- The Roles of the Political Philosopher | A political philosopher can be many things. In this essay, Andrew Stewart considers the guiding aims of the political philosopher, defending a pluralist view that extends far beyond the traditional role of “theorist”. https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/post/the-roles-of-the-political-philosopher 3 comments philosophy
- On Misanthropy | Ian James Kidd offers an overview of philosophical misanthropy, including his own definition (“the systematic condemnation of the moral character of humankind as it has come to be”), and clarifies how – and why – one may wish to be a misanthrope. https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/post/why-misanthropy 26 comments philosophy
- Philosophy Born of Struggle | We must ask what it means to do philosophy when we fully expect that the next generation will be worse off, in many ways, than our generation. Vincent Lloyd looks to old age and to the tradition of Black philosophy for answers. https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/post/philosophy-born-of-struggle 13 comments philosophy
- A Mirror for Tech-Bros: Effective Altruism, Longtermism, and the Problem of Arbitrary Power | The FTX fiasco reveals a problem deeper than keeping bad company and more subtle than anticapitalism. It exposes a naivety about power, the absence of a working theory of power https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/post/a-mirror-for-tech-bros 20 comments philosophy
- Philosophy and Hope | The use of philosophy lies not in being deeper than science, but in being truer than theology — not in its bearing on action, but in its bearing on religion. It does not give us guidance. It gives us hope. https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/post/philosophy-and-hope 14 comments philosophy
- Life as a 'Non-Standard' Narrative | By questioning the default story form, we question the default views on what kinds of lives we’ve been trained to find satisfying. https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/post/life-as-a-non-standard-narrative 10 comments philosophy
- Transcendental Pessimism | If philosophical pessimism is to be seen as something more than a “mere” temperament or attitude, what might this be? Ignacio L. Moya outlines the 4 key philosophical positions defended by those he calls “transcendental pessimists” https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/post/transcendental-pessimism 3 comments philosophy
- Five Ways to Read Byung-Chul Han | Han implies that philosophy is not for professional philosophers but instead for everyone, so that we can better understand our exhausting times. https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/post/five-ways-to-read-byung-chul-han 4 comments philosophy
- Effective Altruism and Longtermism are vulnerable to locking in authoritarianism as the means to solve future problems. The movement and its philosophy needs greater constraints on power and embedded pluralism beyond questions of efficiency. If not they will become a 'mirror for tech-bros'. https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/post/a-mirror-for-tech-bros 14 comments futurology
- Effective altruism and longtermism suffer from a shocking naivety about power; in pursuit of optimal outcomes they run the risk of blindly locking in arbitrary power and Silicon Valley authoritarianism into their conception of the good. It is a ‘mirror for tech-bros’. https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/post/a-mirror-for-tech-bros 101 comments philosophy
- "Philosophy Born of Struggle" by Vincent Lloyd. This article asks what it means “to do philosophy when we fully expect that the next generation will be worse off, in many ways, than our generation – and that this diminishment will continue for generations to come.” https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/post/philosophy-born-of-struggle 4 comments philosophy
- "Visual Thinking: Art as a Form of Thought," by Hanneke Grootenboer. Taking in a range of thinkers from Aristotle and Horace through to Adorno, Deleuze, and Heidegger, Grootenboer defends the idea of painting as a way of guiding thought. https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/post/visual-thinking-art-as-a-form-of-thought 7 comments philosophy
- “Everything You Love Has Gone Woke,” a review of Susan Neiman’s Left Is Not Woke, by Nathan Oseroff-Spicer https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/post/everything-you-love-has-gone-woke 59 comments philosophy
- Deep Listening and Democracy: a shift from political thinking to political listening. This article looks at thinkers such as Iris Marion Young, Susan Bickford, Pauline Oliveros, and Maurice Merlau-Ponty. https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/post/deep-listening-and-democracy 4 comments philosophy
- "The Future of the History of Philosophy" by Josh Platzky Miller and Lea Cantor https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/post/the-future-of-the-history-of-philosophy 4 comments philosophy
- The philosophy of chess https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/essay-taylor 3 comments chess
- On the Value of People and Animals - Christine Korsgaard https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/essay-korsgaard 6 comments philosophy
- The Philosophy of Fascism by Jason Stanley (The Philosopher) https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/stanley 3 comments philosophy