- Kurdish tribes stealing Assyrian Christian lands https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2019/12/04/kurdish-tribes-stealing-assyrian-christian-lands 18 comments worldnews
- How the US Conducts Industrial Espionage Against Europe https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2013/06/28/the-nsa-and-cias-dilemma/view-all/ 26 comments europe
- 52nd anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty has passed and no one seems to care. Not even one mention of it from the mainstream news or even the President himself! The survivors STILL demand justice and and answers! https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2019/06/08/52nd-anniversary-of-israels-attack-on-the-uss-liberty/ 18 comments worldnews
- The U.S. and the EU have made major strides in reducing greenhouse gas emissions at home. But when international trade is taken into account, advanced economies have effectively “outsourced” a big bulk of their carbon pollution overseas https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2019/05/01/climate-gains-in-the-west-exported-pollution-in-the-rest/ 9 comments worldnews
- The National Security Agency Is A Criminal Organization https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2019/01/17/the-national-security-agency-is-a-criminal-organization/ 3 comments privacy
- Make-Believe America: Why the US Unemployment Rate Doesn't Indicate Economic Recovery. The Labor Force Participation Rate Is the Lowest It's Been Since 1978. https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2018/03/08/make-believe-america-why-the-us-unemployment-rate-doesnt-indicate-economic-recovery/ 22 comments economy
- What to Make of China’s Rejection of the Dollar? Washington Is Destroying American Power. "Russia and China are too strong to be dominated, and, thus, are throwing off the dollar system. If other countries follow, the dollar will cease to be an instrument of US control over the rest of the world." https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2017/10/19/what-to-make-of-chinas-rejection-of-the-dollar-washington-is-destroying-american-power/ 21 comments economy
- Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention | Foreign Policy Journal http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2016/01/06/new-hillary-emails-reveal-true-motive-for-libya-intervention/ 8 comments geopolitics
- 9/11 Disinformation: Saudi Arabia Attacked America http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2016/05/28/911-disinformation-saudi-arabia-attacked-america/ 21 comments politics
- Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2016/01/06/new-hillary-emails-reveal-true-motive-for-libya-intervention/ 94 comments politics
- 83 senators urge Obama to substantially enhance long-term arms aid for Israel http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2016/05/09/obamas-tainted-legacy-the-proposed-arms-aid-increase-for-israel/ 8 comments worldnews
- Canada and the Future of Assyria (x-post /r/canada) http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2016/02/12/canada-and-the-future-of-assyria/ 14 comments geopolitics
- The FBI’s Two-Pronged Investigation of Hillary Clinton http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2016/01/20/the-fbis-two-pronged-investigation-of-hillary-clinton/ 10 comments politics
- Emails show that Libya’s plan to create the Gold Dinar was motive for NATO’s intervention. http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2016/01/06/new-hillary-emails-reveal-true-motive-for-libya-intervention/ 9 comments worldnews
- Hillary emails show true motive for Libyan intervention. http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2016/01/06/new-hillary-emails-reveal-true-motive-for-libya-intervention/ 4 comments worldnews
- Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention | Foreign Policy Journal http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2016/01/06/new-hillary-emails-reveal-true-motive-for-libya-intervention/ 16 comments politics
- Today there are 4,000,000 fewer jobs for Americans aged 25 to 54 than in December 2007. From 2009 to 2013, Americans in this age group were down 6,000,000 jobs. Those years of alleged economic recovery apparently bypassed Americans of prime working age. http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2015/08/12/the-us-economy-continues-its-collapse/ 15 comments politics
- Bush Convicted of War Crimes in Absentia http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2012/05/12/bush-convicted-of-war-crimes-in-absentia/ 5 comments nottheonion
- Israel’s Illegal Use of White Phosphorus During ‘Operation Cast Lead’ And How the U.S. Media Tries to Cover Up Israeli War Crimes http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2013/05/03/israels-illegal-use-of-white-phosphorus-during-operation-cast-lead 47 comments worldnews
- Israel’s Illegal Use of White Phosphorus During ‘Operation Cast Lead’ in Gaza and How the U.S. Media Tries to Cover Up Israeli War Crimes http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2013/05/03/israels-illegal-use-of-white-phosphorus-during-operation-cast-lead/ 587 comments worldnews
- Syria: The First Casualty… The big lie concerning Syria is the most significant and outrageous myth that we are living under today. | Foreign Policy Journal http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2012/06/22/syria-the-first-casualty/0/ 77 comments worldnews
- The War on Palestinian Soccer .. The Illegal detainment of Mahmoud Sarsak http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2012/06/07/the-war-on-palestinian-soccer-free-mahmoud-sarsak/ 8 comments soccer
- Disinformation on Every Front http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2012/05/05/disinformation-on-every-front/ 3 comments politics
- Behind the Deepening Crisis with Iran: the Real Story Versus the Cover Story | Foreign Policy Journal http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/?p=14085 5 comments politics
- "Washington has killed, maimed, dislocated, and made widows and orphans millions of Muslims in six countries, all in the name of the 'war on terror.' Washington's attacks on the countries constitute naked aggression...and, thereby, constitute war crimes under law. Nazis were executed precisely" http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2011/09/30/is-the-war-on-terror-a-hoax/ 3 comments politics
- "Pat Buchanan's latest book, Suicide of a Superpower, raises the question whether America will survive to 2025. The question might strike some readers as unduly pessimistic and others as optimistic. It is unclear whether the US, as we have known it, will survive its next presidential election." http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2011/10/13/the-suicide-of-liberty/ 8 comments politics
- For Krugman to invoke Hayek in an attempt to challenge Paul’s position on health care is the height of intellectual dishonesty. http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2011/09/17/paul-krugman-vs-ron-paul-and-friedrich-hayek/ 29 comments politics
- Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the father of Reaganomics and the former head of policy at the Dept of Treasury, says it will be interesting to see if Paul Krugman’s column survives... It will tell us whether America has succumbed totally... or whether a person of moral conscience still has a voice. http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2011/09/16/stuck-pigs-and-presstitutes-squeal/ 67 comments politics
- Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the father of Reaganomics and the former head of policy at the Dept of Treasury, says it will be interesting to see if Paul Krugman’s column survives... It will tell us whether America has succumbed totally... or whether a person of moral conscience still has a voice. http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2011/09/16/stuck-pigs-and-presstitutes-squeal/ 3 comments economy
- The US government has nothing better to do than harass Gibson Guitars,arrest organic food producers and send 12 FBI agents to bust down the wrong door of yet another innocent family. http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2011/09/01/in-america-the-rule-of-law-is-vacated/ 46 comments politics
- Tonight we are all Tunisians. It was the final testament to the brutality of a dictator who has had the support of European leaders and various presidents of the United States. http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2011/01/15/tonight-we-are-all-tunisians/ 41 comments worldnews
- Israel’s attack on Egypt in June ’67 was not ‘preemptive’ http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2010/07/04/israels-attack-on-egypt-in-june-67-was-not-preemptive/ 15 comments history
- Has the U.S. Played a Role in Fomenting Unrest During Iran’s Election? http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2009/06/23/has-the-u-s-played-a-role-in-fomenting-unrest-during-irans-election/ 3 comments politics
- Full Text of President Ahmadinejad's Remarks at U.N. Conference on Racism http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2009/04/21/full-text-of-president-ahmadinejads-remarks-at-un-conference-on-racism/ 143 comments worldnews
- Senior Corporate Executives Warned to Leave N.Y. on 9/11 http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/articles/2008/11/03/senior_executives_warned_911.htm 16 comments worldnews