- Mortally wounded Russian soldier sends a text to his mother before he dies https://www.upworthy.com/russian-soldier-sends-message-to-mother?mc_cid=36ab329967&mc_eid=112843ef00 7 comments worldnews
- Scientists just created an enzyme that rapidly breaks down plastic pollution. https://www.upworthy.com/plastic-eating-super-enzyme-works-six-times-faster 23 comments worldnews
- Pakistan hired 63,000 people, unemployed by COVID-19, to help plant 10 billion trees https://www.upworthy.com/pakistan-hires-63000-people-to-plant-10-billion-trees 3 comments india
- Pakistan hired 63,000 people, unemployed by COVID-19, to help plant 10 billion trees https://www.upworthy.com/pakistan-hires-63000-people-to-plant-10-billion-trees 13 comments pakistan
- 5 million Indian women just made a 385-mile human chain for equality | The human chain formed by millions of Indian women on New Year's Day makes a powerful statement. https://www.upworthy.com/5-million-indian-women-just-made-a-385-mile-human-chain-for-equality 7 comments worldnews
- According to scientists, a storm the likes of which few have ever seen is about to raise north pole temperatures to as high as 40 degrees Fahrenheit http://www.upworthy.com/todays-temperatures-at-the-north-pole-are-scaring-scientists-around-the-world 311 comments worldnews
- Trying to follow what is going on in Syria and why? This comic will get you there in 5 minutes. http://www.upworthy.com/trying-to-follow-what-is-going-on-in-syria-and-why-this-comic-will-get-you-there-in-5-minutes?g=3 11 comments worldnews
- An original video made by Human Rights Watch reveals the horrors of living in North Korea. It's 100X worse than what you would expect. http://www.upworthy.com/whats-it-actually-like-in-north-korea-a-million-times-worse-than-you-imagine?g=2&c=ufb1 26 comments worldnews
- How A Small Change Dropped A Bridges Suicide Rate By 77% http://www.upworthy.com/sticks-and-stones-might-break-your-bones-but-words-and-lights-can-save-over-700-lives 3 comments worldnews
- Someone decided to visualize all the nuclear detonations in history. It gets crazy around two minutes in http://www.upworthy.com/an-artist-counted-every-atomic-explosion-on-earth-and-shows-them-all-in-a-matter-of-seconds-3?g=2&c=utw1 4 comments history
- In Case You Missed It, Greenland Just Melted http://www.upworthy.com/in-case-you-missed-it-greenland-just-melted?c=bl3 5 comments worldnews
- 2 Monkeys Were Paid Unequally; See What Happens Next http://www.upworthy.com/2-monkeys-were-paid-unequally-see-what-happens-next 4 comments science
- A Pastor Asks A Politician Why He Supports Gay Marriage. It Seems He Wasn't Prepared For His Reply http://www.upworthy.com/a-pastor-asks-a-politician-why-he-supports-gay-marriage-it-seems-he-wasnt-prepared-for-his-reply 58 comments worldnews
- "A Pastor Asks A Politician Why He Supports Gay Marriage. It Seems He Wasn't Prepared For His Reply." http://www.upworthy.com/a-pastor-asks-a-politician-why-he-supports-gay-marriage-it-seems-he-wasnt-prepared-for-his-reply?c=ufb1 31 comments worldnews
- David vs Goliath in Boulder, CO.... http://www.upworthy.com/a-bunch-of-young-geniuses-just-made-a-corrupt-corporation-freak-out-big-time-time-for-round 4 comments politics
- Meet The 17-Year-Old Who Blew The Lid Off Racial Profiling With His iPod http://www.upworthy.com/meet-the-17-year-old-who-blew-the-lid-off-racial-profiling-with-his-ipod?g=3 5 comments worldevents
- Take Two Normal People, Add Money To Just One Of Them, And Watch What Happens Next. http://www.upworthy.com/take-two-normal-people-add-money-to-just-one-of-them-and-watch-what-happens-next?c=tp1 3 comments science
- A 12-Year-Old Egyptian Boy Flabbergasts An Interviewer. They Weren't Expecting A Political Genius. http://www.upworthy.com/a-12-year-old-egyptian-boy-flabbergasts-an-interviewer-they-werent-expecting-a-political-genius-4 81 comments worldnews
- Female engineer frustrated with the lack of women in her field starts a toy company to get little girls interested in science, math, technology, and engineering. http://www.upworthy.com/move-over-barbie-8212-youre-obsolete?c=ie 7 comments science
- I think we can all learn from this man... http://www.upworthy.com/stephen-fry-takes-a-firm-stance-on-grammar-he-doesnt-go-the-way-youd-think-2?c=ufb1 12 comments linguistics
