- New US Senate bill reaffirms further arms sales to Taiwan http://www.atimes.com/article/new-us-senate-bill-reaffirms-further-arms-sales-to-taiwan/ 4 comments worldnews
- Modi's 'Clean India' initiative fails in his constituency: Piles of garbage, open drains and open defecation continue to expose poor implementation of ambitious scheme http://www.atimes.com/article/modis-clean-india-initiative-fails-in-his-constituency/ 30 comments india
- John Oliver's scathing indictment of Facebook in Myanmar http://www.atimes.com/article/john-olivers-scathing-indictment-of-facebook-in-myanmar/ 26 comments worldevents
- Presdient Tran Dai Quang dies and a vacuum opens in Vietnam http://www.atimes.com/article/quang-dies-and-a-vacuum-opens-in-vietnam/ 38 comments geopolitics
- Beijing expresses "grave concern" after Huawei banned from Australia 5G http://www.atimes.com/article/beijing-expresses-grave-concern-after-huawei-banned-from-australia-5g/ 22 comments worldnews
- Europe, Japan, China and Russia line up against US http://www.atimes.com/article/europe-japan-china-and-russia-line-up-against-us/# 15 comments worldnews
- US-Turkish alliance reaches the point of no return http://www.atimes.com/article/us-turkish-alliance-reaches-the-point-of-no-return/ 10 comments politics
- Chinese consumers ready to boycott US goods, survey shows http://www.atimes.com/article/chinese-consumers-ready-to-boycott-us-goods-survey-shows/ 75 comments worldnews
- China begins testing electronic warfare assets in South China Sea: report http://www.atimes.com/article/china-begins-testing-electronic-warfare-assets-in-south-china-sea-report/ 5 comments worldnews
- Selective justice won't remove Sharif and others from politics http://www.atimes.com/selective-justice-wont-remove-sharif-and-others-from-politics/ 6 comments pakistan
- Pakistan's draconian Ramadan laws take toll on minorities http://www.atimes.com/article/pakistans-draconian-ramadan-laws-take-toll-on-minorities/ 5 comments worldnews
- Why Gilgit Baltistan should be a province of Pakistan http://www.atimes.com/why-gilgit-baltistan-should-be-a-province-of-pakistan/ 11 comments pakistan
- Modi government refuses to acknowledge India’s jobs crisis http://www.atimes.com/modi-government-refuses-acknowledge-indias-jobs-crisis/ 52 comments india
- The US-China trade war is good.. for Australia http://www.atimes.com/us-china-trade-war-good-australia/ 6 comments politics
- US carrier docks in Manila after South China Sea patrol http://www.atimes.com/article/us-carrier-docks-manila-south-china-sea-patrol/ 4 comments worldnews
- Speaking out against the Chinese leadership in Hong Kong might soon become a criminal offense http://www.atimes.com/article/will-national-security-law-introduced-hk-soon/ 4 comments worldnews
- Afghanistan has shifted 80% of its cargo traffic from Pakistan’s Karachi seaport to Iran’s Bandar Abbas and Chabahar ports. http://www.atimes.com/article/afghan-port-shift-adds-pakistans-economic-woes/ 39 comments pakistan
- Apple to keep Chinese data in China, privacy picture unclear http://www.atimes.com/article/apple-keep-chinese-data-china-privacy-picture-unclear/ 6 comments technology
- CIA has 137 projects going in artificial intelligence http://www.atimes.com/article/cia-137-projects-going-artificial-intelligence/ 25 comments technology
- Confidence in US innovation falling; China leads way on AI http://www.atimes.com/article/confidence-us-innovation-falling-china-leads-way-ai/ 3 comments politics
- In world first, Singapore court rules parents deserve kids with their genes http://www.atimes.com/article/world-first-singapore-court-rules-parents-deserve-kids-genes/ 2 comments law
- Chinese media heaps scorn on US election http://www.atimes.com/article/chinese-media-heaps-scorn-us-election/ 11 comments worldnews
- As the fog of weariness over the war in Afghanistan grows thicker, some political analysts have suggested that partition is the best route forward. In theory, it may seem a panacea, but in practice the results would be disastrous. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/south_asia/sou-02-240713.html 3 comments geopolitics
- Hong Kong wants OUT of P.R. China! http://www.atimes.com/atimes/china/chin-03-020713.html 11 comments worldnews
- The Saudi endgame for Iran (it isn't everyone else's) http://www.atimes.com/atimes/middle_east/nf22ak01.html 7 comments worldnews
- The Middle Eastern War Dance comes in full swing http://www.atimes.com/atimes/middle_east/na11ak05.html 3 comments worldnews
- Iran makes a u-turn on Syria http://www.atimes.com/atimes/middle_east/mi01ak01.html 9 comments worldnews
- Obama Sending More Special Ops Death Squads To Afghanistan - The teams will be inserted into insurgent-dominated districts and charged with conducting interdicting the movement of men and materiel, directing air strikes, killing political and military leaders, and otherwise wreaking havoc... http://www.atimes.com/atimes/south_asia/mg12df01.html 5 comments politics
- Hillary Clinton gave the go-ahead for Saudi Arabia to invade Bahrain and crush the pro-democracy movement in their neighbor in exchange for a "yes" on attacking Libya. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/middle_east/md02ak01.html 94 comments politics
- It is estimated it will take 3,000 years to clear Laos of all the explosive remnants left behind from United States bombers over 30 years ago. More than 20,000 people have died from unexploded ordnance since conflict ended. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/southeast_asia/li04ae01.html 157 comments worldnews
- Excavation work will soon commence at Ground-zero of Imperial Japan's infamous Unit 731 germ warfare test site http://www.atimes.com/atimes/japan/lg29dh01.html 5 comments history
- This "crisis" between Tel Aviv and Washington is a non-event http://www.atimes.com/atimes/middle_east/lc26ak01.html 4 comments politics
- For the frequent traveler, there is a stark dichotomy across the world. Almost without exception, traveling with an Asian carrier to any Asian airport is a pleasure. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/asian_economy/lb27dk01.html 28 comments business
- Observers of the Middle East scene who were banking on a gradual reduction of Hezbollah's influence in Lebanon were in for a big surprise on Monday. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/middle_east/kk11ak02.html 3 comments worldnews
- Forget the Euro, the Amero and the dollar. Isn’t it time for a world currency based on gold or a selected basket of internationally traded commodities? http://www.atimes.com/atimes/global_economy/jf06dj04.html 21 comments worldnews
- Bush 'plans Iran air strike by August' -- after secret briefings on planned air strike, Feinstein and Lugar said they would write NYT op-ed piece "within days" expressing their opposition http://www.atimes.com/atimes/middle_east/je28ak01.html 163 comments politics
- US President George W Bush blames China and India for global warming and food shortages http://www.atimes.com/atimes/china/je06ad01.html 16 comments worldnews
- Gold: A barbarous relic http://www.atimes.com/atimes/global_economy/ik09dj01.html 15 comments politics
- George W Bush's reading tastes - until now a remarkably good predictor of his policy views - are moving ever rightward, even apocalyptic http://www.atimes.com/atimes/front_page/ic20aa01.html 8 comments reddit.com
- The key fact in the Middle East no one knows about: Iran is running out of oil. Fast. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/middle_east/hl05ak04.html 36 comments reddit.com