Hacker News
- Yours in distress, Alan http://www.lettersofnote.com/2012/06/yours-in-distress-alan.html 90 comments
- Aldous Huxley's letter to Orwell on "1984." http://www.lettersofnote.com/2012/03/1984-v-brave-new-world.html 3 comments
- No matter what you write in your interoffice memos, it won't be able to top this... http://www.lettersofnote.com/2010/08/tiger-oil-memos.html 11 comments law
- Harper Lee's letter to Oprah Winfrey http://www.lettersofnote.com/2012/10/some-things-should-happen-on-soft-pages.html 43 comments books
- The note Albert Camus sent to his teacher shortly after receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature. http://www.lettersofnote.com/2013/11/i-embrace-you-with-all-my-heart.html#.UnuWE_kNuXc.reddit 295 comments books
- The FBI once wrote a letter to Martin Luther King suggesting he commit suicide. http://www.lettersofnote.com/2012/01/king-like-all-frauds-your-end-is.html?m=1 162 comments history
- April 1962: When Keith met Mick. http://www.lettersofnote.com/2012/04/he-is-called-mick-jagger.html 3 comments history
- To this day, it's unknown whether he was joking. http://www.lettersofnote.com/2012/04/be-prepared.html 3 comments books
- Aldous Huxley to George Orwell (1949) | "I feel that the nightmare of Nineteen Eighty-Four is destined to modulate into the nightmare of a world having more resemblance to that which I imagined in Brave New World." http://www.lettersofnote.com/2012/03/1984-v-brave-new-world.html 3 comments culturalstudies
- In 1938, after the publication of The Hobbit, J. R. R. Tolkien opened talks with Rütten & Loening, a Berlin-based publishing house who were keen to translate the novel for the German market. All was going well until, in July, they wrote to Tolkien and asked for proof of his Aryan descent. http://www.lettersofnote.com/2012/03/i-have-no-ancestors-of-that-gifted.html 83 comments history
- After the release of Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, he received a letter from Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World. What begins as a letter of praise soon becomes a brief comparison, and an explanation as to why Huxley believes his own, earlier work to be a more realistic prediction. http://www.lettersofnote.com/2012/03/1984-v-brave-new-world.html 146 comments history
- Amazing letter from an ex-slave to his former owner in 1865, after being asked to return to work http://www.lettersofnote.com/2012/01/to-my-old-master.html 321 comments history
- 1985, The Cola Wars: The day Coca-Cola flinched. http://www.lettersofnote.com/2012/01/other-guy-just-blinked.html 5 comments history
- Charles Dickens breaks the tragic news of his daughter's death to his wife. http://www.lettersofnote.com/2012/01/our-little-baby-is-dead.html 4 comments books
- A letter from the FBI: "[Martin Luther] King, like all frauds your end is approaching." http://www.lettersofnote.com/2012/01/king-like-all-frauds-your-end-is.html 88 comments history
- Rejection letter from the Atlantic Monthly... to Kurt Vonnegut http://www.lettersofnote.com/2011/11/dear-mr-vonnegut.html 5 comments books
- A lovely piece of advice from Harper Lee, to a fan... http://www.lettersofnote.com/2011/12/advice-from-harper-lee.html 22 comments books
- 1956: "I calmly lean on my conviction..." Vladimir Nabokov writes to a friend about the public reaction to 'Lolita' http://www.lettersofnote.com/2011/11/pornography-is-attitude-and-intention.html 11 comments books
- "We were both asleep when the boat hit": recollections of a Titanic survivor http://www.lettersofnote.com/2011/10/we-were-both-asleep-when-boat-hit.html 2 comments history
- Charles Bukowski on Book Censorship http://www.lettersofnote.com/2011/10/charles-bukowski-on-censorship.html 39 comments books
- Amazing letter sent by the administrator of Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas (where JFK died) to his staff after the Kennedy assassination http://www.lettersofnote.com/2011/08/we-were-not-found-wanting.html 13 comments history
- Stranded in the Solomon Islands following the capsizing of his PT-109, John F. Kennedy carved the following message into a coconut shell and handed it to two natives tasked with delivering it to the nearest Allied base 35 nautical miles away... http://www.lettersofnote.com/2011/04/11-aliveneed-small-boatkennedy.html 3 comments history
- "I may be killed in my attempt to get Reagan." 30 years ago, John Hinkley explained his plan to assassinated the president to Jodie Foster. http://www.lettersofnote.com/2011/03/i-may-be-killed-in-my-attempt-to-get.html 4 comments history
- "The vilest book that exists in print." http://www.lettersofnote.com/2011/03/vilest-book-that-exists-in-print.html 3 comments books
- Carl Sagan's plea to The Explorers Club: "If membership is restricted to men, the loss will be ours" http://www.lettersofnote.com/2011/03/if-membership-is-restricted-to-men-loss.html 3 comments science
- God contemplates the program of the Universe. One last time. http://www.lettersofnote.com/2011/02/siseneg.html 11 comments programming
- Arthur C. Clarke's shortest short story http://www.lettersofnote.com/2011/02/siseneg.html?m=1 42 comments programming
- Kurt Vonnegut on Salman Rushdie - "While in deep hiding, he gave a corrosively unfavorable review of a book of mine, so I have put out a contract on him." http://www.lettersofnote.com/2010/12/i-have-put-out-contract-on-salman.html 56 comments books
- A letter from John Lennon to his laundromat http://www.lettersofnote.com/2010/10/mrs-yoko-ono-lennon-does-not-sweat.html 5 comments reddit.com
- Thomas Pynchon on plagiarism http://www.lettersofnote.com/2010/08/thomas-pynchon-on-plagiarism.html 4 comments books
- James Dean was fucked up. http://www.lettersofnote.com/2010/08/wow-am-i-fucked-up.html 4 comments reddit.com
- Wil Wheaton is just cool. http://www.lettersofnote.com/2010/08/dear-8-year-old-teresa.html 28 comments reddit.com
- It is a lovely book — an elegant proof of God, and the power of storytelling.Thank you. (Signed, 'Barack Obama') http://www.lettersofnote.com/2010/07/it-is-lovely-book.html 7 comments books
- Sometimes I Forget that People Like Joan of Arc were Real People http://www.lettersofnote.com/2010/03/joan-of-arcs-call-for-arms.html 3 comments reddit.com
- "This was dictated before the world fell in on me." The final letter from VP Harry Truman, with a PS hand-scrawled after FDR died. http://www.lettersofnote.com/2010/03/this-was-dictated-before-world-fell-in.html 7 comments history
- What does all this stuff about flying saucers amount to? What does it mean? What is the truth? A July 1952 letter from Winston Churchill to his advisers, after a spate of UFO reports in the U.S. http://www.lettersofnote.com/2010/02/what-does-all-this-stuff-about-flying.html 25 comments space
- Idiot of the 33rd degree: Mark Twain responds to a snake oil salesman http://www.lettersofnote.com/2010/01/youre-idiot-of-33rd-degree.html 27 comments reddit.com
- 1998 - Ren & Stimpy creator John K. responds to a 14 year old fan with an awesome, illustrated letter. A truly fantastic and supportive reply. http://www.lettersofnote.com/2010/01/your-pal-john-k.html 351 comments reddit.com
- A Masked Letter, written by a General in the Revolutionary War, 1777. Fascinating early example of secret correspondence. http://www.lettersofnote.com/2009/10/masked-letter.html 6 comments reddit.com
- Teen Castro to FDR: Can I Have $10? http://www.lettersofnote.com/2009/09/my-good-friend-roosvelt.html 3 comments reddit.com