- European Parliament: the French National Rally breaks with its German AfD allies after statements about the SS https://www.liberation.fr/politique/elections/le-rn-rompt-avec-ses-allies-allemands-de-lafd-apres-des-declarations-sur-les-ss-20240521_LSL3Q6EWY5FQTCT66JKDRFWAJE/ 78 comments europe
- "This is unacceptable and shocking" - Wealthy voters in Paris are enraged at proposal to triple parking fees on large SUVs https://www.liberation.fr/societe/votation-sur-les-suv-dans-le-xvie-arrondissement-de-paris-vent-de-revolte-contre-anne-hidalgo-et-sa-mesure-anti-riches-20240204_S3W4B4CIX5DG5ENYNBEGUV5SOY/ 690 comments europe
- [Libération] - The most common place of birth for footballers at the Qatar2022 World Cup is Paris metropolitan area. https://www.liberation.fr/sports/football/lile-de-france-premiere-region-de-naissance-des-footballeurs-de-la-coupe-du-monde-2022-20221203_QBQTF3NCZFFGXKLE5XCNS5FBFY/ 21 comments soccer
- France : According to the most recent government report, Covid related hospitalizations represented 2% of the total number of hospitalizations in France in 2020. https://www.liberation.fr/checknews/est-il-vrai-que-les-patients-covid-nont-represente-que-2-du-total-des-hospitalisations-en-france-en-2020-20211111_BEEG2I2RTRAX7O3Q5LD2D33J4I/ 17 comments worldnews
- French Lafarge Scandal: discovery of proof that proves that the French State was informed of money transfers to Daech. https://www.liberation.fr/societe/police-justice/affaire-lafarge-une-note-prouve-que-letat-etait-informe-des-versements-dargent-a-daesh-20210713_VFOB4UF6N5EGTJRBYTQZMEMVIA/ 4 comments worldnews
- Fascists going to Karabakh to fight for Armenia in order to "Secure a future for their White Children" https://www.liberation.fr/france/2020/10/30/extreme-droite-le-patron-des-zouaves-paris-part-combattre-au-haut-karabakh_1803962 4 comments europe
- In a statement unique in the history of European football fans, some 370 supporter groups of 150 clubs call on UEFA and the national leagues to not resume competitions. https://www.liberation.fr/amphtml/sports/2020/05/13/les-ultras-europeens-en-bloc-contre-la-reprise-du-foot_1788232?__twitter_impression=true 6 comments soccer
- US “stole” Chinese masks bought originally by France by paying cash at the Chinese airport. Only 1/4 of the ordered quantity was shipped to France https://www.liberation.fr/france/2020/04/01/une-commande-francaise-de-masques-detournee-vers-les-etats-unis-sur-un-tarmac-chinois_1783805 3 comments worldnews
- Emmanuel Macron threatened Boris Johnson to close the French borders if he did not decide on sanitary measures https://www.liberation.fr/planete/2020/03/21/coronavirus-les-coulisses-du-bras-de-fer-entre-emmanuel-macron-et-boris-johnson_1782622 17 comments europe
- Did police use LBDs against high school students in Massy,France ? [video and translated article in comments] https://www.liberation.fr/checknews/2019/11/27/des-policiers-ont-ils-utilise-des-lbd-contre-des-lyceens-a-massy_1765654 7 comments europe
- Dans les couloirs de l'UE, l'usage de l'anglais fait râler -- In EU corridors, the use of English makes people complain https://www.liberation.fr/planete/2019/09/30/dans-les-couloirs-de-l-ue-l-usage-de-l-anglais-fait-raler_1754530 72 comments europe
- Dans les couloirs de l'UE, l'usage de l'anglais fait râler https://www.liberation.fr/planete/2019/09/30/dans-les-couloirs-de-l-ue-l-usage-de-l-anglais-fait-raler_1754530 4 comments europes
- French Journalist : I have worked near Boris Johnson for years. He is a liar and manipulator. He wore clothes with holes. No one trusted him. His qualities is that he makes people laugh and speaks fluent Latin and Ancient Greek. This clown represents the downfall of British Elites https://www.liberation.fr/planete/2019/07/22/boris-johnson-a-bruxelles-un-journaliste-bouffon-capable-de-tout_1741437 158 comments europe
- Presidence of the European Commission: House of Cards in Brussels https://www.liberation.fr/planete/2019/07/12/presidence-de-la-commission-europeenne-house-of-cards-a-bruxelles_1739655 2 comments europe
- "The Franco-German axis no longer exists. Emmanuel Macron is a revisionist who is doing everything he can to destroy European democracy. Unfortunately, he's on his way to becoming anti-German" Daniel Caspary, head of the CDU/CSU Members of the European Parliament https://www.liberation.fr/planete/2019/06/26/paris-et-berlin-se-dechirent-pour-choisir-un-candidat-a-la-presidence-de-la-commission_1736362 54 comments europe
- French newspaper Libération: Neymar's father begins moves to transfer his son to Real Madrid amidst crisis in PSG's dressing room http://www.liberation.fr/sports/2018/05/09/dans-le-vestiaire-du-psg-des-trophees-et-des-crises_1649017 104 comments soccer
- Rabiot about Neymar : "He should play alone." http://www.liberation.fr/sports/2018/05/09/dans-le-vestiaire-du-psg-des-trophees-et-des-crises_1649017 111 comments soccer
- Genoa G8: Some protestors were tortured, admits the Italian police chief http://www.liberation.fr/planete/2017/07/20/g8-a-genes-des-manifestants-ont-ete-tortures-admet-le-chef-de-la-police-italienne_1585042 4 comments europe
