Hacker News
- Lua programming language needs a web hosting http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2023-12/msg00011.html 16 comments
- Show HN: Superset of Lisp and Lua Programming Language, a la JSX https://github.com/meric/l2l 24 comments
- Making a toy programming language in Lua, part 2 http://www.playwithlua.com/?p=68 11 comments
- Making a toy programming language in Lua, part 1 http://www.playwithlua.com/?p=66 8 comments
- Terra: Low-level system programming language meta-programmed from Lua https://terralang.org/ 32 comments
- actix-lua - a safe scripting environment for Actix with the Lua Programming Language. https://github.com/poga/actix-lua 5 comments rust
- The Emily Programming Language: A half-functional, half-OO, Lua-inspired, insanely extensible scripting language https://bitbucket.org/runhello/emily/wiki/home 42 comments programming
- The A-Z of Programming Languages: Lua http://www.computerworld.com.au/index.php/id;1028768484 27 comments programming
- I've made a very small programming language in Lua in 2 days https://github.com/illersaver/IBScript 13 comments lua
- LuaTikZ: drawing TikZ graphics using the Lua programming language https://mirror.kumi.systems/ctan/graphics/pgf/contrib/luatikz/luatikz.pdf 5 comments latex
- Ring programming language version 1.18 is released (A meeting between Python, Ruby, Lua & Visual Basic) https://ring-lang.github.io/doc1.18/whatisnew18.html 4 comments programming
- GitHub - ClueLang/Clue: C/Rust like programming language that compiles into Lua code https://github.com/ClueLang/Clue 3 comments programming
- I created my own programming language that compiles into Lua code but uses a more C/Rust like syntax https://github.com/ClueLang/Clue 159 comments programming
- I made a very simple programming language in 3 days, the programming language is called command script (cmd script for short) it runs on the Lua interpreter. What do you guys think? https://github.com/Planebagels/command-script 13 comments lua
- How exactly are scripting programming languages (like Lua) embedded in programs, and what exactly are they used for? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/5azjnk/how_exactly_are_scripting_programming_languages/ 4 comments learnprogramming
- Lua.Space - The Lua Programming Language Community Blog http://lua.space/general/blog-opening-and-contribution-guide 15 comments programming
- Wikipedia now supports the Lua programming language [X-post from /r/wikipedia] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/module:csv 4 comments lua
- The A-Z of Programming Languages: Lua - a-z of programming languages, lua - Computerworld http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/260022/-z_programming_languages_lua?fp=4194304&fpid=1&pf=1 45 comments programming
- Making a toy programming language in Lua, part 2 http://www.playwithlua.com/?p=68 3 comments programming
- Programming in Lua, first edition (by the second chapter it already looks like a neat language) http://www.lua.org/pil/ 9 comments programming
- Terra: a low-level system programming language embedded in and meta-programmed by Lua http://terralang.org/ 27 comments programming
- The new Luon programming language combines concepts from Oberon and Lua and targets LuaJIT https://github.com/rochus-keller/Luon/blob/master/Readme.md 2 comments programming
- The new Luon programming language combines concepts from Oberon and Lua and targets LuaJIT https://github.com/rochus-keller/Luon/blob/master/Readme.md 24 comments programminglanguages
- Luau, a kind of fork from the Lua programming language used by Roblox, goes open-source and Roblox-free https://luau-lang.org/2021/11/03/luau-goes-open-source.html 21 comments linux_gaming
- "I hope to make the point that even people who use Lua and don't wish to bet on an 'experimental' language can benefit from learning a little Moonscript, since it makes an excellent notation for expressing Lua programs." https://steved-imaginaryreal.blogspot.com.au/2013/08/a-question-of-notation-revisiting.html 4 comments lua