- Megadroughts on the African continent over 135,000 to 75,000 years ago led to migration of early modern human populations. The ancient Maya civilization collapsed a thousand years ago after a warming climate led to drought and famine. The same scenario is happening today. https://www.theglobalcurrent.com/home/climate-change-flashpoints 29 comments worldnews
- 32 countries (with California) have set a goal to reach net-zero emissions in the second half of the century, representing nearly 40% of global CO2 emissions. https://www.theglobalcurrent.com/home/net-zero-targets 13 comments worldnews
- Since taking office, Trump has set-off on an extensive effort to deregulate and weaken climate and environmental protection, while promoting fossil fuels. Here's what a second term spells for the energy agenda. ["What's left to destroy"] https://www.theglobalcurrent.com/home/whats-left-to-destroy 8 comments energy
- Since taking office Trump has set-off on an extensive effort to deregulate and weaken climate and environmental protection, while promoting fossil fuels. Here's what a second term spells for the climate and energy agenda. https://www.theglobalcurrent.com/home/whats-left-to-destroy 13 comments climate
- Over 100 coal-fired power plants in the US have been converted or replaced by natural gas plants over the past decade. Coal once represented about half of the total electricity production. In 2020, more renewable energy is set to be produced than coal. https://www.theglobalcurrent.com/home/what-2020-means-for-coal-power-generation 19 comments energy
- By decarbonizing the US economy, 25m clean #energy #jobs can be created and up to $2k in household savings over the next 15 years. https://www.theglobalcurrent.com/snippets 9 comments climate
- Global temperatures rose more quickly in the last few decades than at any point in the past 2000 years. Climate change impacts are accelerating, compounding, and exacerbating. Here are some of the impacts. https://www.theglobalcurrent.com/home/the-climate-crisis-lighting-up-its-impacts 3 comments science