- ShamSports | The 2014 Ridiculous Basketball Player Names Bracket https://www.shamsports.com/2014/03/the-2014-ridiculous-basketball-player-3.html 5 comments nba
- The NBA Manifesto is back everyone. Mark Deeks is a genius. Make sure to donate. This is over 3,000 pages of deep-dive NBA content, including international teams. The effort level is absolutely astounding and to be commended http://www.shamsports.com/2020/11/the-basketball-manifesto.html 35 comments nba
- A Quick Analysis on the Knicks' Cap Space Next Summer: http://www.shamsports.com/capulator?id=16561666455b9bf1928f67c918505888 10 comments nba
- [OC] Now that Kawhi wants out (and reportedly to LA), here is the realistic mechanism by which the Lakers could obtain him, PG, and LeBron http://www.shamsports.com/capulator?id=15173587245b23fdc6e9f4e858006909 77 comments nba
- [OC] Paul George will almost certainly not return to OKC next year. Here's why: http://www.shamsports.com/capulator?id=10269319175a8b53f8a0a24547803426 882 comments nba
- [ShamSports/Mark Deeks] 2017 NBA Manifesto http://www.shamsports.com/2017/06/2017-nba-manifesto.html 18 comments nba
- Win Total versus Luxury Tax Dollar Spent for Each Team (02-03 to 14-15) http://www.shamsports.com/2015/07/complete-history-of-nba-luxury-tax.html 12 comments nba
- A breakdown of the remaining cap space for all the teams that have some or can still create some http://www.shamsports.com/2014/07/the-amount-of-cap-room-teams-have.html 52 comments nba
- "Consideration In Trades And Trade Structure" - a league instruction manual http://www.shamsports.com/2014/07/consideration-in-trades-and-trade.html 5 comments nba
- Unbelievable as it may sound Kieth Bogans is getting a $5+ million guaranteed next yea http://www.shamsports.com/2013/07/its-official-keith-bogans-will-earn.html#more 9 comments nba
- Complete NBA Luxury Tax Payment History http://www.shamsports.com/2013/07/complete-history-of-luxury-tax-payments.html 10 comments nba
- Cap space for every NBA team this summer. http://www.shamsports.com/2013/06/the-amount-of-cap-room-teams-will.html 58 comments nba