- Fineco su Trade Republic: È molto improbabile che i nostri clienti scelgano di affidarsi a piattaforme del genere https://www.we-wealth.com/news/fineco-conto-trading-trade-republic 90 comments italiapersonalfinance
- MEDIOLANUM: RACCOLTA AVANZA DEL 46% NEL 2024. VOLA IL GESTITO https://www.we-wealth.com/news/mediolanum-risultati-2024 17 comments italiapersonalfinance
- Another step towards mass adoption: Italian bank will let customers buy and sell Bitcoin directly on their account, starting next year (an Italian friend just sent the link to me - can't find a source in English yet) https://www.we-wealth.com/news/fintech/criptovalute/bitcoin-dal-2022-si-comprera-in-banca 125 comments cryptocurrency