Hacker News
- Silicon Valley's $445M robot pizza revolution that wasn't https://www.fastcompany.com/90979001/zume-pizza-silicon-valley-445-million-robot-revolution-that-wasnt 2 comments
- Antidote to the Great Resignation and a plunging birthrate is a robot revolution https://www.city-journal.org/why-the-robot-revolution-doesnt-mean-the-end-of-work 2 comments
- Unitree CEO on China's Robot Revolution https://www.chinatalk.media/p/unitree-ceo-on-chinas-robot-revolution 3 comments china
- The killer ground drone revolution is here. The Netherlands has deployed four armed ground robots or unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), making it the first NATO country to do so. The robots are Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry Systems (THeMIS) UGVs built by the Estonian defense company Milrem Robotics. https://www.vice.com/en/article/jgpax3/the-netherlands-has-deployed-natos-first-killer-robot-ground-vehicles 3 comments europe
- China’s robotics revolution falls behind target as technology gap with rivals Japan, Germany persists https://archive.ph/sty0k 3 comments worldnews
- Elon Musk joins 100 tech chiefs warning UN that killer robots could be 'third revolution of warfare' https://news.sky.com/story/elon-musk-joins-100-tech-chiefs-warning-un-that-killer-robots-could-be-third-revolution-of-warfare-10998721 5 comments worldnews
- The robot revolution will be worse for men https://www.vox.com/2019/1/28/18185061/robot-automation-jobs-employment-revolution-worse-men-brookings 35 comments politics
- Robotic surgeons set to spark 'revolution in healthcare' The assistance of robots in surgical rooms are predicted to transform the way operations are performed. https://news.sky.com/story/robotic-surgeons-set-to-spark-revolution-in-healthcare-11810158 3 comments technology
- ‘I’m so done with driving’: is the robot car revolution finally near https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/mar/09/im-so-done-with-driving-is-the-robot-car-revolution-finally-near-waymo 23 comments technology
- At this fast-food drive-through, the person taking your order might not be a person at all: "Welcome to the new era of fast food, where the robot revolution is well underway." https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/02/22/this-fast-food-drive-through-person-taking-your-order-might-not-be-person-all/ 4 comments economy
- The robot revolution will be worse for men https://www.recode.net/2019/1/28/18185061/robot-automation-jobs-employment-revolution-worse-men-brookings 13 comments worldnews
- Our Future in Space Will Echo Our Future on Earth - A spacefaring civilization can be expected to transform its home planet. If we can endure the technological revolution of computers and robots, we might conquer the Milky Way galaxy. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/our-future-in-space-will-echo-our-future-on-earth/ 5 comments space
- Major League Baseball is Ready for the Robot Revolution https://grandstandcentral.com/major-league-baseball-is-ready-for-an-automated-strike-zone-2e6bc1df66b3 11 comments baseball
- [Beecken] Major League Baseball is Ready for the Robot Revolution https://grandstandcentral.com/major-league-baseball-is-ready-for-an-automated-strike-zone-2e6bc1df66b3 44 comments baseball
- Senior citizens will lead the self-driving revolution - Largest retirement community in the US gets robot taxis courtesy of startup Voyage https://www.theverge.com/2018/1/10/16874410/voyage-self-driving-cars-villages-florida-retirement-communities 10 comments technology
- How to Survive Wall Street's Robot Revolution - “JPMorgan Chase & Co. is rolling out a program called LOXM that executes equities trades so well, it’s replacing the humans who used to do that. Goldman Sachs is in the midst of automating the initial public offering process.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-09-25/how-to-survive-wall-street-s-robot-revolution-quicktake-q-a 6 comments technology
- UK scientists create world’s smallest surgical robot to start a hospital revolution | A team of 100 scientists and engineers have used low-cost technology originally developed for mobile phones and space industries to create the first robotic arm specifically designed to carry out keyhole surgery. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/aug/19/worlds-smallest-surgical-robot-versius-keyhole-hospital-revolution 5 comments worldnews
- UK scientists create world’s smallest surgical robot to start a hospital revolution - British-built Versius device will slash costs, improve patient recovery times and help speed up keyhole surgery https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/aug/19/worlds-smallest-surgical-robot-versius-keyhole-hospital-revolution 38 comments technology
- Advanced robotic hand startup, join our bionic revolution! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-psyonic-advanced-bionic-hand#/backers 12 comments robotics
- We Need To Talk About Sex, Robot Experts Say: "Artificial intelligence (AI) is making its way into the global sex technology market, bringing with it a revolution in robotic 'sextech' designed to offer gratification with a near-human touch." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ht6oebpqco 3 comments cogsci
