- In Introduction to HTTP Basics http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/webprogramming/HTTP_Basics.html 5 comments networking , programming
- Robots as small as a grain deliver drugs https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/robots-as-small-as-a-grain-deliver-drugs 24 comments technology
- Millions of deaths linked to fine particulate matter pollution: Study https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/millions-of-deaths-linked-to-fine-particulate-matter-pollution-study 11 comments technology
- Millions of deaths linked to fine particulate matter pollution: Study https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/millions-of-deaths-linked-to-fine-particulate-matter-pollution-study 2 comments science
- Close to 5 in 10 Singaporeans are open to ride air taxis, which are small autonomous aircraft that carry passengers over short distances. Almost half (45.7%) say they intend to use this mode of transport when it becomes available, with over one-third (36.2%) planning to do so regularly. https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/close-to-5-in-10-say-they-will-take-air-taxis-in-the-future-study 4 comments science
- Scientists from Singapore developed an artificial ‘worm gut’ to break down plastics, offering hope for a nature-inspired method to tackle global plastic pollution. By feeding worms with plastics and cultivating microbes found in their guts, researchers accelerate plastic biodegradation. https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/artificial-worm-gut-breaks-down-plastics 31 comments science
- Exercising alone may be better than exercising with your spouse: A new study found that older adults who exercise with their spouse achieve lower physical activity levels than older adults without their spouse. https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/older-adults-who-exercise-with-spouse-may-be-less-physically-active-study 183 comments science
- Common indoor air pollutants could affect creativity: scientists found that high levels of volatile organic compounds – gases released from products such as detergents, pesticides, perfumes, aerosol sprays, paint – affected a study participants’ creativity https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/common-indoor-air-pollutants-could-affect-creativity-study 10 comments science
- New technology rejuvenates solar panels and protects them from degradation https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/new-technology-rejuvenates-solar-panels-and-protects-them-from-degradation 4 comments renewableenergy
- Realistic talking faces created from only an audio clip and a person's photo using an AI program - Researchers developed an AI program that creates realistic videos that reflect the facial expressions and head movements of the person speaking, only requiring an audio clip and a face photo. https://www.ntu.edu.sg/docs/default-source/corporate-ntu/hub-news/realistic-talking-faces-created-from-only-an-audio-clip-and-a-person-s-photo-using-ntu-singapore-computer-program.pdf?sfvrsn=41d32b2a_1 43 comments science
- Scientists have developed a low-cost small device (15x20cm) that can harness energy from wind as gentle as a light breeze and store it as electricity. With wind at 2 m/s the device can produce 3 volts and generate power of up to 290 microwatts (sufficient to power a commercial sensor) https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/a-device-that-converts-the-slightest-breeze-into-electricity 20 comments upliftingnews
- Scientists have developed a low-cost small device (15x20cm) that can harness energy from wind as gentle as a light breeze and store it as electricity. With wind at 2 m/s the device can produce 3 volts and generate power of up to 290 microwatts (sufficient to power a commercial sensor) https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/a-device-that-converts-the-slightest-breeze-into-electricity 17 comments science
- Study: climate change is a stronger driver of increasing atmospheric methane than expected, causing the Earth to heat up more and faster than anticipated. https://www.ntu.edu.sg/docs/default-source/corporate-ntu/hub-news/ntu-singapore-study-reveals-powerful-links-between-methane-and-climate-change.pdf?sfvrsn=bc82c3bc_1 71 comments worldnews
- New 'fabric' converts motion into electricity https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/new-'fabric'-converts-motion-into-electricity 36 comments technology
- Scientists have developed a stretchable and waterproof ‘fabric’ that turns energy generated from body movements into electrical energy. Tapping on a 3cm by 4cm piece of the new fabric generated enough electrical energy to light up 100 LEDs https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/new-'fabric'-converts-motion-into-electricity 1308 comments science
- The existence of a biological difference between psychopaths and non-psychopaths. A region of the forebrain known as the striatum, was on average ten per cent larger in psychopathic individuals compared to a control group of individuals that had low or no psychopathic traits. https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/psychopathic-individuals-more-likely-to-have-larger-striatum-region-in-the-brain-studyhttps:/www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/psychopathic-individuals-more-likely-to-have-larger-striatum-region-in-the-brain-study 20 comments science
