Hacker News
- VG Richard Gawin interview (1987): designed first hydrogen bomb and was at IBM https://www.aip.org/history-programs/niels-bohr-library/oral-histories/4622-1 3 comments
- Richard Feynman – Session IV (1966) https://www.aip.org/history-programs/niels-bohr-library/oral-histories/5020-4 25 comments
- Trump budget cuts NSF by 11% https://www.aip.org/fyi/2017/trump-budget-cuts-nsf-11?dm_i=1ZJN%2C4YPPY%2CE29DH7%2CIVFW1%2C1 4 comments
- New derivation of pi links quantum physics and pure math https://www.aip.org/publishing/journal-highlights/new-derivation-pi-links-quantum-physics-and-pure-math 20 comments
- The World As I See It - An Essay by Einstein http://www.aip.org/history/einstein/essay.htm 19 comments
- The most interesting problem in physics? http://www.aip.org/pnu/2008/split/857-2.html 9 comments
- Advice for an astronomy PhD https://www.aip.org/statistics/reports/new-astronomy-phds-what-comes-next-181920 5 comments astronomy
- Lawmakers Piecing Together Bipartisan Nuclear Energy Push https://www.aip.org/fyi/2019/lawmakers-piecing-together-bipartisan-nuclear-energy-push 60 comments moderatepolitics
- White House Requesting Immediate $3 Billion Cut to R&D Budgets https://www.aip.org/fyi/2017/white-house-requesting-immediate-3-billion-cut-rd-budgets 27 comments politics
- H.R. 3293 will hurt general scientific research and add an extra layer of bureaucracy to science. https://www.aip.org/fyi/2016/house-passes-scientific-research-national-interest-act 4 comments politics
- Quantum Coherent-like State Observed in a Biological Protein for the First Time: So-called Fröhlich condensation, a state in which protein molecules' vibrational modes coalesce at the lowest frequency, was first predicted almost five decades ago, but never experimentally demonstrated until now https://www.aip.org/publishing/journal-highlights/quantum-coherent-state-observed-biological-protein-first-time 5 comments science
- Those with a Bachelors in physics, astrophysics or astronomy: How did you transition into a career in software? http://www.aip.org/sites/default/files/statistics/employment/bachinitemp-p-10.pdf 8 comments cscareerquestions
- Senators seek investigation of ITER tokamak project that is currently cannibalizing domestic research. http://www.aip.org/fyi/2013/083.html 14 comments science
- No Go: House Appropriators Reject FY 2012 DOE Funding Request for Pu-238 Production http://www.aip.org/fyi/2011/076.html 3 comments space
- "If we had wanted Germany to win the war we would have succeeded!" Excerpt from the Declassified Transcripts of Secretly-Recorded Conversations among captured German scientists at Farm Hall, August 6, 1945 http://www.aip.org/history/heisenberg/p11a.htm 21 comments history
- For a Quick Exit, Just Block the Fire Door http://www.aip.org/isns/reports/2009/090819_fireexits.html 8 comments science
- The World's Best Illusion: The Secret of the Curve Ball http://www.aip.org/isns/reports/2009/051309visualillusion.html 4 comments science
- We might want to get the Karl Rove indictments and Bush Impeachment process started soon, Congress is off for the year after October! http://www.aip.org/fyi/2008/026.html 19 comments politics
- Heisenberg got only a C on His Doctorate Thesis. http://www.aip.org/history/heisenberg/p06.htm 32 comments science
- The World as I see it: An essay by Einstein http://www.aip.org/history/einstein/essay.htm 3 comments philosophy
- Velocity Measurement Anomalies of Spacecraft. http://www.aip.org/pnu/2008/split/857-2.html 2 comments reddit.com
- Anti-Hydrogen Atoms Detected in a Penning-IOFFE Trap http://www.aip.org/pnu/2008/split/856-2.html?source=rsspnu 6 comments science
- The World As I See It - An essay by Albert Einstein http://www.aip.org/history/einstein/essay.htm 5 comments science
- Sharpest Manmade Thing http://www.aip.org/png/2006/264.htm 32 comments reddit.com