Hacker News
- The Arctic Ocean was covered by a shelf ice and filled with freshwater https://www.awi.de/en/about-us/service/press/single-view/arktischer-ozean-bedeckt-von-schelfeisen-und-voller-suesswasser.html 38 comments
- Melosira arctica has ten times higher concentration of plastic particles than surrounding seawater. Clumps of dead algae also transport the plastic with its pollutants particularly quickly into the deep sea - and can thus explain the high microplastic concentrations in the sediment there https://www.awi.de/en/about-us/service/press/single-view/arktische-eisalgen-stark-mit-mikroplastik-belastet.html 3 comments science
- Too much heat from the ocean. The Greenland Ice Sheet is melting faster today than it did only a few years ago. The reason: it’s not just melting on the surface – but underwater, too. Researchers have now found an explanation for the intensive melting on the glacier’s underside. https://www.awi.de/en/about-us/service/press/press-release/how-the-ocean-is-gnawing-away-at-glaciers.html 46 comments science
- AWI researchers measure a record concentration of microplastic in arctic sea ice https://www.awi.de/nc/en/about-us/service/press/press-release/awi-researchers-measure-a-record-concentration-of-microplastic-in-arctic-sea-ice.html 3 comments science
- In just 10 years, the concentration of marine litter at a deep-sea station in the Arctic Ocean has risen 20-fold, according to researchers. https://www.awi.de/nc/en/about-us/service/press/press-release/muellmenge-in-der-arktischen-tiefsee-steigt-stark-an.html 3 comments science
- An international team of researchers has managed to locate a major CO2 reservoir at a depth of 2km to 4.3km in the South Pacific and reconstruct the details of its gas emission history, making a significant contribution to solving one of the great scientific mysteries of the ice ages. http://www.awi.de/nc/en/about-us/service/press/press-release/pazifik-speicherte-das-treibhausgas-kohlendioxid-in-tausenden-metern-tiefe.html 5 comments science
- Ocean temperature models are wrong: They vastly underestimate regional climate variation. http://www.awi.de/en/news/press_releases/detail/item/how_variable_are_ocean_temperatures/?chash=2b6068d9facc89fd54840155e9561573 4 comments science
- This could be the best white noise audio ever. Who wants to fall asleep to LIVE underwater sounds of the Antarctic Ocean? http://www.awi.de/en/research/new_technologies/marine_observing_systems/ocean_acoustics/palaoa/palaoa_livestream/ 29 comments science
- German scientific survey suggests Antarctic deep sea is cooling http://www.awi.de/en/news/press_releases/detail/item/polarstern_expedition_liefert_neue_erkenntnisse_ueber_die_rolle_des_suedlichen_ozeans_fuer_das_globa/ 61 comments science