Hacker News
- Why Are Ultrasound Machines So Expensive? http://www.maori.geek.nz/why-are-ultrasound-machines-so-expensive/ 132 comments
- @Coinbase we have a project to never have a server more than 30 days old. To demonstrate, we just successfully rolled our entire infrastructure in 24 hours. http://www.maori.geek.nz/keystone-metrics-in-devops-the-30-day-project-coinbase/ 63 comments devops
- Why are Ultrasound Machines So Expensive? http://www.maori.geek.nz/why-are-ultrasound-machines-so-expensive/ 6 comments technology
- List of Recommender Systems http://www.maori.geek.nz/post/list_of_recommender_systems 3 comments coding
- Drawing Maps with D3.js and Other Geographical Fun http://www.maori.geek.nz/post/d3_js_geo_fun 4 comments coding
- accepts_nested_attributes_for is Creating New Records; Gotcha! http://www.maori.geek.nz/post/accepts_nested_attributes_for_creating_new_records_gotcha 5 comments rails
- Scalable Architecture DR CoN: Docker, Registrator, Consul, Consul Template and Nginx http://www.maori.geek.nz/post/scalable_architecture_dr_con_docker_registrator_consul_nginx 13 comments docker
- I made a recommendations engine in Node called GER (good enough recommendations) here is how it works. http://www.maori.geek.nz/post/how_ger_generates_recommendations_the_anatomy_of_a_recommendations_engine 4 comments javascript
- I made a recommendations engine called GER (good enough recommendations), here is how it works http://www.maori.geek.nz/post/how_ger_generates_recommendations_the_anatomy_of_a_recommendations_engine 7 comments programming
- I have written a recommendation engine called GER (good enough recommendations) and here is a description of how it works http://www.maori.geek.nz/post/how_ger_generates_recommendations_the_anatomy_of_a_recommendations_engine 17 comments coding
- A Search Box is a Single Question Survey; "What Do You Want?" http://www.maori.geek.nz/post/a_search_box_is_a_single_question_survey_what_do_you_want 3 comments coding