- french Bitcoin Wikipedia page edited by Bitcoin core maximalists https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7at2q1/french_bitcoin_wikipedia_page_edited_by_bitcoin/ 3 comments btc
- [Repost] Wikipedia Admins: "[Gregory Maxwell of Blockstream Core] is a very dangerous individual" "has for some time been behaving very oddly and aggressively" https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/74se80/wikipedia_admins_gregory_maxwell_of_blockstream/ 34 comments btc
- Wikipedia Admins: "[Gregory Maxwell of Blockstream Core] is a very dangerous individual" "has for some time been behaving very oddly and aggressively" https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/74se80/wikipedia_admins_gregory_maxwell_of_blockstream/ 86 comments btc
- Revisionist History: Adam Back's Wikipedia Page is currently protected - Drive-by editors are trying to make changes that say he is Satoshi Nakamoto and remove this section: His company funded github repository, Bitcoin Core, is the predominant client software for this [Blockstream] fork of Bitcoin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Back 24 comments btc
- according to wikipedia, it is thought that the moon Titan has a liquid water layer separating its core and crust, which means that the surface shifts around relative to the core by up to 19 miles https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/titan_(moon)#bulk_characteristics 15 comments space