- A study of public community college promise programs, or free-college programs, across the United States found that they are associated with large enrollment increases of first-time, full-time students—with the biggest boost in enrollment among Black, Hispanic, and female students. https://www.aera.net/newsroom/study-free-college-programs-have-led-to-large-enrollment-increases-at-two-year-institutions-especially-among-historically-underserved-students 9 comments science
- Study: More than Half of U.S. Students Experience Summer Learning Losses Five Years in a Row https://www.aera.net/newsroom/study-more-than-half-of-us-students-experience-summer-learning-losses-five-years-in-a-row 9 comments science
- Students’ high school grade point averages are five times stronger than their ACT scores at predicting college graduation. https://www.aera.net/newsroom/research-finds-that-high-school-gpas-are-stronger-predictors-of-college-graduation-than-act-scores 673 comments science
- Bullying rates among middle school students in the spring of 2017 were 18 percent higher in localities where voters had favored Donald Trump than in those that had supported Hillary Clinton, according to a study published online today in Educational Researcher https://www.aera.net/newsroom/news-releases-and-statements/study-finds-link-between-voter-preference-for-trump-and-bullying-in-middle-schools 28 comments science
- Low-income, highly qualified students are more likely to choose selective universities that match their academic profiles when they know their admission is guaranteed through state automatic admissions policies. https://www.aera.net/newsroom/match-or-mismatch-automatic-admissions-and-college-preferences-of-low-and-high-income-students 6 comments science
- Increasing education levels in the population at all levels of the education system — primary, secondary, and postsecondary — reduces most forms of armed conflict and fosters peace, a new study found. https://www.aera.net/newsroom/recent-aera-research/does-more-education-stem-political-violence 35 comments science