Hacker News
- Government planned it 7 years, beavers built a dam in 2 days and saved $1M https://www.voxnews.al/english/kosovabota/qeveria-po-e-planifikonte-prej-7-vitesh-kastoret-ndertojne-brenda-dy--i84652 129 comments
- VOA: Albania ready to open negotiations for two more groups of chapters with the EU https://www.voxnews.al/english/politike/voa-shqiperia-gati-te-cele-negociatat-per-dy-grup-kapituj-te-tjere-me-b-i87336 5 comments europe
- The government had been planning it for 7 years, beavers built the dam in two days and saved them $1 million https://www.voxnews.al/english/kosovabota/qeveria-po-e-planifikonte-prej-7-vitesh-kastoret-ndertojne-brenda-dy--i84652 5 comments europe
- Czech local government had been planning it for 7 years, beavers built the dam in two days and saved them $1 million https://www.voxnews.al/english/kosovabota/qeveria-po-e-planifikonte-prej-7-vitesh-kastoret-ndertojne-brenda-dy--i84652 15 comments nottheonion
- The government had been planning it for 7 years, beavers built the dam in two days and saved them $1 million https://www.voxnews.al/english/kosovabota/qeveria-po-e-planifikonte-prej-7-vitesh-kastoret-ndertojne-brenda-dy--i84652 11 comments environment
- Czech local government had been planning it for 7 years, beavers built the dam in two days and saved them $1 million https://www.voxnews.al/english/kosovabota/qeveria-po-e-planifikonte-prej-7-vitesh-kastoret-ndertojne-brenda-dy--i84652 42 comments upliftingnews
- The government had been planning it for 7 years, beavers built the dam in two days and saved them $1 million https://www.voxnews.al/english/kosovabota/qeveria-po-e-planifikonte-prej-7-vitesh-kastoret-ndertojne-brenda-dy--i84652 73 comments nottheonion
- The government had been planning it for 7 years, beavers built the dam in two days and saved them $1 million https://www.voxnews.al/english/kosovabota/qeveria-po-e-planifikonte-prej-7-vitesh-kastoret-ndertojne-brenda-dy--i84652 63 comments nottheonion
- Serbia terrorizes 5 Croatian girls / They arrest them in Belgrade and deport them on the pretext that they "violated national security" https://www.voxnews.al/english/kosovabota/serbia-terrorizon-5-vajza-kroate-i-arrestojne-ne-beograd-dhe-i-debojn-i83815 17 comments europe
- Albanian fertility rate fell below 1.2 in 2023, a record low https://www.voxnews.al/english/biznes/renia-e-lindjeve-ne-2023-linden-me-pak-femije-se-gjate-luftes-se-dyte-bot-i62352 81 comments europe
- Serbian opposition politician Nikola Sandulovic beaten and paralysed by security forces after apologising for crimes committed against Albanians in Kosovo https://www.voxnews.al/english/kosovabota/kerkoi-falje-per-ne-prekaz-sherbimi-sekret-serb-masakron-politikanin--i56071 162 comments europe
- Dick Marty, the Swiss senator known for his report on the KLA, dies https://www.voxnews.al/english/aktualitet/vdes-dick-marty-senatori-zviceran-i-njohur-per-raportin-famekeq-ndaj--i55674 6 comments europe
- Albanian Minister for Entrepreneurship and Business Climate Delina Ibrahimaj, was fined for using police lights! https://www.voxnews.al/english/aktualitet/lajm-i-fundit-perdorte-fenelina-policie-ndeshkohet-me-gjobe-ministrja-i52170 2 comments europe
- US ambassador: We have problems with PM Kurti, Serbia partner https://www.voxnews.al/english/kosovabota/ambasadori-amerikan-ne-beograd-kemi-probleme-me-kryeministrin-kurti-i41734 7 comments europe
- "We learned from the Neapolitans", Rama tells for the first time how he got the 'contraband' vaccines from Italy https://www.voxnews.al/english/aktualitet/mesuam-nga-napoletanet-rama-rrefen-per-here-te-pare-se-si-i-mori-vaks-i21652 4 comments europe