- The Cp1 Programming Language https://cp1-lang.org/ 5 comments c , plt , programming
- A Minimalist TypeScript for C. Cp1, or C+1, or C plus 1 programming language adds only the bare essentials to C language that allows you to output C codes and able to use namespaces, modules, methods on enums/structs, auto variable deduction and more https://github.com/galileolajara/cp1 8 comments c_programming
- A Minimalist TypeScript for C. Cp1, or C+1, or C plus 1 programming language adds only the bare essentials to C language that allows you to output C codes and able to use namespaces, modules, methods on enums/structs, auto variable deduction and more https://github.com/galileolajara/cp1 4 comments cprogramming