Hacker News
- Britain’s monuments are coming under scrutiny – and so is its violent history https://www.scroll.in/article/964529/britains-monuments-are-coming-under-scrutiny-and-so-is-its-violent-history-of-colonialism 3 comments
- Muslims ‘can cover themselves with tarpaulin hijabs’ on Holi, says Uttar Pradesh minister https://www.scroll.in/latest/1080203/muslims-can-cover-themselves-with-tarpaulin-hijabs-on-holi-says-uttar-pradesh-minister 3 comments nottheonion
- ‘The Wire’ claims police pushed its lawyer, took away hard drives without giving cloned copies https://www.scroll.in/latest/1036331/the-wire-claims-police-pushed-its-lawyer-took-away-hard-drives-without-giving-cloned-copies 10 comments india
- As the prelude to Lakhimpur Kheri shows, the BJP now speaks the explicit language of violence | In recent weeks, ministers from the ruling party have actively encouraged harm to sections of the population they represent. https://www.scroll.in/article/1007088/as-the-prelude-to-lakhimpur-kheri-shows-the-bjp-now-speaks-the-explicit-language-of-violence 9 comments india
- Full text: ‘India needs action now,’ say 116 former bureaucrats in letter to Modi https://www.scroll.in/latest/995376/full-text-india-needs-action-now-say-116-former-bureaucrats-in-letter-to-modi 14 comments india
- Bihar’s migrant workers are returning to cities as rural employment schemes fall short https://www.scroll.in/article/976175/bihars-migrant-workers-are-returning-to-cities-as-rural-employment-schemes-fall-short 3 comments india
- Tamil Nadu: Gangster tries to join BJP at Chennai event, flees after seeing police https://www.scroll.in/latest/971927/tamil-nadu-gangster-tries-to-join-bjp-at-chennai-event-flees-after-seeing-police 5 comments india
- Thousands protest in Israel’s Tel Aviv against government’s handling of Covid-19 crisis https://www.scroll.in/article/967311 3 comments worldnews
- ‘US is a habitual quitter’, says China, as the former has quit UNESCO, UN Human Rights Council, Paris Agreement, JCPOA [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action], INF Treaty, Treaty on Open Skies, and its latest withdrawal from WHO https://www.scroll.in/article/963524 219 comments worldnews
- Indian education can’t go online – only 8% of homes with young members have computer with net link http://www.scroll.in/article/960939/indian-education-cant-go-online-only-8-of-homes-with-school-children-have-computer-with-net-link 120 comments india
- Amit Malviya’s fake news fountain: 16 pieces of misinformation spread by the BJP IT cell chief http://www.scroll.in/article/952731/amit-malviyas-fake-news-fountain-16-pieces-of-misinformation-spread-by-the-bjp-it-cell-chief 10 comments india
- Water crisis: 43.4% of India is reeling under drought, pre-monsoon rain lowest in 65 years https://www.scroll.in/article/926013/ 3 comments india
- ‘At least know your gods’: Twitter users call out Modi for referring to goddess Kali as Durga https://www.scroll.in/latest/898740/at-least-know-your-gods-twitter-users-call-out-modi-for-referring-to-goddess-kali-as-durga 24 comments india
- Demonetisation should have triggered huge protests against Modi government. Why didn't that happen? https://www.scroll.in/article/826085/demonetisation-was-said-to-be-tailor-made-for-protests-against-modi-government-what-happened 10 comments india
- Indian media may be too excited but Modi's visit failed to make headlines in major US newspapers http://www.scroll.in/article/757967/indian-media-may-be-too-excited-but-modis-visit-failed-to-make-headlines-in-major-us-newspapers 4 comments india
- ‘Why can’t you respect our religious values?’: Kashmiris react to news of beef ban http://www.scroll.in/article/754806/why-cant-you-respect-our-religious-values-kashmiris-react-to-news-of-beef-ban 32 comments india
- Six ways in which Narendra Modi has changed Delhi:He's undermined the hierarchy of the BJP, but bureaucrats are reporting to work on time. http://www.scroll.in/article/677239/six-ways-in-which-narendra-modi-has-changed-delhi 3 comments india
- An unnoticed fact: the RSS, India’s biggest NGO, gets foreign funding too http://www.scroll.in/article/667071/an-unnoticed-fact:-the-rss,-india%E2%80%99s-biggest-ngo,-receives-foreign-funding-too 13 comments india
- Rajdeep and Sagarika to resign as Reliance takes over Network 18 - Network 18 managing director Raghav Bahl is likely to resign tomorrow. http://www.scroll.in/article/665841/rajdeep-and-sagarika-to-resign-as-reliance-takes-over-network-18 45 comments india
- Why preventing cheating in india's board exams is a national security crisis http://www.scroll.in/article/why-preventing-cheating-in-indias-board-exams-is-a-national-security-crisis?id=658509 5 comments india