- Congratulations, tea party members: You are just as vulnerable to politically biased misinterpretation of science as everyone else! Is fixing this threat to our Republic part of your program? http://www.culturalcognition.net/blog/2013/10/19/congratulations-tea-party-members-you-are-just-as-vulnerable.html 3 comments politics
- Science literacy & cultural polarization: it doesn't happen just with global warming, but it also doesn't happen for all risks http://www.culturalcognition.net/blog/2013/6/13/science-literacy-cultural-polarization-it-doesnt-happen-just.html 7 comments science
- What is the evidence that an "anti-vaccination movement" is "causing" epidemics of childhood diseases in US? http://www.culturalcognition.net/blog/2013/2/25/what-is-the-evidence-that-an-anti-vaccination-movement-is-ca.html 4 comments science
- Actually, Empirical Evidence Suggests a Sure Fire Way to Dramatically Lower Gun Homicides: Repeal Drug Laws - "would do more--much, much, much more--than banning assault rifles; barring carrying of concealed handguns in public; closing the 'gun show' loophole; extending waiting periods, etc." http://www.culturalcognition.net/blog/2012/12/18/actually-empirical-evidence-suggests-a-sure-fire-way-to-dram.html 48 comments politics
- The Cultural Cognition Project at Yale looks at the cause of polarizing debates such as: global warming, gun ownership, school shootings, terrorism, nanotechnology, public health, nuclear power, foreign wars and just about every heated thread in Internet history http://www.culturalcognition.net/projects/second-national-risk-culture-study.html 57 comments philosophy