- Researchers have demonstrated for the first time that recycled glass can be used to 3D-print a bench with excellent structural integrity, opening doors to a more environmentally sustainable way of building and construction https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/recycled-glass-waste-replaces-sand-in-3d-printing 3 comments science
- Some plant species could help to remove toxic heavy metals and metalloids from contaminated soil. https://www.ntu.edu.sg/docs/default-source/academic-services/singapore-scientists-demonstrate-that-some-tropical-plants-have-potential-to-remove-toxic-heavy-metals-from-the-soil.pdf 14 comments science
- Scientists have developed a method to effectively produce and extract plant-based oils from a type of common microalgae. These oils are edible and have superior properties as those found in palm oil, the newly discovered method would serve as a healthier and greener alternative to palm oil https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/using-microalgae-to-produce-an-alternative-to-palm-oil 26 comments environment
- Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore: "New technique opens door to cheaper semiconductors, higher chip yield" https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/new-technique-opens-door-to-cheaper-semiconductors-higher-chip-yield 5 comments hardware
- A team of scientists from NTU Singapore and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, US, has developed a ‘smart’ food packaging material that is biodegradable, sustainable and kills microbes that are harmful to humans. It could also extend the shelf-life of fresh fruit by two to three days. https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/bacteria-killing-food-packaging-that-keeps-food-fresh 12 comments upliftingnews
- A team of scientists has developed a 'smart' food packaging material that is biodegradable, sustainable and kills microbes that are harmful to humans. It could also extend the shelf-life of fresh fruit by two to three days. 👏 https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/bacteria-killing-food-packaging-that-keeps-food-fresh 4 comments environment
- A team of scientists has developed a 'smart' food packaging material that is biodegradable, sustainable and kills microbes that are harmful to humans. It could also extend the shelf-life of fresh fruit by two to three days. https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/bacteria-killing-food-packaging-that-keeps-food-fresh 108 comments futurology
- Keep food fresh with this bacteria-killing packaging https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/bacteria-killing-food-packaging-that-keeps-food-fresh 4 comments technology
- A team of scientists has developed a 'smart' food packaging material that is biodegradable, sustainable and kills microbes that are harmful to humans. It could also extend the shelf-life of fresh fruit by two to three days. https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/bacteria-killing-food-packaging-that-keeps-food-fresh 603 comments science
- A team of scientists has developed a ‘smart’ food packaging material that is biodegradable, sustainable and kills microbes that are harmful to humans. It could also extend the shelf-life of fresh fruit by two to three days. https://www.ntu.edu.sg/docs/default-source/corporate-ntu/hub-news/ntu-and-harvard-scientists-develop-sustainable-food-packaging-that-kills-harmful-microbesdaf6e3a8-07bf-4ccd-b360-c34fac7f0b6b.pdf?sfvrsn=262d8380_1 10 comments science
- Scientists have developed a plant-based emulsifier that is not only rich in protein and antioxidants, but has the necessary properties to replace eggs or dairy in food staples such as mayonnaise, salad dressings, and whipped cream. The emulsifier also helps cut down on food waste. https://www.ntu.edu.sg/docs/default-source/corporate-ntu/hub-news/ntu-scientists-invent-a-protein-rich-product-made-from-plants.pdf?sfvrsn=71f29236_1 60 comments science
- New energy-saving glass. In summer, the glass suppresses solar heating (near infrared), while boosting radiative cooling (long-wave infrared) - a natural phenomenon where heat emits through surfaces towards the cold universe - to cool the room. In winter, it does the opposite to warm up the room. https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/energy-saving-glass-self-adapts-to-heating-and-cooling-demand 22 comments science
- Great tutorials from a uni professor https://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/ 56 comments learnprogramming
- I'm only 29 years old, i'm no expert, but I have a legitimate question i'm hoping the Reddit community can help address about housing bubbles in markets outside the US. http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/qfeng/FengWu_20150206.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1ZA3jesxIyTk5A0STEBmkVuuRRh8tbVi7SjK6xerSSdebn7VhAjM4_wK4 32 comments investing
- What do you think of this tutorial on Game Engine & Framework in Java? http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/java/J8d_Game_Framework.html 4 comments learnprogramming
- Amazing Art School Building http://www.ntu.edu.sg/ofpm/about+us/development+division/adm.htm 6 comments reddit.com