- Doctors infect T-Cells with modified HIV virus in order to target leukaemia cells... with amazing results http://www.upworthy.com/long-shot-doctors-inject-fatal-virus-into-dying-girl-this-100-true-story-will-amaze-you?g=5&c=ufb1 4 comments science
- TIL a company in the US is trying to patent human genes relating to breast cancer, ensuring no one else can test them or do research on them! How is this even legal?! http://www.upworthy.com/an-awful-corporation-does-something-so-cartoonishly-creepy-that-we-have-to-make-a-dr-evil-reference-4?g=2&c=upw1 38 comments science
- The Invisible Bike Helmet That You'll Have To (Not) See To Believe http://www.upworthy.com/the-invisible-bike-helmet-that-youll-have-to-not-see-to-believe?c=ufb1 18 comments technology
- Interesting video about the wealth disparity in the US. http://www.upworthy.com/9-out-of-10-americans-are-completely-wrong-about-this-mind-blowing-fact-2 3 comments politics
- See The Scientific Accident That May Change The World (Or At Least Your Battery Life) http://www.upworthy.com/see-the-scientific-accident-that-may-change-the-world-or-at-least-your-battery-l?g=2 36 comments technology
- Elizabeth Warren Asks The Most Obvious Question Ever And Stumps A Bunch Of Bank Regulators http://www.upworthy.com/elizabeth-warren-asks-the-most-obvious-question-ever-and-stumps-a-bunch-of-bank?c=dfa1 3 comments politics
- The president of FIFA is saying that he did not think it proper when this player, Kevin-Prince Boateng, lashed out at racist fans http://www.upworthy.com/racist-chanting-at-a-professional-soccer-player-causes-something-awesome-to-happ?c=cp2 5 comments sports
- Mitt Romney Accidentally Confronts A Gay Veteran; Awesomeness Ensues http://www.upworthy.com/mitt-romney-accidentally-confronts-a-gay-veteran-awesomeness-ensues?g=2 3 comments politics
- Irish President wipes the floor with tea part radio host http://www.upworthy.com/a-tea-partier-decided-to-pick-a-fight-with-a-foreign-president-it-didnt-go-so-we?g=2 3 comments politics
- A Tea Partier Decided To Pick A Fight With A Foreign President. It Didn't Go So Well. http://www.upworthy.com/a-tea-partier-decided-to-pick-a-fight-with-a-foreign-president-it-didnt-go-so-we?g=2&c=ufb1 17 comments politics
- CNN Actually Fact-Checks A Politician; Hilarity Ensues http://www.upworthy.com/cnn-actually-fact-checks-a-politician-hilarity-ensues 214 comments politics
- Video of Reagan saying tax loopholes should be closed "that have allowed some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share." http://www.upworthy.com/there-couldnt-possibly-be-footage-of-ronald-reagan-saying-this-right?g=2&c=bl3 297 comments politics
- Mitt Romney doesn't know how to use facts to support his arguments. http://www.upworthy.com/mitt-romney-should-probably-stop-using-facts-to-support-his-arguments?g=2&c=ufb1 4 comments politics
- Apparently $122,000,000 can't buy Romney the most basic understanding of logic http://www.upworthy.com/youd-think-122-million-would-buy-you-a-better-campaign-than-this?c=la1 5 comments politics
- Mitt Romney's "Venn Diagram" http://www.upworthy.com/youd-think-122-million-would-buy-you-a-better-campaign-than-this?g=2&c=la1 3 comments politics
- CHART: How Many Lost Jobs Have Been Recovered Since Obama Took Office In 2009? http://www.upworthy.com/chart-how-many-lost-jobs-have-been-recovered-since-obama-took-office-in-2009 42 comments business
- How America Is Squandering It's #1 Cash Crop http://www.upworthy.com/how-america-is-squandering-its-1-cash-crop 8 comments politics
- How Many Minimum Wage Hours Does It Take To Afford A Two-Bedroom Apartment In Your State? http://www.upworthy.com/how-many-minimum-wage-work-hours-does-it-take-to-afford-a-2-bdrm-apartment-in-yo?c=to1 71 comments politics
- Things America Is Less Gooder At: Basic Scientific Comprehension http://www.upworthy.com/things-america-is-less-gooder-at-basic-scientific-comprehension?c=la1&g=2 81 comments science
- When A Poor Person Does This It's Called Abusing The System. When An Oil Company Does This It's Called Thursday. http://www.upworthy.com/when-a-poor-person-does-this-its-called-abusing-the-system-when-an-oil-company-d 19 comments politics