obama-as-a-unifier-republicans-are-fragmented.html 41 comments politics
- Unified Benelux [OC / fictional map] https://i.redd.it/jgqaubs4c7gy.jpg 225 comments europe
- Hypothetical situation: Entire Opposition of current govt. unifies and (for once) sensibility is followed : who might be the leader of one such movement ? https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/5ll8ck/hypothetical_situation_entire_opposition_of/ 8 comments india
- New papers: Iterator facade for ranges; adopt File System TS for C++17; unified call syntax wording : Standard C++ https://isocpp.org/blog/2016/02/new-papers 65 comments cpp
- Paris attacks: France launches UN push for unified declaration of war on Isis http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/20/paris-attacks-france-launches-un-push-for-unified-declaration-of-war-on-isis 11 comments europes
- All U.S. Air Force bombers reorganized under single unified command http://www.upi.com/business_news/security-industry/2015/09/29/us-bomber-fleets-re-aligned-under-single-command/1871443538576/ 5 comments geopolitics
- It’s time to rethink Iraq and Syria - It begins by admitting that the old borders are gone, that a unified Syria or Iraq will never be reconstituted, that the Sykes-Picot map is defunct http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/a-strategy-for-iraq-and-syria/2015/06/18/20a52e28-15f1-11e5-9518-f9e0a8959f32_story.html 6 comments worldevents
- At the UN, US President Obama challenged world leaders to rally around a unified international order, warning that “there is a pervasive unease” amid a series of global crises, including the Islamic State, Ebola, and Ukraine, that require urgent attention. http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/at-un-obama-calls-for-unified-approach-to-tackle-islamic-state-ebola-ukraine-crises/2014/09/24/9b32cb9c-43f5-11e4-b437-1a7368204804_story.html 11 comments worldnews
- Hangouts gets free voice calling, SMS and voice mail as Google aims to unify messaging http://gigaom.com/2014/09/10/hangouts-gets-free-voice-calling-sms-and-voice-mail-as-google-aims-to-unify-messaging/?utm_medium=content&utm_campaign=syndication&utm_source=news360&utm_content=hangouts-gets-free-voice-calling-sms-and-voice-mail-as-google-aims-to-unify-messaging_872076 3 comments technology
- Bill O'Reilly On The 1950s: "White America Was Kind Of Unified" And That "Made It Easier For Society To Function" http://mediamatters.org/video/2013/04/09/bill-oreilly-on-the-1950s-white-america-was-kin/193553 21 comments politics
- pipes-3.0: Simpler, unified API http://www.haskellforall.com/2012/12/pipes-30-simpler-unified-api.html 70 comments haskell
- Objects to Unify Type Classes and GADTs http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/3837 3 comments programming
- A Cross-Distro Unified Installer Is On The Way http://www.webupd8.org/2011/01/cross-distro-unified-installer-is-on.html 56 comments linux
- JSONP-Fu! A Javascript library that provides access to multiple JSONP API's through a unified, extensible, and easy to use interface. http://meltingice.github.com/jsonp-fu/ 6 comments javascript
- History of the American Pledge of Allegiance, which was written to make the case for Columbus Day as a unifying national holiday. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/books/postcards_from_the_pledge_823zlcnzb9qp23vmxrpeki 3 comments history
- Former Mexican foreign minister calls for ‘North American union’, unified currency http://www.noonehastodietomorrow.com/agenda/nau/2005 12 comments worldnews
- Hugo Chavez proposes a South American version of NATO. Bad idea? For one, there is no unifying enemy like the Soviet Union to motivate a defense pact. But perhaps Chavez doesn't feel that way. http://www.theseminal.com/2008/04/15/midday-open-thread-chavez-proposes-a-south-american-nato/ 7 comments worldnews