- Brexit: Britons caught in their own trap [french, translation in comment] http://www.liberation.fr/planete/2017/05/31/brexit-les-britanniques-pris-a-leur-propre-piege_1573683 5 comments europe
- The French Communist party has called its supporters to vote for Emmanuel Macron to defeat Le Pen http://www.liberation.fr/direct/element/le-pcf-appelle-a-voter-macron-puis-a-le-combattre-apres-lelection_62541/ 350 comments europe
- French presidential candidate Mélenchon wants France to join ALBA, a.k.a. the "Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America", created by Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro http://www.liberation.fr/elections-presidentielle-legislatives-2017/2017/04/13/qu-est-ce-que-l-alliance-bolivarienne-que-souhaite-rejoindre-melenchon_1562258 523 comments europe
- The latest 2017 French Socialist Party presidential primary results went up by 350 000 votes overnight, according to the party leader it was due to a computer bug (Source in French) http://www.liberation.fr/elections-presidentielle-legislatives-2017/2017/01/23/les-derniers-resultats-de-la-primaire-sont-faux_1543402 4 comments europe
- House arrest in France: muslim, marksman hobbyist and alleged culprit http://www.liberation.fr/france/2016/12/13/assigne-a-residence-musulman-tireur-sportif-et-presume-coupable_1535069 4 comments europe
- France: six months in jail for visiting an academic website on jihadism http://www.liberation.fr/france/2016/11/18/six-mois-ferme-pour-avoir-consulte-le-site-d-un-chercheur-sur-le-jihadisme_1529284 3 comments europe
- Leave Europe to save it: one of EU's best journalists, Jean Quatremer tells UK to vote for Brexit http://www.liberation.fr/planete/2016/06/01/brexit-saving-private-europe_1456634 135 comments europe
- Benzema heard by a judge in a new money laundering scandal according to Liberation http://www.liberation.fr/sports/2016/03/17/les-mauvaises-affaires-de-karim-benzema_1440395 25 comments soccer
- Apparently Aurier has a full-time chaperon paid for by his agent. Unfortunately, he has taken some vacation these past few days... (link in French - Liberation) http://www.liberation.fr/sports/2016/02/14/serge-aurier-la-traversee-du-disert_1433346 9 comments soccer
- AS Monaco owner Rybolovlev taken into custody for "invasion of privacy" charges against his art dealer http://www.liberation.fr/france/2015/11/17/monaco-rybolovlev-en-garde-a-vue_1414095 3 comments soccer
- Journalist shot in paris Bataclan concert hall - hostage takers threaten to shoot the 60 hostages "one by one" http://www.liberation.fr/direct/ 4 comments worldnews
- Shootings in progress in Paris' 10th district http://www.liberation.fr/france/2015/11/13/fusillade-dans-le-10e-arrondissement-de-paris_1413313 25 comments worldnews
- Every 45 seconds, someone is getting raped in France. Rape numbers jumped 18% in less than 5 years. French people do not understand why http://www.liberation.fr/societe/2015/08/11/en-france-une-plainte-pour-viol-toutes-les-40-minutes_1361846 60 comments europe
- In Italia, la Dolce Vita delle chiese sconsacrate http://www.liberation.fr/monde/2015/07/09/en-italie-la-dolce-vita-des-eglises-defroquees_1345461 5 comments italy
- In Francia verrá proibito per legge di buttare la merce in eccesso dei supermercati. Cosa ne pensa R/Italy? http://www.liberation.fr/societe/2015/05/22/la-loi-sur-le-gaspillage-alimentaire-une-fausse-bonne-idee_1314660 33 comments italy
- Quick question for /r/Europe : Who are the people at the Far-Right of the Far-Right in your countries ? http://www.liberation.fr/societe/2015/05/10/a-cheval-civitas-veut-delivrer-la-france_1304839 210 comments europe
- Jean Claude Juncker : "The Commission was wiretaped by the Germans. I trust Germany to fix the problem and do the right thing" http://www.liberation.fr/monde/2015/04/30/juncker-compte-sur-berlin-pour-faire-la-lumiere-sur-l-espionnage-a-bruxelles_1279262 80 comments europe
- Paris Attack Suspects Arrested http://www.liberation.fr/societe/2015/01/07/le-siege-de-charlie-hebo-vise-par-des-tirs_1175326 31 comments worldnews
- From 13th of December France changes rules for naming meat: stars and generic words will replace cut's name (like "entrecote", "filet", "medaillon"...) [FR] http://www.liberation.fr/societe/2014/12/08/adieu-poire-merlan-collier-araignee-echine-plat-de-cotes_1159591 18 comments europe
- Reports are coming in of the death of Alexandre Grothendieck http://www.liberation.fr/sciences/2014/11/13/alexandre-grothendieck-ou-la-mort-d-un-genie-qui-voulait-se-faire-oublier_1142614?xtor=rss-450 171 comments math
- French reporters confirm: Hamas headquartered in recently-bombed al-Shifa hospital http://www.liberation.fr/monde/2014/07/22/tu-dois-quitter-gaza-au-plus-vite-et-arreter-de-travailler_1068179 27 comments worldnews
- Today we lost one of the greatest french football commentator, he dies this night at 74 years old http://www.liberation.fr/sports/2012/06/16/thierry-roland-est-decede-a-74-ans_826814 38 comments soccer