- Innovation in AI could see governments introduce human quotas, study says. Report predicts rise in robotics will usher in ‘industrial revolution 4.0’ altering working practices and legal frameworks https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/apr/04/innovation-in-ai-could-see-governments-introduce-human-quotas-study-says 6 comments worldnews
- Robotics revolution: To really help American workers, we should invest in robots http://www.salon.com/2017/04/02/robotics-revolution-to-really-help-american-workers-we-should-invest-in-robots_partner/ 5 comments robotics
- Robot taxes and universal basic income: How do we manage our automated future? - "It's undeniable, we are entering a revolution in our labor economy." http://newatlas.com/robot-tax-universal-basic-income-future-work/48014/ 5 comments technology
- Facing the robotic revolution - "So maybe we need to pay people to consume, maybe through some basic income. I think it is inevitable that we go in that direction. It's good news. The possibility now exists we can put over a lot of the work we don't like to robots and AIs." http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-39028030 12 comments technology
- 49ers join the robotic tackling dummy revolution http://www.espn.com/blog/san-francisco-49ers/post/_/id/18796/49ers-join-the-robotic-tackling-dummy-revolution 17 comments nfl
- "Europe's growing army of robot workers could be classed as 'electronic persons' and their owners liable to paying social security for them if the European Union adopts a draft plan to address the realities of a new industrial revolution." http://www.reuters.com/article/us-europe-robotics-lawmaking-iduskcn0z72ay 9 comments economy
- "Europe's growing army of robot workers could be classed as 'electronic persons' and their owners liable to paying social security for them if the European Union adopts a draft plan to address the realities of a new industrial revolution." http://www.reuters.com/article/us-europe-robotics-lawmaking-iduskcn0z72ay 375 comments worldnews
- Robot Revolution Sweeps China's Factory Floors http://abcnews.go.com/technology/wirestory/robot-revolution-sweeps-chinas-factory-floors-33968122 3 comments technology
- Long live ROS: Why the robotics revolution is being driven by open source development | ZDNet http://www.zdnet.com/article/long-live-ros-why-the-robotics-revolution-is-being-driven-by-open-source-development/ 24 comments robotics
- Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe hopes 'robot revolution' can replace ageing workforce http://www.afr.com/technology/gadgets/japans-shinzo-abe-hopes-robot-revolution-can-replace-ageing-workforce-20150529-ghc7ng 17 comments worldnews
- New revolution has begun, Robots having human like soft body, soft hands and legs http://www.myidst.com/index.php/technology/biosciences 10 comments science
- Experts say robots will take 47% of our jobs is this true? And if so is it a problem? A guide to the coming robot revolution http://www.tumotech.com/2014/08/04/experts-say-robots-will-take-47-of-our-jobs-is-this-true-and-if-so-is-it-a-problem-a-guide-to-the-coming-robot-revolution/ 17 comments technology
- Australian Students Accidentally Taught That Robots Led the Russian Revolution http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/smartnews/2012/11/australian-students-accidentally-taught-that-robots-led-the-russian-revolution/ 7 comments worldnews
- Robotics revolution: Amazing new robot arms from Rethink Robotics http://www.hizook.com/blog/2012/09/18/baxter-robot-rethink-robotics-finally-unveiled 5 comments robotics
- The robot revolution is just beginning but according to Rodney Brooks, who last year left a tenured position as MIT’s Panasonic Professor of Robotics to focus on his latest company, that may not be true for much longer http://phys.org/news/2012-04-robot-revolution.html 3 comments technology
- Josh Bongard - The Robot Revolution (brief vid on evolutionary robotics) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s0VKIKMhec 3 comments artificial
- The Robot Revolution: Your Job May Be Next http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Articles/2011/07/12/The-Robot-Revolution-Your-Job-May-Be-Next.aspx 16 comments robotics
- Robots Are the Next Revolution, So Why Isn't Anyone Acting Like It? http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/robotics-software/robots-are-the-next-revolution-so-why-isnt-anyone-acting-like-it 12 comments robotics
- A Glimpse into the Near Future: The U.S. Military's New Warriors: Robots. "What we're talking about is a revolution in war..." http://www.frequency.com/video/us-militarys/2209928 4 comments politics
- Bank of England economist warns thousands of UK jobs at risk from robots and AI - Manual jobs are most at risk from the rise of new technology, although some new jobs could be created as a result of the coming industrial revolution https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/uk-job-loss-risk-ai-robots-artificial-intelligence-technology-bank-of-england-andy-haldane-a8498901.html 4 comments worldnews