- Verkor Dunkirk (France) “Gigafactory” to produce battery cells for 300k EVs per year | European Investment Bank https://www.eib.org/en/stories/verkor-battery-gigafactory-france-dunkirk 3 comments europe
- Giga-push for European batteries - France startup Verkor is building a gigafactory in Dunkirk to mass-produce battery cells for 300 000 electric cars each year https://www.eib.org/en/stories/verkor-battery-gigafactory-france-dunkirk 8 comments europe
- European Union is leading the way in green technology investment https://www.eib.org/en/press/all/2021-028-eib-investment-report-20202021-european-union-is-leading-the-way-in-green-technology-investment 4 comments europe
- Italia, la Banca europea per gli investimenti sostiene il piano di TIM per la rete 5G https://www.eib.org/en/press/all/2019-322-italy-eib-supports-tim-s-5g-network-plan 4 comments italy
- Poste Italiane ottiene finanziamento di 400 milioni di euro dalla BEI https://www.eib.org/en/press/all/2019-249-poste-italiane-obtains-eur-400m-loan-from-the-eib 6 comments italy
- ENERGY - New Italy-France electricity interconnector will make Europe’s entire power grid safer and more efficient http://www.eib.org/infocentre/press/releases/all/2017/2017-211-terna-eib-lends-eur-130-million-for-italy-france-interconnector.htm 12 comments europe