Hacker News
- Sorry Cheapskates, But HBO Doesn’t Want Your Money http://www.splatf.com/2012/06/takemymoney-hbo/ 33 comments
- Path and Instagram are making Facebook look incredibly uninventive at mobile http://www.splatf.com/2011/11/path-facebook/ 32 comments
- The iPad’s dominance of tablet usage, even 1.5 years later, is astounding http://www.splatf.com/2011/10/ipad-usage-comscore/ 53 comments
- Moneyball for startups? PG, Fred Wilson, Chris Dixon discuss http://www.splatf.com/2011/09/moneyball-for-tech-startups 10 comments
- What should Apple do with the iPod? http://www.splatf.com/2011/09/apple-ipod/ 44 comments
- Netflix: More subscribers than any cable company and growing the fastest (chart) http://www.splatf.com/2011/09/netflix-cable-chart/ 2 comments
- E-commerce is still less than 5% of retail sales -- huge growth opportunity http://www.splatf.com/2011/08/ecommerce-2q11/ 19 comments
- 300 Days With The iPad Mini http://www.splatf.com/2013/08/ipad-mini-still/ 54 comments apple
- AOL dialup may have more paying customers in America than Spotify http://www.splatf.com/2013/08/aol-2q13-dialup/ 7 comments technology
- Design Of The Times: The Floating-Over-Everything Button http://www.splatf.com/2013/04/floating-button/ 6 comments web_design
- Amazingly, AOL still has 3 million dialup subscribers http://www.splatf.com/2012/07/aol-3million-chart/ 7 comments technology
- 30 days with the new iPad: This thing is getting good http://www.splatf.com/2012/04/new-ipad-review/ 16 comments apple
- Only about 4% of airplane passengers sign up for wifi in-flight http://www.splatf.com/2011/12/gogo-ipo-filing/ 5 comments technology
- How does Sony make money? Life insurance! http://www.splatf.com/2011/11/sony-profits/ 12 comments technology
- Why Apple's TV needs to be an actual television http://www.splatf.com/2011/10/apple-tv-box/ 5 comments apple
- Apple's just-okay quarter in charts http://www.splatf.com/2011/10/apple-4q11-charts/ 3 comments apple
- What should Apple do with the iPod? http://www.splatf.com/2011/09/apple-ipod/ 49 comments apple
- 500 days with the iPad http://www.splatf.com/2011/09/ipad-fivehundred/ 7 comments apple
- The new Apple: The best gadgets, but also the best prices http://www.splatf.com/2011/09/apple-pricing/ 32 comments apple
- Scumbag Apple lawsuit forces Amazon to stop accepting new "Appstore" apps in Germany http://www.splatf.com/2011/07/apple-amazon-germany/ 3 comments technology