Hacker News
- German Court Fines Netflix €7.05M for Infringement of Broadcom HEVC Patent (2023) https://www.broadcom.com/company/news/product-releases/61711 23 comments
- VMware is now part of Broadcom https://www.broadcom.com/info/vmware 317 comments
- Dual-port 100GbE PCI-E 4.0 network cards are now under $1300 https://www.broadcom.com/products/ethernet-connectivity/network-adapters/100gb-nic-ocp/p2100g 55 comments
- Broadcom - More Growth Potential With Custom Chips https://www.broadcom.com/products/custom-silicon 10 comments stocks
- MegaRAID Storage Manager vs LSI Storage Authority? https://www.broadcom.com/support/download-search?dk=&pa=&pf=RAID+Controller+Cards&pg=Storage+Adapters%2C+Controllers%2C+and+ICs&pl=&pn=&po= 2 comments sysadmin
- Broadcom Delivers Industry’s Highest Density G.fast Modem Solution: BCM65450 https://www.broadcom.com/company/news/product-releases/52671 6 comments hardware
- [PR] Broadcom First to Enable Full-Duplex Multi-Gigabit Broadband over Copper Networks https://www.broadcom.com/company/news/product-releases/2373209 9 comments hardware
- [PR] Broadcom Achieves Mass Production on Industry-Leading 12.8 Tbps Tomahawk 3 Ethernet Switch Family https://www.broadcom.com/company/news/product-releases/2373247 3 comments hardware
- Broadcom Samples Thor, World’s First 200G Ethernet Controller with 50G PAM-4 and PCIe 4.0 https://www.broadcom.com/company/news/product-releases/2367107 5 comments hardware
- Broadcom First to Ship Fully Compliant 802.11ax Wi-Fi Access Point SoC in Volume for World Wide Customer Deployments https://www.broadcom.com/company/news/product-releases/2366450 13 comments hardware
- Broadcom Ships Tomahawk 3, Industry’s Highest Bandwidth Ethernet Switch Chip at 12.8 Terabits per Second https://www.broadcom.com/company/news/product-releases/2323373 18 comments hardware
- Slackware 14.1: getting wireless networking working on some hardware with some Broadcom chipsets. http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/hybrid-v35-nodebug-pcoem-6_30_223_141.tar.gz 4 comments slackware
- How do I install a driver from a Makfile? (Link included) http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php 7 comments debian
- To encourage the development of Linux media player applications using our HD video decoders, Broadcom is releasing the Linux kernel driver source code under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2 http://www.broadcom.com/support/crystal_hd/ 4 comments hardware
- To encourage the development of Linux media player applications using our HD video decoders, Broadcom is releasing the Linux kernel driver source code under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2 http://www.broadcom.com/support/crystal_hd/ 13 comments opensource