- Vision: How Hacker Activists Are Risking Jail for Everyone's Right to Internet Freedom--Since WikiLeaks, authorities have been more aggressive about arresting citizen cyber activists. Yet new actions by the biggest "hacktivists" show they're willing to risk it. http://www.alternet.org/module/printversion/151392 3 comments politics
- The Internet is a human right: OCSE says "...everyone should have a right to participate in the information society and states have a responsibility to ensure citizens’ access to the internet is guaranteed.” http://memeburn.com/2011/07/recognition-of-internet-access-as-basic-human-right-continues-to-spread/ 37 comments technology
- The Internet Is for Everyone, Right? Not With a Screen Reader - Blind users have been fighting for a more inclusive web for over 20 years. Are lawsuits like the one against Domino’s going to make a difference? https://www.wired.com/story/web-accessibility-blind-users-dominos/ 8 comments technology
- “Polls show that over 80 percent of Republicans support net neutrality, while Democrat support is even higher, because almost everyone now knows that the internet is a prime part of our constitutional right to free speech.” http://www.timescall.com/opinion/letterstotheeditor/ci_31916956/stan-gelb-encourage-congress-restore-net-neutrality 1343 comments technology
- In Tehran, For the last 24 hours I have had no internet access, no access to the outside world, I couldn’t even check the weather for the next hour. I just got my VPN to connect again. I just now realized how important it is for everyone to have the right to free speech and information. https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/7ne5ku/in_tehran_for_the_last_24_hours_i_have_had_no/ 4 comments technology
- The people of Bangladesh are now without any kind of network and internet for the past couple of days. I live in abroad and I am unable to contact with my family and friends. Even I don’t know if they are alive or not right now. I just want everyone to get informed about us https://aje.io/yv5p34 8 comments internationalpolitics
- We Need Broadband Internet for All. Without massive public investment, there would be no internet. Bernie Sanders's broadband plan would take the first steps towards returning the internet to its rightful owners, the public, so everyone can have reliable, high-speed broadband. https://jacobinmag.com/2019/12/broadband-internet-bernie-sanders 10 comments politics